Xecuter DemoN : spécifications


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Je crois pas que le hack Xenon va être au point du coter utilisation normal... Je pense que sa la été dit quand même de nombreuse fois :( A ce qui parait c'est les temps de boot qui sont vraiment très long (Jusqu’à 20min à ce qui parait)

Le Glitch Hack pour Xenon sert juste à retrouver une clé DVD perdu... Je te conseil plus de t'acheter une autre console (Beaucoup de spécial en ce moment) et tu pourras lui mettre le Demon et tu va être sur que ta console va tenir la route pour un bon moment :)

A plus, NVG

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en faite j'ai déjà une glitch Falcon V3 mais ma Xénon est une KV1 donc j'aurai aimé conserver que la Xénon, lui mettre une dual nand pour aller sur le live et l'autre pour le glitch^^

peut être que le temps de boot peut être optimisé en essayant différents condos ?

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Salut les gars, on a raté ça mais la team xecuter a feté son 10 ème aniversaire le 10 Mars dernier, à cette occasion Xecuter à répondu à qq questions en ce qui concerne son passé, son présent, celui de la team xecuter et le futur de cette équipe bien sur, vous trouverez qq infos importantes la dessus, du moins pour les plus curieux ! vous voici le texte en anglais

After a decade of supplying the scene with ground breaking, imaginative quality products I thought it time someone asked the founder and man who is Xecuter a few questions that may hopefully help to enlighten some as to what makes him tick, how it all started and his views on the scene now.

Q. How did you get started?

I started working with electronics when I was 11 years old and also made public domain software for Amiga magazines in the late eighties / early nineties.

My first ever video games mod was a 4 wire 12c508 fitted to a Playstation - the good old days

My first electronics job was working for Alan Sugar at Amstrad. I actually worked on the first double decker VHS prototype. I left the company when I objected to it having macrovision protection included. I told them if they left it out it would be the biggest selling product in the company's history, and if it was included, it would be a dud and fail and cost them a LOT of money. They included it, I was right however it cost me my career at the time. Little did I know at the time but this spawned my first ever product, the Mac Blaster. A simple device to remove macrovision protection - I sold thousands and was on my way

Q. What do you see the future of Xecuter and Xecuter products being?

We've really tried to push the quality of our product these last few years. It's very important that we use the best procedures from initial design (all of our layouts use the VELOR system) to using the highest quality plastic materials and production processes for our cases and enclosures.

It's important that not only do our products function well, but they are aesthetically pleasing too. Testing is also an important part of our process. Where others are running to be first, we take our time and walk, to be the best.

A little known fact is that Xecuter is just a small part of our company. Our factory designs and manufacturers many products in the electronics industry and not just video games. There are several brand names and many OEM devices. Naturally we are bound by NDA's so I can't talk about those.

I will say that it's amusing when you see some angry user posting on a website how much they hate Xecuter blah blah blah but they shout the praises of XYZ product, when that exact product we designed and manufactured in the first place. That always brings a smile

We are currently working with a number of vendors with various products that will be mainstream (sold in places such as Best Buy, GameStop, Frys, Radio Shack etc)

Q. How did Xecuter get it's name?

The first Xbox mod we made was called the Enigmah-X. It was 29 wires if I recall and was ugly as hell. I was the only one against the name out of our group but I won the argument, and I suppose Xecuter came from "executing the competition" - childish and cheesy of course but the name stuck and here we are

Q. How do you react to some Xecuter products being deemed illegal devices in some countries courts?

I can understand how some of the earlier products back in the Xbox 1 days were labelled this way, but in reality they were never illegal. They had a Linux operating system and you could do whatever you liked with them. Since then all of our products are designed purely with repairs and homebrew in mind. Users should have the freedom to do what they want to a piece of hardware they own.

We don't condone piracy and have nothing to do with it. Not a single one of our products circumvents any protection nor allows piracy. This is a fact and one that can be proven in court. The DMCA and EUCD is such a suffocating piece of legislation. It doesn't protect against piracy, no legislation can ever protect against piracy, it stifles creativity and freedom. Period.

Q. Do you feel Microsoft or even Sony owe anything to the so called 'hacking community' we know they have adopted many features created by them?

It's safe to say that Microsoft look very closely to what the homebrew community does. This was evident with the XBOX1 - many of the features that we developed for the Xbox were later ported to the Xbox 360. Even things such as the Xbox 360 faceplate - the scene LOVED making different case designs - and remember Xecuter's replacement faceplate for the XBox 1 - the X3CP ? - You'd be naive to think they didn't look at these ideas, and they would be foolish not to. At the end of the day we are their core audience, they should listen - and do listen.

Q. I know you are the beating heart of Xecuter can you explain what this role is?

The team at any one time comprises of about 20 members. All have various different skill sets in different areas where they all come together and are applied to whichever project or product is being developed on at that time. Sometimes there is only 1 project and 3-4 members busy at work. Currently we have 27 developers and 6 projects that we are crazy with excietment about

My personal role is project design, project management and manufacturing. I'm a big ideas person and can implement those ideas to a structured form and then pass them on to other guys on the team who are, I'm happy to say, light years ahead of my own personal skill set. Some of these guys are INSANELY talented.

