Flash D Un Hitachi Gdr3120l V 59


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Bonjour a tous je vien tout juste de flasher mon xbox 360 lecteur hitashi GDR3120L v 59 avec maximus firmware tool box v4.6 jai suivie tout les inetructions ci dessous et tous c est bien passé

quand j essaie un backup qui normalement fonctionne sur une autre j ai ce message dans plusieur langues : pour lire ce disque ,placez-le dans une xbox360

j ai beaucoup cherché mais je ne sais pas ce qui ce passe

merci de votre temps j espere que quelqun pourra m aider



- Put your Hitachi drive in ModeB with SLAX or CrossWire Trick (Hitachi 78

and above only support SLAX Method)

- Make sure you attach the Drive to the PC with a Native Sata port because

some PCI Sata cards are not supported or even some USB-SATA adapters are

not working well at this moment. Does not harm to try

- Make sure your drive is visible and has a letter asigned on Windows

- Launch Fw Toolbox and Go to "Tools->Direct Drive Dump"

- Choose the Hitachi drive u want to read/update (If u have only one then

will be auto-selected)

- There are 2 modes of reading the FW, Classic and RAW, RAW is far better

as no previous stealth method would fool it, but currently hangs if you

have the drive attached thru USB-SATA adapter, use only with native SATA.

Classic only works for Hitachi Versions Previous to 78 and if the drive

is already hacked then the reading could be fooled by the FW Stealth

methods. The best recomendation is USE RAW as first option.

- For the rest of this tutorial on new installation we would continue with

the RAW Method.

- Press the button "EJECT" on the window, the tray on the drive should open

- Insert a DVD Movie or an XBOX/XBOX 360 game on the tray, it does not

matter wich, originals works better.

- Press the button "LOAD" on the window, the tray should close, wait a few

seconds, if a window appear asking to open the media inserted, close it.

- Press the button "RAW Dump Firmware As ..." and choose the file name and

location of it. (We suggest call it original.bin) and keep it on safe place

because you could need it on the future if ever need restoring it.

- If everthing goes fine the reading will start and after a few seconds

a windows asking if u want to check the checksum will appear, Choose YES

- If the checksum check DOES NOT PASS then stop your installation, that

could be sign of a poor wire connection or a NO Compatible sata chipset.

Try on another PC.

- If the checksum PASS then will ask you if you want to open, Choose YES.

- Now the Main Window Will show you the details of the firmware as the

fw version, key information, checksum, etc.

- Now go to "Tools->Smart Hack Patcher", a window warning will appear,

choose OK.

- Choose the output file name, we suggest calling it final.bin and save it

on same location as the original. On the Ruleset option should be selected

automatically the needed for your version.

- Push "Generate File" button, if everthing goes fine the file will be

generated almost instantly, after that will ask you if you want to open it

Choose Yes.

- Now the Main Window will show the generated file (final.bin), go to

"Tools->Direct Drive Flash->Differential Flash Patch"

- Make sure the Hitachi drive u want to flash is selected, now press the button

"Read Drive and Detect Differences", after a few seconds the sectors list

below the button should be populated

- Press the "Start Flashing" button and after a few seconds the thing is done

you can shutdown everthing and start testing the drive on the console.

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oui les originaux fonctionne et la copie fonctionne sur celle de mon ami

alors dois-je reflasher avec l original et tout recommencer ou juste repatcher l original et reflasher

on ma aussi dans une boutique qui en fait que je devrais p-e juste tweaker(ajusté) la lantille est-ce possible

Modifié par taktin
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oui les originaux fonctionne et la copie fonctionne sur celle de mon ami


ça sous-entend que tu as un firm ixtreme et ton ami un xtreme...

refais ton backup,et verifie le bien avec xdvdmulleter.

ou reflashe avec un xtreme 5.3A par exemple..... ;)

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avec tout ce que ja i lue c'est dernier jours je commencais a pensé de reflasher avec un xtreme justement

en plus si j ai bien compris je vais pouvoir faire mes backup a partir de mon lecteur de xbox 360 ce que le ixtreme ne semble pas permettre

je me demandais justement quel etais les avantage du ixtreme je n ai pas vu de comparatif des 2

la seule chose que jai compris (corrigez moi si je me trompe mais ...) le ixtreme nous permet encore d allez sur le live mais pas le xtreme

est-ce les 2 seul differences: ixtreme, acces au live et (xtreme, possibilité de lire les originaux avec le lecteur du 360 connecté au pc) ?

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