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Tout ce qui a été posté par pasletemp

  1. pasletemp

    Linux Fedora Core 5 sur PS3

    moi je pense de vlc es tres bien pour lancé tous type de video et en plus il es peut gourmand donc xbmc ou vlc moi je dit vlc en linux ces deja tres bien
  2. ces ça le commerce,oui je ces la manette es tres moche ces vrais mais la sur la photo ces un proto et l'article as presque un an,elle as du evoluer ,mais franchement la manette revolutionnaire de la wii avec la puisssance de la ps3 ça peu donné quelque chose de bien .
  3. j'etait pres a acheté un wwi des sa sorti mais je vien de voir ça ,une copi de la manette wii sur la ps3 (je vais pas rentré dans la guerre wii,xbox360,ps3 vue qu'a la fin je vais surment acheté les trois comme beaucoup de core-gamer ) mais la j'avous que la ps3 cherche vrais a ratissé large et ca ces bon pour nous consomateur
  4. pasletemp

    Console Import

    arrêté moi si je me trompe mais sont probleme de zone devrais etre regle si il flash sont lecteur?
  5. un avion de chasse de la U.S NAVI es 16 000 fois plus puissant que ma super 5,mais il utilise le meme metal voila le raport entre le super calculateur IBM et la ps3
  6. pasletemp

    Ms 1go Bon Marché

    si tu es sur paris,j'ai un pote a moi qui a trouvé des ms 1go a 50€ j'ai les vendeur de telephone portable de republique il en a pris une pour moi et une pour lui
  7. il ne faut pas oublier que des consoles on disparut au mois d'aout (si ne me trompe pas ?)et que des photo de la console demonté au eté diffusé sur le net pas un celebre fabriquent de puce
  8. Bonjour a tous Je trouve que la com de l'équipe M$ es totalement nul, il on pas réussi a crée l'envi d’acheté une xbox360 a ceux qui ne la connais pas , j’ai fait un tour sur plusieurs forum de jeux a par ici on la plus part des gens était parti pour acheté une xbox360 koi qu'il arrive(et j’en fais parti), sur les autre forum tout le monde (grand public) attend la ps3.même des les journaux parlent de la nouvelle xbox mais il oublie pas de dire que la ps3 vas bientôt sortir. Je ne suis ni pro ps3, xbox360 ou révolution vue que je vais sur ment acheter les 3, je pense simplement que Microsoft on foiré leur pub et leur propagande. Et ses la ou Sony manque des points, il ne faut pas oublier la pub nul as Chiers de la dreamcast (les enfant qui jette des pierres lol) et Sony qui avais dit que leur ps2 serais dix plus puissante que la dreamcast se qui es faux et bien là c le même schémas un pub plutôt molle et un discoure mensonger de la part de sony en vairs les media. Et on retourne à l’histoire de la dreamcast Pour moi la dernière pub qui ma donner envi d'acheter une console ces la pub de sega pour la megadrive
  9. bonsoir je ne vais pas faire le type plus malin que tout le monde,je travail a paris je suis partis au micromania de paris montparnasse,quand je demande au vendeur si il a des xbox360 il me repond"bien non il fallais reservé mec,tout es parti,je pense pas que tu vas en tourvé une avant 2 semaine" blabla de vendeur je rentre chez moi et en passe devans leclerc de Meaux je me dit "ca ne coute rien de passé voir" et la ils ont des pack prenium normal. donc passé voir en grand surface ca coute rien (sauf peut etre 399€)
  10. Bonjour pour les personnes qui se fond du souci sur la disponibilité de leur xbox360 il y a pas lieu. Moi je pense qu'il en auras pour tout le monde micromania,score game......... vous fons paniqué pour rien J’ai un pote que s'occupe de la section hifi a leclerc il on reçu les xbox360 sur la plateforme (entrepôt) hier et leclerc ne fond pas de pres-vente. et a leclerc a part les papa et les maman,ils y a peut de hardcore gamer
  11. bonjour sur tout que l'emulateur neogeocd tourne dessus alors qu'elle sort dans deux semaine une foi sorti sa vas allé tres vite pour les autre emulateur et que la scene gp32 vas basculé sur la gp2x et aussi de nouveau venent. donc je me fais pas trop de souci pour l'avenir de la console
  12. c vrais que la ceramic es superbe,j'etait a deux doigt de l'acheté en thailande,là bas elle a 235€ et je l'es meme vue a 270€ avec une memori stick de 1go je ne l'ai pas pris car j'attend la gp2x de game park elle repond plus a mes attente mais sinon c vrais que la blanche es beaucoup plus belle
  13. je ne parle de l'avenir de la console mais de son lancement et a son lancement la jaguar a super bien marché a USA et en europe on en attendait beaucoup (j'ai encore les magasin player one et console+ de l'epoque)alors au japon le jour de sont lancement 10 console vendu .......... ca c un mauvais depart. regardé la psp si je ne dit pas de bétise elle es sortie au japon avec 5 ou 6 jeux et elle a fait un carton,comme tout les consoles nipponne,elle sorte avec peut de jeux mais tout le monde l'achete a prix d'or.
  14. ne cherché pas les jap achete par de console ricain c tout. ex la jaguar d'atari qui es sortir avant la saturn et la playstation,c une 64bit alors que ces concurente était des 32bit .les americain avait compté sur les japonnais fan de high-tech. le jour de la sorti nippon il c venu 10 console jaguar et 10x plus de superfamicon alors la nouvelle xbox360 c pas gagné
  15. pasletemp