Q. What day would you love to live again?

The day that each of my children were born. I have several

Q. There have been criticism of Xecuter over the years do you take this on board, disregard it as tall poppy syndrome, take it as inspiration to improve or all three?

90% of it is just internet meh. Trolls, flamers, bashing, call it what you will. The fact is we've been around for 10 years and have developed, created, funded, been involved with almost every achievement in the Xbox scene. Some hate that - some love it. For every hater I'll give you 100 fans. When you are at the top its human nature to want to see you fail.

You would be surprised how many teams we have a daily working relationship with - the same teams that people think we are in "war" with. the internet can have a vivid imagination sometimes - you can't fight it only roll with it. there are times when criticism is justified, and yes we do it take it on board, however most of it is just meh, and you have to laugh at it - which we often do.

Q. Who's been the most influential person to you?

My Mother and dare I say it, Steve Jobs.

Q. What is your deepest regret?

I try not to let thoughts like that bother me. Falling down means nothing, it's how you get up - that means everything.

Q. What question would you ask yourself and what would be the answer?

Q: Would you do it all again ?

A: Without a doubt, Yes.

Q. If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play you?

Zach Galifianakis. That guy is funny as shit - and I kinda look like him lol

I would just like to thank Xecuter for taking the time to answer my questions and on a personal note I can say there are very few more loyal friends than him and I look back on great memories of our travels to the far east and look forward to us meeting up as infrequent as it is now it's always a pleasure.


Source site officiel de la team xecuter

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  • 2 weeks later...

ce n'est pas avec ce genre de puce dual nand, qu'on va rentabiliser, leur un nand-x, ils pourraient penser à tous ceux qui ont dépensé une fortune pour leur nand-x

ils ne peuvent pas, juste nous sortir, une puce avec une nand, ça nous couterait moins chère

c'est énervant de voir, que la TX, se met à faire ce qu'elle faisait à l'époque de la XBOX première du nom, ça avait pourtant bien commencé avec la coolrunner, ça ne pouvait pas durer, l'appât du gain était trop grand

Modifié par ded
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Oui c'est sur... je pense que cette puce est plus accès pour les utilisateurs classique que pour les flasheurs... surtout qu'à ce prix (déjà proposé en préco chez certains revendeurs) un utilisateurs classique préfèrera un produit simple à installer...

Je suis pas sur que ce soit fait pour un flasheur. Un flasheur posera surement plutôt une nand sans spi intégré etc...

Le demon ce soude sous la carte mère, pourtant sur les prototypes que voit, ya des switch et surtout un connecteur avec un cavalier, niveau épaississeur j'ai peur que cela ne passe pas sous la carte mère... mon bon c'est pas la version finale

Modifié par Fearfred
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Avec un prix qui va avoisiner les 60$(c'est Ubergeek qui l'a annoncé sur le forum tx) et ça je crois que c'est la version sans puce glitch d'intégré. Je crois pas que les ventes vont cartonner autant que leur CR. Je suis du meme avis pourquoi mettre un dumpeur type nand-x qui fait grimper le prix au maximum.

J'ai trouvé une puce all in on comme celle la, en plus d'avoir la puce glitch d'incluse pour un gros 20$, elle ce nomme x360pro v4. Je sais que c'est une puce chinoise mais bon tout est fait la-bas meme les CR de la tx, je l'attend d'ici vendredi et en redonnerait des news.

Sinon y a le trident de la team matrix qui fonctionne tres bien a 2 bank de nand sur la puce, je l'ai mis sur ma slim GOW et rien a redire, elle fait tres bien son travail.

Modifié par acide0
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Pour info tu sais acide, des composants électronique tu peux en avoir des vraiment PAS CHER via des brokers, par contre les conditions de conservation de ses composants sont pourrit. Les composants fonctionnent mal et ne dureront certainement pas longtemps, ils sont conservé dans des conteneurs à 50-60°, il y a un bail j'ai vu une video le mec reçoit des cartons avec des composants en vrac, les cartons bouffé par des souris etc...

Ok comme tu dis certains font fabriqué en chine, mais attention c'est toujours avec des composants de bonne qualité avec des exigences bien précises, des normes de vérifications et de qualité...

Si tu veux un bon produit à la limite tu fais fabriquer en chine mais tu n'achète surtout pas des composants au normes chinoises (pas cher) sinon ton produit sera pourrit (dsl mais c'est vrai)

Tu sais quand il y a une différence de prix entre 1 composants et un autre c'est pas pour rien ^^

Modifié par zackwarrior
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Je suis deja au courant de cela mais ce n est pas une tele ou un appareil electronique ce n est que une puce a pas cher donc si ca fonctionne pas on remplace.

Moi temps que cela fonctionne c est l important et si cette puce x360pro ne fait pas l affaire ce sera la matrix trident dans mes consoles avec un CR comme puce glitch. J ai le trident a meme pas 30$ fdi Et si j en achete plus d un c est moin cher.

Je parles pas de ta shark qui elle ne sera pas disponible ici.

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