Theme Xperience Fsd 2 ?


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Ca viens de xbmc de la xbox 1? ca ressemble au nxe de la 360 oO avec les rond en arriere plan, l'auréole au dessous de l'heure et tout et tout

xperience is everything...


Xperience is a Graphical User Interface for XBMC Media Center, a media playback application available on Xbox, PC, Mac & Linux. To find out more about XBMC Media Center click here.

Our aim with Xperience is to closely emulate the NXE 360 dashboard but with our own spin on things. A more "grownup" design if you will. No Gamercard or Gamertag support is featured in the skin as we felt it took away from the design.

From day one we wanted to keep Xperience as user friendly as possible, while still allowing a massive amount of customization options, including several 'stage' and wallpaper colour options, dynamic position changing for RSS feeds and much more.

Supporting the latest XBMC additions, such as full library support, recently added media, fanart and many customization options. We think you will enjoy what Xperience has become.

Xperience is developed by Team B, and so to allow end-users to contribute to Xperience specifically, we have setup a donation scheme using pledgie, please use the button below to donate to Xperience only.

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