    Coque Viper

    il ne faut pas oublier d'éventuel frais de douane et c ça qui me fait peur sinon pour repondre au autre je suis en region parisienne je susi pres a commandé mais si il y des frais de douane un prévu j'ai peur de me retourvé avec les coques sur les bras
  16. pasletemp

    Coque Viper

    elle moins chere chez et en plus le pris baisse si tu en prend plusieur et moi il m'enfaut 2 donc si il y a des personnes qui sont chaude pour la commendé avec moi
  17. pasletemp

    Vacances En Juin à Marakech

    bonjour gold je vois que tu es un flasher de xsat,je vais te donner un bon plan si tu vas au maroc. achete un demo goldvision lux ou 1600 sa coute moin de 80€(moi j'ai reussi a en avoir un a 50€ apres une heure de discution) et tu auras les meme fonction que ton xsat,avec le souci des carte en moin.
  18. MERCI les gars pour votre reponse
  19. bonjour je sais que le hotswap ne marche pas avec 007 classique mais en est -il de meme avec splinter cell?
  20. pasletemp

    Avancement De Mon Projet.

    salut crazybox je cherche a te joindre depuis une semaine pour recupérer ma ps2,que tu ma reparé,mais tu ne repond plus au tel ni au mail ,pourquoi ?
  21. bonjour voila,mon problème,j'ai posé la puce sur ma ps2 v5 j'ai remonté la console et quand j'ai allumé se la ne fonctionné pas je me suis dit que le puce est mal monté,donc je demonte la ps2 et je déclipse le DSP et là problème,le DSP est fait en deux parti le bloque noir qui se clipse et dessus la plaque doré où il y a la soudure. en voulent le retiré j'ai la palque doré qui mes resté deans les mains maintent je suis a la recherche d'une personne pouvant me soudé les fils directement sur le bloque DSP je suis en banlieur parisième et je peux me deplacé sur paris merci d'avance
  22. je te remerci de ton aide c pas comme d'autre qui donne des leçons et qui me laisse dans ma galère fafa 64 merci
  23. ok voici un copier coller de XboxMediaCenter d'origine <xboxmediacenter> <!-- When using XBMC as dashboard, define home directory here !--> <!-- and move the XBMC xbe plus this xml config file to C:\ !--> <!-- Example: <home>E:\Apps\XBMC\</home> !--> <home>E:\apps\players\Xbox Media Center\</home> <!-- Set the logging level: !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 0 = DEBUG !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 1 = INFO !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 2 = NOTICE !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 3 = WARNING !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 4 = ERROR !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 5 = SEVERE !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 6 = FATAL !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 7 = NONE !--> <!-- The higher loglevel number set, the less logging you will get. !--> <!-- Default is NOTICE which logs everything except DEBUG and INFO. !--> <loglevel>2</loglevel> <showfreemem>false</showfreemem> <masterlock> <!-- Set to 0 to allow infinite password retries in XBMC. Setting a positive !--> <!-- number N will deny access to any locked bookmark if N consecutive bad !--> <!-- passwords are sent for any locked bookmark. !--> <maxretry>0</maxretry> <!-- Set to 1 to allow XBMC Master Lock to shut off the XBOX if the user !--> <!-- enters too many bad Master Lock password retries. Set to 0 to disable. !--> <enableshutdown>1</enableshutdown> <!-- Set to 1 to prompt user for mastercode when doing add/edit/delete on all !--> <!-- shares using the context menu, or 0 to only prompt on locked shares. !--> <!-- Useful to prevent unwanted changes/viewing of shares and user/pass info. !--> <protectshares>0</protectshares> <!-- Set mastercode to a numeric password. If you put non-numeric characters !--> <!-- in mastercode, you will be unable to unlock the XBMC Master Lock! !--> <mastercode>12345</mastercode> </masterlock> <!-- DO NOT TOUCH THESE SETTINGS!, (unless you know what you're doing) !--> <!-- workgroup : workgroup which XBMC uses to login to a server. !--> <!