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À propos de Stan.lee
- Date de naissance 23/02/1972
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Il y a quand même eu 2 millions de Console vendu ( sûrement 3/4 en préco ). Mon Cas perso, j'ai anticipé ( forcément !, une nouvelle console de salon qui déboule ). Revente de ma PS3 en septembre + juste derrière Pré co de la PS4 avec paiement en 3 fois ( fin de mensualité début novembre ), l'uppgrade ma coûter peut cher, du moins j'ai pas vue passer. Il y a aussi l'option en 10 fois pour les petite bourse, non des solutions il y en a même quand il y a plus le sou. Faut juste anticipé comme toujours.
Bon Jeu Ashura
J'avais pré commandé sur le web debut septembre a Boulanger le Pack Killzone, et franchement pas decu de cet enseigne, cela fait deja 3 fois que j'ai passé commande, et a chaque fois, délais de livraison respecter. Le seul hic pas de suivis sur le site web, ni communication, jusqu'a la veille de la sortie ( ça fou la trouille ) , mais il envoi bien le matos en temp et en heure.
Retour du Week end. Console Petite et assez légère, Propre et Bien Interface Epuré, tout est très Clair ( c'est ca que je voulais ) , J'ai adoré d'entrée de Jeu. Navigation Rapide On Jongle entre le Jeu et le Menu en 1 fraction de seconde. + Commande Vocale Simple mais efficace, ca fonctionne Tip Top ( Very Good ). Menu Des reglage rafraîchis ( Fini la liste d'onglet infini pour les réglage de toutes sorte ), la on va a l'essentiel. Je suis Vraiment Content de ce Nouvelle achat, ( car cela faisait un bon moment que j'y trouvé plus mon compte sur les console de salon et surtout la Wii U qui ma refroidis a Noel dernier ). Pour une si petite Console, J'ai l'impression que la on tient du lourd, l'avenir le dira ! . J'ai Tester le Resogun Gratos ( ca claque ). Le Killzone et Beau J'ai commencé l'Assassin Creed hier ( acheter en Black Friday sur Amazon ) et il a l'air très bon + il est très Beau sur PS4.
1 - Elle était réservée... 2 - KillZone: shadow Fall ( inclus dans le Pack ) 3 - Des exclues.
J'avais l'iPad 2 depuis la sortie et cette semaine j'ai acheter le Air, et bien il est 5 fois plus rapide que l'iPad 2 entre autre, il l'enterre sur toute les couture. Quand on a un iPad 2 et que l'on passe a l'Air, ca donne l'effet d'avoir un autre iDevice, un autre produit tellement qu'il et Bon.
Htpc's Nettop Nvidia Ion & Xbmc Frodo 12.0
Stan.lee a répondu à un(e) sujet de Stan.lee dans Matériel video/HD
Ami Gueux Frodo Dispo Everyone at Team XBMC is proud and excited to announce the long awaited XBMC 12 “Frodo.” Features for XBMC 12 include: HD audio support, including DTS-MA and Dolby True-HD, via the new XBMC AudioEngine (OSX/iOS not yet available) Live TV and PVR support h.264 10bit (aka Hi10P) video software decoding for anime 64bit support in OSX to match the 64bit support in Linux Improved image support, allowing the database to accomodate numerous additional image types and more interesting and complex skins Support for the Raspberry PI Initial support for the Android platform Improved AirPlay support across all platforms, including AirPlay audio in XBMC for Windows to match the other platforms Improved controller support in Windows and Linux Advanced Filtering in the library Video library tags to complement movie sets Advanced UPnP sharing Default video languages now match the language being used by XBMC Translations now powered by Transifex A Shout Out to Our Friends and SponsorsWith this release, we’d like to single out a few friends and sponsors who went a very long ways to make Frodo a reality. To start, we’ve added two entirely new users bases with Frodo. The first was the Raspberry Pi platform. It’s rare when a registered charity can do something as incredible as create a piece of hardware that’s got thousands of people salivating. It’s absolutely unheard of when that piece of hardware pops out as the single least expensive means of running XBMC ever. Thanks to the Raspberry Pi Foundation for their efforts and their support! Pivos: The XBMC for Android port catalyst The second new platform is XBMC for Android. The simple fact of the matter is, XBMC for Android might not exist as a working port right now if it weren’t for the decision of Pivos Technology to employ two XBMC Team members fulltime to make it happen. Of course, countless other Team Members and non-Team coders have contributed to the code base both before and after that initial decision, but it was Pivos who gave our developers the necessary man hours to make XBMC for Android a reality. In addition, in an unheralded move, Pivos has gone above and beyond the standard sponsor requirements and donated enough XIOS DS’s to the Foundation so that every current XBMC Team member, regardless of skill set (from developers to wiki maintainers to testers), has or will have an Android device to tinker with and test things out on. Finally, there are the friends and sponsors who provide all