[tuto]modding Mw2,black Ops(p11)& Mw3 (p32)


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Salut à tous :)

Cela fait déjà plusieurs jours que j'essaye de modder black ops et d'infecter ma retail avec ma jtag. Pour cela j'ai récupéré tous les fichiers nécessaires sur la jtag et ils fonctionnent correctement puisque le jeu se lance normalement avec la dernière tu et les patches fonctionnent. Mais impossible de rejoindre la partie créée avec ma retail. J'ai testé tous les default_mp.xex tu3 rsa removed que j'ai pu trouvé mais rien n'y fait et je commence un peu à désespérer. Si quelqu'un connait la solution... Merci d'avance

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Le patch fonctionne sur ma jtag mais est ce normal qu a chaque kill effectuer, donc 50000 points d xp , les grades ne montent pas ? Ca reste bloquer sur grade 1 . Mackoall est ce que c est pareil pour toi ?

Yes exactemet pareil, même en etant l'hote en ligne.....

Apparement d apres Mackoall ca ne fonctionne plus ca a été patcher

Lu sur le forum TTG....un peu deg de faire les tests alors qu'ils viennent de le patcher .... mais bon....C'EST LE JEU MA PAUVRE LUCETTE !!!!! :sorcerer:

Je reste connecté, s'il postent du nouveau sur leur forum.....hop....copier/coller sur Gx Mod ( Si tonton Tintin me prend pas de vitesse)

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pour les bannis de BO (fonctionnel chez certaines personnes)

à tester :

Text Tutorial :

tuto 1

1) At the main menu go to multiplayer.

2) Start an Xbox Live party.

3) Click Xbox Live and connect to the servers. [Don't go on player match]

4) Press Y and go to Xbox Live Party.

5) Click on your name

6) That's it!

Note : While I was banned but not reset, I got around my ban by going on player card and SAVE AND EXIT,I done that a few times, went off multiplayer and back on it and I was banned.

tuto 2

If it didn't work for you :

At the main menu where the TV is go on multiplayer.

Then it says Xbox Live, Local, Options and Main Menu.

Click Xbox Live and a white circle will appear.

When its gone, press Y and the in-game freinds list will come up.

Go to the end where it says Xbox Live Party, then press A on your name.

Modifié par supertintin007
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TU4 Download

Download here.


This is title update #4 for Black Ops.

Put in Content/0000000000000000/41560855/000B000/ of your memory device.

Remember to use Dwack's Xex Patcher for TU4 to remove RSA checks, located at...


Merci à Jamey

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TU4 Download

Download here.


This is title update #4 for Black Ops.

Put in Content/0000000000000000/41560855/000B000/ of your memory device.

Remember to use Dwack's Xex Patcher for TU4 to remove RSA checks, located at...


Merci à Jamey

Cette manip. me permettra d'utiliser les patchs précédent car jusqu'à présent rien ne marche avec moi.

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first of all, you might be like, oh god, already posted, it's not, this is a diff version then the version I made, this is by the original mw2 maker and this includes way more, and way better rolls, and no bugs.

Concept: At spawn you get a random number from 1 to 100. This number represents a special something that you will have until you die (check the great roll list beneath).


Concept & Mod created by : AZUMIKKEL

A few rolls created by : Eekhoorn & Alistair



The great roll list:


[+] = Advantage

[-] = Disadvantage

[?] = Neutral/Depends

1. Cocaine [+]

2. One-hit kill [-]

3. Triple HP [+]

4. 20 Perks [+]

5. FRAGment [+]

6. Go get 'em Makarov [?]


8. Knife Runner [-]

9. Needle Gun [+]

10. Turtle [-]

11. Chew bubblegum [?]

12. Unlimited Ammo [+]

13. Double HP and roll again! [+]

14. Godmode for 15 seconds [+]

15. REAPER [?]

16. Invisibility for 15 seconds [+]

17. Mudkipz [-]

18. Claymore [+]

19. Flashin', baby! [+]

20. No perks, no skills. [-]

21. Extra Hardcore [-]

22. Arcade [-]

23. Cartoon [+]

24. Blood Malfunction [+]

25. Spy [+]

26. The Golden Crossbow [+]

27. No Melee [-]

28. Explosion Resistant [+]

29. Blood Ammo [-]

30. Mini Gungame [?]

31. Lubetube [+]

32. Suicide Bomber [+]

33. Invisible Weapon [-]

34. BULLS EYE! [?]

35. Aura [+]

36. Super speed for 15 seconds [+]

37. Paranoid [-]

38. Zombie [-]

39. Artillery Marker [+]

40. Lovetube Pro [+]

41. Telekinetic [+]

42. Super Damage [+]

43. Ice Bullets [+]

44. Weapon Dealer [+]

45. Copycat [-]

46. Ninja [+]

47. Reflect Bullets [+]

48. Ragdoll [+]

49. Roll Twice [?]

50. RPG FIRE [+]

51. Jetpack [+] - Thanks master131

52. They're watching you.. [-] - Thanks alistair3149

53. Mecha [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

54. Valkyrie [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

55. ProMod [?] - Thanks Eekhoorn

56. You are on fire! [-] - Thanks Eekhoorn

57. Orgasm [OH YEAH] - Thanks Eekhoorn

58. Wallhack [?] - Thanks Eekhoorn

59. Double Bling [?]

60. Nuoh my god! [-] - Thanks Eekhoorn

61. RCXD [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

62. Paradox [+]

63. Shades [+]

64. Pyromaniac [+]

65. No velocity [-]

66. Jump Height [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

67. Knockback [+]

68. Pullback [+]

69. Fat [-]

70. Teleport [+]

71. Rainbow world [?]

72. Third Person [-]

73. Too much whisky [-]

74. No MACazines [-]

75. Cowbow [?]

76. 50 Perks [+]