-- winsserver: if you run one you can set the ip here (if you don't know !--> <!-- what a winsserver is the leave it as it is). !--> <!-- debuglevel: only set this if you have problems using samba (0 - 10) !--> <!-- setting it too high will slow it down a lot. !--> <!-- defaultusername & defaultpassword: the username and password that !--> <!-- will used if none is specified in bookmark, usefull for !--> <!-- samba browsing. Falls back to guest access if not set. !--> <samba> <workgroup>WORKGROUP</workgroup> <winsserver>-</winsserver> <debuglevel>0</debuglevel> <defaultusername>-</defaultusername> <defaultpassword>-</defaultpassword> </samba> <!-- This is the IP address to CDDB music lookup database !--> <CDDBIpAddress></CDDBIpAddress> <!-- determines which drives to use. Only change this for LBA48 support !--> <useFDrive>yes</useFDrive> <useGDrive>no</useGDrive> <!-- Only set to yes if replaced Xbox DVD-ROM drive with a PC DVD-ROM drive !--> <usePCDVDROM>no</usePCDVDROM> <!-- Should a CD with ISO/UDF filesystem be treated as ISO (yes) or UDF (no) when autodetecting !--> <detectAsIso>no</detectAsIso> <!-- Which dashboard to launch when exiting XBMC !--> <!-- Ex: "<dashboard>C:\xboxdash.xbe</dashboard>" !--> <dashboard>c:\xboxdash.xbe</dashboard> <!-- Fill in path+filename of external DVD player !--> <!-- if empty, XBMC will play any DVD's by itself !--> <!-- Ex: "<dvdplayer>C:\xboxdash.xbe</dvdplayer>" !--> <!-- (Note! XBMC does not yet support DVD-menus!) !--> <dvdplayer></dvdplayer> <!-- Fill in path&filename of external CD audio-player !--> <!-- if empty, XBMC will play any AudioCD's by itself. !--> <!-- Only applicable if CDDA=Yes in Autorun settings. !--> <cddaplayer></cddaplayer> <!-- Alternate subtitle directory. If subtitle can't be found !--> <!-- in same directory as the movie XBMC will look here next: !--> <!-- Adding subtitles with the name "subtitle.[langext].[subextension]" !--> <!-- will automatically make them be added for all movies as !--> <!-- alternate subtitles !--> <subtitles>$HOME\subtitles</subtitles> <!-- Translation table for subtitle and audio names. !--> <languagecodes> <code><short>alt</short><long>Alternate</long></code> </languagecodes> <!-- startup window !--> <startwindow>0</startwindow> <!-- Display files with these extensions under pictures, music and videos !--> <pictureextensions>.png|.jpg|.jpeg|.bmp|.gif|.ico|.tif|.tiff|.tga|.pcx</pictureextensions> <musicextensions>.nsv|.m4a|.flac|.aac|.strm|.pls|.rm|.mpa|.wav|.wma|.ogg|.mp3|.mp2|.m3u|.mod|.amf|.669|.dmf|.dsm|.far|.gdm|.imf|.it|.m15|.med|.okt|.s3m|.stm|.sfx|.ult|.uni|.xm|.sid|.ac3|.dts|.cue</musicextensions> <videoextensions>.nsv|.ts|.ty|.strm|.rm|.rmvb|.m3u|.ifo|.mov|.qt|.divx|.xvid|.bivx|.vob|.nrg|.img|.iso|.pva|.wmv|.asf|.asx|.ogm|.m2v|.avi|.bin|.dat|.mpg|.mpeg|.mp4|.mkv|.avc|.vp3|.svq3|.nuv|.viv|.dv|.fli|.rar|.001</videoextensions> <!-- Path where XBMC should store its thumbnails !--> <thumbnails>$HOME\thumbs</thumbnails> <!-- Path where XBMC should store its shortcuts !--> <shortcuts>$HOME\shortcuts</shortcuts> <!-- Path where xbmc should store the music albums cache !--> <albums>$HOME\albums</albums> <!-- Path where SHOUTcast rips/recordings should be stored !--> <recordings>$HOME\recordings</recordings> <!-- Path where XBMC screenshots should be stored !--> <screenshots>$HOME\screenshots</screenshots> <!-- Path where XBMC's CDDA Rips should be stored !--> <!-- Note! This must point to an existing folder. !--> <CDDARipPath>E:\Music\CD-Rips</CDDARipPath> <!-- Move and repeat delays for Xbox controller and DVD-remote (values are shown in milliseconds) !--> <!-- Deadzone for controller is a value between 0 and 1 (0 being no deadzone, 1 being all deadzone) !--> <delays> <remote> <move>220</move> <repeat>300</repeat> </remote> <controller> <move>220</move> <repeat>220</repeat> <deadzone>0.1</deadzone> </controller> </delays> <!-- IR-Remote debug info. Displays the DVD-remote code with each button press. !--> <!-- Useful to see if XBMC reads extra buttons on your own universal IR remote. !--> <!