Fonctionnement Dvd On En Sait Un Peu Plus !


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Slt à tous voici une bonne nouvelle que je vous laisse le soin de lire dans la langue de Shakespeare....

the disc is blue and black and no it is not the disc left in the x360 last year

and yes that is the position of the access point next to the heatsink

i have agreemants with ms but my loyalty lies with xs

and i will give as much as those documents allow

but i regret to inform you that in the waiver it says "photographs of the contents is prohibited" wich is sad because i just got a new camera

what i can tell you is this

in the box was

-a usb keybord

-a red device (the programer)

- and 2 discs


out lined in the manual were 2 ways to use it but so far i have only used 1 of the 2 ways

the programmer is the size of a usb flashdrive and it has 8 contacts wich go on the 8 pins for the bios chip slot on the mb the other end has a male usb connector and a switch in the middle of the unit

the unit does not need bios when it starts up but that does not mean it does not look for it

the switch has 2 positions 1 and 2

position 1 is a override

position 2 is a flashable chip

when the 360 reads this chip in position 1 restarts with a black screen and a dos like kernel it asks for the "backup disc"

and then boots with a series of number selected options

wich you interface with via the usb keybord

and when you are done you remove the unit and restart

i do not know the full extent of this tool i have only used it once to swap a dvd drive

position 2 is for a laptop to write code to the programer

you can use the software to tell the programmer what to do then startup the x360 and the programer does the rest

instead of it asking for the backup disc it automaticly completes all the changes you asked for with the computer interface then restarts the x360 as normal

(but is erases the flash memory in the programmer just like if a soldered chip was there)

but i have not used the second method yet i have only used the backup disc interface not the laptop interface

i have been busy with friends, the store, my slim 360 project but i will find some time by the weekend to play with my new toy

and when it is in safe mode it does not matter if the dvd drive is locked or not it reads from it just fine

you lock it to the mb using the utilites

i took the unit apart and it has 2 chips inside one is flashable the other is read only


that document covers everything so all you will get from me is talk

and i think i am already on thin ice for telling every that these tools exist

there is even a line to not share the non-disclosure document itself

because acording to ms these tools do not exist

Voila c un extrait de la discussion sur Xbox-scene dont voici le lien pour ceux qui voudraient en suivre l'évolution...

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juste pour pas se faire trop d'espoir, si le début de la discussion semble plausible techniquement, quelques pages plus tard ça part vraiment en sucette, le gars (poseidon) devient bizarrement mystérieux, on est à la limite du Da Vinci Code ...

Faut un peu de courage pour lire le topic en entier ... Perso je suis très très très sceptique sur cette histoire... J'espère que l'on ne va pas assister à une nnouvelle saga ICE !

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Exactement, et vous m'en voyez desole, c juste que j'ai eu une discussion avec un modo sur le forum IRC de la xbox360 et le gars critiqué justement ICE et qd j'ai ddé des news il m'a parlé de cette discussion justement. Confiance aveugle surement, je me suis rejouis et balancé l'info sans aller voir plus loin à mon grand regret...

Mea Culpa.... ;)

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