77. Chrome [?]

78. Rockets n stuff [+]

79. Rockit Lawnchair [+]


81. World of Wax [?]

82. Sunset [?]

83. Roll Twice [?]

84. Unlimited Ammo and roll again! [+]

85. Submachine Gungame [?]

86. Heaven [?]

87. Sphere [?]

88. Cocaine Shot and Reroll [+]

89. Vampire [?]

90. Rapist [?]

91. One Man Army [?]

92. Syringe Gun [+] - Thanks Master131

93. Team Warfare [?]

94. 25% Chance of Nuke [+]

95. Super Health Regen [+]

96. Darkness Reincarnate [-]

97. Anticamp [-]

98. Teamkiller [?]

99. Paintball [?]

100. Choose a roll [+]

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first of all, you might be like, oh god, already posted, it's not, this is a diff version then the version I made, this is by the original mw2 maker and this includes way more, and way better rolls, and no bugs.

Concept: At spawn you get a random number from 1 to 100. This number represents a special something that you will have until you die (check the great roll list beneath).


Concept & Mod created by : AZUMIKKEL

A few rolls created by : Eekhoorn & Alistair



The great roll list:


[+] = Advantage

[-] = Disadvantage

[?] = Neutral/Depends

1. Cocaine [+]

2. One-hit kill [-]

3. Triple HP [+]

4. 20 Perks [+]

5. FRAGment [+]

6. Go get 'em Makarov [?]


8. Knife Runner [-]

9. Needle Gun [+]

10. Turtle [-]

11. Chew bubblegum [?]

12. Unlimited Ammo [+]

13. Double HP and roll again! [+]

14. Godmode for 15 seconds [+]

15. REAPER [?]

16. Invisibility for 15 seconds [+]

17. Mudkipz [-]

18. Claymore [+]

19. Flashin', baby! [+]

20. No perks, no skills. [-]

21. Extra Hardcore [-]

22. Arcade [-]

23. Cartoon [+]

24. Blood Malfunction [+]

25. Spy [+]

26. The Golden Crossbow [+]

27. No Melee [-]

28. Explosion Resistant [+]

29. Blood Ammo [-]

30. Mini Gungame [?]

31. Lubetube [+]

32. Suicide Bomber [+]

33. Invisible Weapon [-]

34. BULLS EYE! [?]

35. Aura [+]

36. Super speed for 15 seconds [+]

37. Paranoid [-]

38. Zombie [-]

39. Artillery Marker [+]

40. Lovetube Pro [+]

41. Telekinetic [+]

42. Super Damage [+]

43. Ice Bullets [+]

44. Weapon Dealer [+]

45. Copycat [-]

46. Ninja [+]

47. Reflect Bullets [+]

48. Ragdoll [+]

49. Roll Twice [?]

50. RPG FIRE [+]

51. Jetpack [+] - Thanks master131

52. They're watching you.. [-] - Thanks alistair3149

53. Mecha [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

54. Valkyrie [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

55. ProMod [?] - Thanks Eekhoorn

56. You are on fire! [-] - Thanks Eekhoorn

57. Orgasm [OH YEAH] - Thanks Eekhoorn

58. Wallhack [?] - Thanks Eekhoorn

59. Double Bling [?]

60. Nuoh my god! [-] - Thanks Eekhoorn

61. RCXD [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

62. Paradox [+]

63. Shades [+]

64. Pyromaniac [+]

65. No velocity [-]

66. Jump Height [+] - Thanks Eekhoorn

67. Knockback [+]

68. Pullback [+]

69. Fat [-]

70. Teleport [+]

71. Rainbow world [?]

72. Third Person [-]

73. Too much whisky [-]

74. No MACazines [-]

75. Cowbow [?]

76. 50 Perks [+]

77. Chrome [?]

78. Rockets n stuff [+]

79. Rockit Lawnchair [+]


81. World of Wax [?]

82. Sunset [?]

83. Roll Twice [?]

84. Unlimited Ammo and roll again! [+]

85. Submachine Gungame [?]

86. Heaven [?]

87. Sphere [?]

88. Cocaine Shot and Reroll [+]

89. Vampire [?]

90. Rapist [?]

91. One Man Army [?]

92. Syringe Gun [+] - Thanks Master131

93. Team Warfare [?]

94. 25% Chance of Nuke [+]

95. Super Health Regen [+]

96. Darkness Reincarnate [-]

97. Anticamp [-]

98. Teamkiller [?]

99. Paintball [?]

100. Choose a roll [+]

salut mika comment ont utilise ce mod ?? il faut une jtag ??

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