-- These remote codes can be placed in keymap.xml to give more button options !--> <displayremotecodes>false</displayremotecodes> <!-- This allows you to overwrite/specify icons shown for specific file types !--> <filetypeicons> <xbe>defaultProgram.png</xbe> </filetypeicons> <!-- All bookmarks can be LOCKED by adding lockmode/lockcode values as follows: !--> <!-- Set lockmode to: !--> <!-- 0 = Bookmark not locked. This is the default value if not specified. !--> <!-- 1 = Numeric lock. Can be typed via on screen numpad or remote control. !--> <!-- 2 = Gamepad lock. Enter by pushing XBOX controller button sequence. !--> <!-- 3 = Full-text lock. Enter with on screen keyboard or USB keyboard. !--> <!-- lockcode: where lockmode is set to value: !--> <!-- 1: Enter numeric password only. Do not use spaces or other characters. !--> <!-- 2: Enter gamepad button sequence using the following letter codes: !--> <!-- A B X Y = Same as buttons on gamepad !--> <!-- U D L R = D-pad Up, Down, Left, Right !--> <!-- W K ( ) = White, Black, Left Trigger, Right Trigger !--> <!-- 3: Enter HTML-escaped alphanumeric password. Make sure all characters !--> <!-- are available on your language's on screen keyboard/USB keyboard. !--> <!-- Example: !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>SMB</name> !--> <!-- <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/movies/</path> !--> <!-- <lockmode>1</lockmode> !--> <!-- <lockcode>12345678</lockcode> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- My Programs bookmarks !--> <!-- The depth allows you to specify how deep to look for XBE when flattening is on, !--> <!-- for example, with Depth of 1: !--> <!-- F:\Games\ !--> <!-- game1 !--> <!-- game2 !--> <!-- game3 !--> <!-- If your depth is 2, it will look even further for the XBE !--> <!-- F:\Emulators\ !--> <!-- Nintendo\ !--> <!-- game1 !--> <!-- game2 !--> <!-- Arcade\ !--> <!-- game1 !--> <!-- game2 !--> <!-- You can have multiple paths per bookmark. Use a comma-separated list for paths. !--> <!-- Ex: <path>E:\Games\,F:\Games\</path> !--> <!-- <path> can also take direct links to XBE !--> <!-- Ex: <path>E:\Apps\,C:\xbmc.xbe</path> !--> <myprograms> <default>F:\Games\,F:\HDDLoader\</default> <bookmark> <name>Games</name> <path>E:\Games\,E:\HDDLoader\</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Emulateurs</name> <path>E:\Emulateurs\,F:\Emulateurs\</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Programs</name> <path>E:\Apps\,C:\xboxdash.xbe</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur-DVD</name> <path>D:\default.xbe</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> </myprograms> <!-- My Videos shares !--> <video> <default /> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\Media\Videos\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\Media\Videos\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\Media\Videos\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my video !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/movies/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>ReplayTV</name> <path>rtv://*/</path> </bookmark> </video> <!-- My Music shares !--> <music> <default /> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\Media\Musiques\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\Media\Musiques\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\Media\Musiques\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF CDDA share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my music !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>CDDA</name> !--> <!-- <path>cdda:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/music/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>MS Soundtracks</name> <path>soundtrack://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>iTunes Network Share (DAAP)</name> <!-- only use an IP address here !--> <path>daap://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SHOUTcast Top 500</name> <path>shout://</path> </bookmark> </music> <!-- My Pictures shares !