the data that makes XBMC what it is, including TheTVDB,TheMovieDb, Fanart.tv, and TheAudioDb, among so many others. In particular, we’d like to acknowledge Weather Undergroundwho stepped in to rescue XBMC when we lost our last weather host and also WebHostingBuzz and Bytemark Hosting, the webservers who make XBMC.org possible. Thanks to you all! Conclusion and DownloadTo get XBMC 12 Frodo, please visit our download page. Check out our changelog for a more complete list of updates for XBMC 12. Let us know what you think of XBMC 12 in the comments below, or, if you like, via the donation button at the top of the page. If you have any problems read the Frodo FAQ, the Raspberry Pi FAQ, or the Android FAQ, depending on your version, and don’t hesitate to report them in our forums and report verified bugs in Trac. Source : http://xbmc.org/natethomas/2013/01/29/xbmc-12-0-frodo/ J'essaierai de mettre le Tuto a jour Ce Week-end, mais normalement la marche a suivre reste la même ( a voir si plus simplifié ). -
Htpc's Nettop Nvidia Ion & Xbmc Frodo 12.0
Stan.lee a répondu à un(e) sujet de Stan.lee dans Matériel video/HD
XBMC 12 Frodo - Release Candidate 2 Dispo We would quickly like to take this time to announce the second release candidate for XBMC 12. Features for XBMC 12 include: HD audio support, including DTS-MA and Dolby True-HD, via the new XBMC AudioEngine Live TV and PVR support h.264 10bit (aka Hi10P) video software decoding for anime 64bit support in OSX to match the 64bit support in Linux Improved image support, allowing the database to accomodate numerous additional image types Support for the Raspberry PI Initial support for the Android platform Improved Airplay support across all platforms, including Airplay audio in XBMC for Windows to match the other platforms Improved controller support in Windows and Linux Advanced Filtering in the library Advanced UPnP sharing Translations now powered by Transifex At this point, XBMC 12 is entirely feature complete. All changes from this point forward will exclusively include fixes for replicable bugs necessary to reach final release. Fixes between RC1 and RC2 include resolution of incorrectly disabling audio devices due to faulty detection, which should resolve all or most audio suddenly stops altogether complaints, along with numerous other stability enhancements and minor fixes. For the full list, visit our Github milestones for RC2. As always, please do not report bugs or other issues in Github. If you need to report a verified bug, feel free to use Trac. To get this release candidate, please visit our download page. Source : XBMC 12 Frodo RC2 -
The Glitch Tres Bon
Htpc's Nettop Nvidia Ion & Xbmc Frodo 12.0
Stan.lee a répondu à un(e) sujet de Stan.lee dans Matériel video/HD
XBMC 12 Frodo - Release Candidate 1 Dispo We would quickly like to take this time to announce the first release candidate for XBMC 12. Features for XBMC 12 include: HD audio support, including DTS-MA and Dolby True-HD, via the new XBMC AudioEngine Live TV and PVR support h.264 10bit (aka Hi10P) video software decoding for anime 64bit support in OSX to match the 64bit support in Linux Improved image support, allowing the database to accomodate numerous additional image types Support for the Raspberry PI Initial support for the Android platform Improved Airplay support across all platforms Improved controller support in Windows and Linux Advanced Filtering in the library Advanced UPnP sharing Translations now powered by Transifex At this point, XBMC 12 is entirely feature complete. All changes from this point forward will exclusively include fixes for replicable bugs necessary to reach final release. To get this release candidate, please visit our download page. Let us know what you think of this release candidate in the comments below, or, if you like, via the donation button at the top of the page. And if you have any problems, don’t hesitate to post about them in our forums and report verified bugs in Trac. Source : XBMC 12 Frodo RC1 -
Ok momoprod Je dit ca, car a l'epoque ou j'utilisé un Routeur netgear, si je ne rentrer pas l'adresse MAC en manuel dans la config Wifi du routeur, mes appareils ne pouvait se connecter.
momoprod tu a essayer sur la config de ton routeur netgear ( section wifi ) d'ajouter ton adresse MAC de ton iMac
Superbe coup de Jeune du Fofo ( Chapeau, Respect ). Le Vert va me manquer, ( quoique un Bon Skin Vert ca peut le faire, lool ) Et +1000 pour une Longue Vie a GX
Bon j'ai craque sur le pack Nintendo Land + Mario, acheter chez Anchan.fr, Livraison le Jour J Elle a vraiment des Possibilité étonnante cette console, je suis vraiment ravis de mon Achat. J'adore le fait de mettre un jeu en pause, puis d'aller consulté sur le Miiverse par exemple, pour ensuite retourné sur le Jeu, une sorte de Multitache, ça c'est la Grande Classe. Tres Tres Bonne console, en + elle a la HD, du très bon en perspective ( j'attend déjà impatiemment le Pikmin 3).