--> <pictures> <default /> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\Media\Images\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\Media\Images\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\Media\Images\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my pictures !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/pictures/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> </pictures> <!-- File-manager shares !--> <files> <bookmark> <name>Partition C</name> <path>C:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur Q</name> <path>Q:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my files !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/files/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUPS (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> </files> <homebuttons> <button> <description>My Programs</description> <label>0</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(1)</execute> <icon>102</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Files</description> <label>7</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(3)</execute> <icon>106</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Pictures</description> <label>1</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(2)</execute> <icon>104</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Music</description> <label>2</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(501)</execute> <icon>103</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Videos</description> <label>3</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(6)</execute> <icon>105</icon> </button> <button> <description>Cinema</description> <label>Cinema</label> <execute>q:\scripts\</execute> <icon>105</icon> </button> <button> <description>Canal +</description> <label>Canal +</label> <execute>q:\scripts\Canal</execute> <icon>105</icon> </button> <button> <description>Weather</description> <label>8</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(2600)</execute> <icon>107</icon> </button> <button> <description>Settings</description> <label>5</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(4)</execute> <icon>109</icon> </button> <default>0</default> </homebuttons> </xboxmediacenter> et voici la version modifier <xboxmediacenter> <!-- When using XBMC as dashboard, define home directory here !--> <!-- and move the XBMC xbe plus this xml config file to C:\ !--> <!-- Example: <home>E:\Apps\XBMC\</home> !--> <home>E:\apps\players\Xbox Media Center\</home> <!-- Set the logging level: !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 0 = DEBUG !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 1 = INFO !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 2 = NOTICE !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 3 = WARNING !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 4 = ERROR !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 5 = SEVERE !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 6 = FATAL !--> <!-- LOG LEVEL 7 = NONE !--> <!-- The higher loglevel number set, the less logging you will get. !--> <!-- Default is NOTICE which logs everything except DEBUG and INFO. !--> <loglevel>2</loglevel> <showfreemem>false</showfreemem> <masterlock> <!-- Set to 0 to allow infinite password retries in XBMC. Setting a positive !--> <!-- number N will deny access to any locked bookmark if N consecutive bad !--> <!-- passwords are sent for any locked bookmark. !--> <maxretry>0</maxretry> <!-- Set to 1 to allow XBMC Master Lock to shut off the XBOX if the user !--> <!-- enters too many bad Master Lock password retries. Set to 0 to disable. !--> <enableshutdown>1</enableshutdown> <!-- Set to 1 to prompt user for mastercode when doing add/edit/delete on all !--> <!-- shares using the context menu, or 0 to only prompt on locked shares. !--> <!-- Useful to prevent unwanted changes/viewing of shares and user/pass info. !--> <protectshares>0</protectshares> <!-- Set mastercode to a numeric password. If you put non-numeric characters !--> <!-- in mastercode, you will be unable to unlock the XBMC Master Lock! !--> <mastercode>12345</mastercode> </masterlock> <!-- DO NOT TOUCH THESE SETTINGS!, (unless you know what you're doing) !--> <!-- workgroup : workgroup which XBMC uses to login to a server. !--> <!-- winsserver: if you run one you can set the ip here (if you don't know !--> <!-- what a winsserver is the leave it as it is). !--> <!-- debuglevel: only set this if you have problems using samba (0 - 10) !--> <!-- setting it too high will slow it down a lot. !--> <!-- defaultusername & defaultpassword: the username and password that !--> <!-- will used if none is specified in bookmark, usefull for !--> <!-- samba browsing. Falls back to guest access if not set. !--> <samba> <workgroup>WORKGROUP</workgroup> <winsserver>-</winsserver> <debuglevel>0</debuglevel> <defaultusername>-</defaultusername> <defaultpassword>-</defaultpassword> </samba> <!-- This is the IP address to CDDB music lookup database !--> <CDDBIpAddress></CDDBIpAddress> <!-- determines which drives to use. Only change this for LBA48 support !--> <useFDrive>yes</useFDrive> <useGDrive>yes</useGDrive> <!-- Only set to yes if replaced Xbox DVD-ROM drive with a PC DVD-ROM drive !--> <usePCDVDROM>yes</usePCDVDROM> <!-- Should a CD with ISO/UDF filesystem be treated as ISO (yes) or UDF (no) when autodetecting !--> <detectAsIso>yes</detectAsIso> <!-- Which dashboard to launch when exiting XBMC !--> <!-- Ex: "<dashboard>C:\xboxdash.xbe</dashboard>" !--> <dashboard>c:\xboxdash.xbe</dashboard> <!-- Fill in path+filename of external DVD player !--> <!-- if empty, XBMC will play any DVD's by itself !--> <!-- Ex: "<dvdplayer>C:\xboxdash.xbe</dvdplayer>" !--> <!-- (Note! XBMC does not yet support DVD-menus!) !--> <dvdplayer></dvdplayer> <!-- Fill in path&filename of external CD audio-player !--> <!-- if empty, XBMC will play any AudioCD's by itself. !--> <!-- Only applicable if CDDA=Yes in Autorun settings. !--> <cddaplayer></cddaplayer> <!-- Alternate subtitle directory. If subtitle can't be found !--> <!-- in same directory as the movie XBMC will look here next: !--> <!-- Adding subtitles with the name "subtitle.[langext].[subextension]" !--> <!-- will automatically make them be added for all movies as !--> <!-- alternate subtitles !--> <subtitles>$HOME\subtitles</subtitles> <!-- Translation table for subtitle and audio names. !--> <languagecodes> <code><short>alt</short><long>Alternate</long></code> </languagecodes> <!-- startup window !--> <startwindow>0</startwindow> <!-- Display files with these extensions under pictures, music and videos !--> <pictureextensions>.png|.jpg|.jpeg|.bmp|.gif|.ico|.tif|.tiff|.tga|.pcx</pictureextensions> <musicextensions>.nsv|.m4a|.flac|.aac|.strm|.pls|.rm|.mpa|.wav|.wma|.ogg|.mp3|.mp2|.m3u|.mod|.amf|.669|.dmf|.dsm|.far|.gdm|.imf|.it|.m15|.med|.okt|.s3m|.stm|.sfx|.ult|.uni|.xm|.sid|.ac3|.dts|.cue</musicextensions> <videoextensions>.nsv|.ts|.ty|.strm|.rm|.rmvb|.m3u|.ifo|.mov|.qt|.divx|.xvid|.bivx|.vob|.nrg|.img|.iso|.pva|.wmv|.asf|.asx|.ogm|.m2v|.avi|.bin|.dat|.mpg|.mpeg|.mp4|.mkv|.avc|.vp3|.svq3|.nuv|.viv|.dv|.fli|.rar|.001</videoextensions> <!-- Path where XBMC should store its thumbnails !--> <thumbnails>$HOME\thumbs</thumbnails> <!-- Path where XBMC should store its shortcuts !--> <shortcuts>$HOME\shortcuts</shortcuts> <!-- Path where xbmc should store the music albums cache !--> <albums>$HOME\albums</albums> <!-- Path where SHOUTcast rips/recordings should be stored !--> <recordings>$HOME\recordings</recordings> <!-- Path where XBMC screenshots should be stored !--> <screenshots>$HOME\screenshots</screenshots> <!-- Path where XBMC's CDDA Rips should be stored !--> <!-- Note! This must point to an existing folder. !--> <CDDARipPath>E:\Music\CD-Rips</CDDARipPath> <!-- Move and repeat delays for Xbox controller and DVD-remote (values are shown in milliseconds) !--> <!-- Deadzone for controller is a value between 0 and 1 (0 being no deadzone, 1 being all deadzone) !--> <delays> <remote> <move>220</move> <repeat>300</repeat> </remote> <controller> <move>220</move> <repeat>220</repeat> <deadzone>0.1</deadzone> </controller> </delays> <!-- IR-Remote debug info. Displays the DVD-remote code with each button press. !--> <!-- Useful to see if XBMC reads extra buttons on your own universal IR remote. !--> <!-- These remote codes can be placed in keymap.xml to give more button options !--> <displayremotecodes>false</displayremotecodes> <!-- This allows you to overwrite/specify icons shown for specific file types !--> <filetypeicons> <xbe>defaultProgram.png</xbe> </filetypeicons> <!-- All bookmarks can be LOCKED by adding lockmode/lockcode values as follows: !--> <!-- Set lockmode to: !--> <!-- 0 = Bookmark not locked. This is the default value if not specified. !--> <!-- 1 = Numeric lock. Can be typed via on screen numpad or remote control. !--> <!-- 2 = Gamepad lock. Enter by pushing XBOX controller button sequence. !--> <!-- 3 = Full-text lock. Enter with on screen keyboard or USB keyboard. !--> <!-- lockcode: where lockmode is set to value: !--> <!-- 1: Enter numeric password only. Do not use spaces or other characters. !--> <!-- 2: Enter gamepad button sequence using the following letter codes: !--> <!-- A B X Y = Same as buttons on gamepad !--> <!-- U D L R = D-pad Up, Down, Left, Right !--> <!-- W K ( ) = White, Black, Left Trigger, Right Trigger !--> <!-- 3: Enter HTML-escaped alphanumeric password. Make sure all characters !--> <!-- are available on your language's on screen keyboard/USB keyboard. !--> <!-- Example: !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>SMB</name> !--> <!-- <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/movies/</path> !--> <!-- <lockmode>1</lockmode> !--> <!-- <lockcode>12345678</lockcode> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- My Programs bookmarks !--> <!-- The depth allows you to specify how deep to look for XBE when flattening is on, !--> <!-- for example, with Depth of 1: !--> <!-- F:\Games\ !--> <!-- game1 !--> <!-- game2 !--> <!-- game3 !--> <!-- If your depth is 2, it will look even further for the XBE !--> <!-- F:\Emulators\ !--> <!-- Nintendo\ !--> <!-- game1 !--> <!-- game2 !--> <!-- Arcade\ !--> <!-- game1 !--> <!-- game2 !--> <!-- You can have multiple paths per bookmark. Use a comma-separated list for paths. !--> <!-- Ex: <path>E:\Games\,F:\Games\</path> !--> <!-- <path> can also take direct links to XBE !--> <!-- Ex: <path>E:\Apps\,C:\xbmc.xbe</path> !--> <myprograms> <default>F:\Games\,F:\HDDLoader\</default> <bookmark> <name>Games</name> <path>E:\Games\,E:\HDDLoader\</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Emulateurs</name> <path>E:\Emulateurs\,F:\Emulateurs\</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Programs</name> <path>E:\Apps\,C:\xboxdash.xbe</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur-DVD</name> <path>D:\default.xbe</path> <depth>1</depth> </bookmark> </myprograms> <!-- My Videos shares !--> <video> <default /> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\Media\Videos\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\Media\Videos\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\Media\Videos\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my video !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/movies/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>ReplayTV</name> <path>rtv://*/</path> </bookmark> </video> <!-- My Music shares !--> <music> <default /> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\Media\Musiques\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\Media\Musiques\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\Media\Musiques\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF CDDA share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my music !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>CDDA</name> !--> <!-- <path>cdda:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/music/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>MS Soundtracks</name> <path>soundtrack://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>iTunes Network Share (DAAP)</name> <!-- only use an IP address here !--> <path>daap://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SHOUTcast Top 500</name> <path>shout://</path> </bookmark> </music> <!-- My Pictures shares !--> <pictures> <default /> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\Media\Images\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\Media\Images\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\Media\Images\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my pictures !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/pictures/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> </pictures> <!-- File-manager shares !--> <files> <bookmark> <name>Partition C</name> <path>C:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition E</name> <path>E:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition F</name> <path>F:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Partition G</name> <path>G:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur Q</name> <path>Q:\</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>Lecteur DVD-ROM</name> <path>D:\</path> </bookmark> <!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !--> <!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !--> <!-- for my files !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>ISO</name> !--> <!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <!-- <bookmark> !--> <!-- <name>UDF</name> !--> <!-- <path>UDF:</path> !--> <!-- </bookmark> !--> <bookmark> <name>XNS Network Share</name> <path>xns://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Share</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name> <path>xbms://</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>SMB Network Share</name> <!-- You can use one of these following formats: !--> <!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !--> <!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !--> <!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !--> <!-- smb://ip/ !--> <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/files/</path> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>WORKGROUPS (SMB) Network</name> <path>smb://</path> </bookmark> </files> <homebuttons> <button> <description>My Programs</description> <label>0</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(1)</execute> <icon>102</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Files</description> <label>7</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(3)</execute> <icon>106</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Pictures</description> <label>1</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(2)</execute> <icon>104</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Music</description> <label>2</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(501)</execute> <icon>103</icon> </button> <button> <description>My Videos</description> <label>3</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(6)</execute> <icon>105</icon> </button> <button> <description>Cinema</description> <label>Cinema</label> <execute>q:\scripts\</execute> <icon>105</icon> </button> <button> <description>Canal +</description> <label>Canal +</label> <execute>q:\scripts\Canal</execute> <icon>105</icon> </button> <button> <description>Weather</description> <label>8</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(2600)</execute> <icon>107</icon> </button> <button> <description>Settings</description> <label>5</label> <execute>XBMC.ActivateWindow(4)</execute> <icon>109</icon> </button> <default>0</default> </homebuttons> </xboxmediacenter>
  24. bonsoir j'ai une xbox 1.1 avec une puce aladdin,mon lecteur a du mal a lire certain cd donc j'ai branché un lecteur dvd pc sur la xbox mais le probleme c que je n'arrive pas a le faire reconnaitre par xbmc j'ai lu le tutoral afin de modifier xbmc ,mais sa ne marche pas si voudrais savoir si il es possible qu'une personne m'envoyer sur mon e-mail, XboxMediaCenter.xml deja modifier pour qu'il reconnaise afin mon lecteur pc merci d'avance
  25. regarde le liens