XBMC 01-01-2006 T3CH


Messages recommandés

T3CH publie pour la nouvelle année une nouvelle build CVS de XBMC, le célèbre media center pour Xbox.

Changements depuis la dernière version:

- fixed: mplayer.dll - some files with mp3 audio was misdetected and played only static.

- fixed: duplicate string id resulting in "Target Temperature" incorrectly displayed in System Info

- added: http api "getshares" and "getmedialocation" now accept "files" as a share type

- fixed: Port numbers in Karaoke settings didn't match port numbers in System Info.

- changed: Skin slide start positions are relative as of skin version 1.86. PM3 updated to 1.86

- added: Conditional window origins for dialogs.

- fixed: [1387719] Stacking of non-english names.

- fixed: Seek to end of song with right thumb stick resulted in the current song details not being updated.

- added: Builtin functions SetVolume(percent) and Mute.

- added: Info values for Player.GetVolume (int + label) and for Player.IsMuted (bool)

- fixed: Some out effects or later in effects wouldn't render for some controls.

- fixed: [1391885] - Extracting rar in my files with the copy reproduces bad dirs.

- fixed: possible buffer overflows in some IFile::ReadString implementations

- changed: moved dvd tray state to media window base class

- added: Play action on a folder in videos will build internal playlist recursively and start playing immediately

- fixed: Strange navigation and sorting issues.

- fixed: xbmc in infinite loop due to a playlist full of unplayable items

- fixed: lockup when switching between music and playlist window

- fixed: Sorting in My Files was incorrect.

- fixed: [1392003] My Pictures Context Menu Bug.

- fixed: [site command: notificaton typo.

- changed: Effect times are now calculated after items have been rendered once.

- added: ListItem.Thumb and ListItem.Label to the InfoManager.

- changed: Added a media window base class.

- fixed: Sort order for items that are identical other than their length.

- changed: moved sorting and available view as controls out of the video, programs, pictures + scripts windows

- changed: moved parent folder testing into the fileitem, results in a minor speed increase while sorting

- fixed: music nav, "* All Genre" folder may not always be on top if the list

- fixed: Movie Lookup on DVD folders like "Movie Name/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO"

- added: new Http Api command "getmedialocation", used as follows:


type=(music,video,pictures), location=share name or path, showdate=(0,1)

- added: advanced configuration option for path substitution; look in xboxmediacetner.xml for details.

- fixed: Bypass CD Selection in "x" seconds

- changed: HTTP API getshares command now accepts a type parameter: getshares¶meter=type;pathsonly

type=(music, video, pictures), pathsonly=(0,1)

- fixed: music nav, "* All Artists" folder may not always be on top if the list

- fixed: music nav, "* All Songs" folders where missing

- added: custom slideshows in My Pictures via m3u playlists (only images are queued into the slideshow)

- fixed: music nav, the "* All *" items could not be queued to the playlist

- changed: music nav, minor speed improvement of loading all songs from database

- fixed: FileItem attribute CanQueue was not saved or copyed to another object

download.gif XBMC 01-01-2006 T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : www.xboxmediacenter.com

Lien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4528

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Tous les semaines en fait si vous calculez bien .. c'est la politique de T3CH !! et il a bien raison , on geulerait comme des malades si on les avait pas !! :D


Moi j'ai une version pimped( :P ) qui a presque un an,je remet juste a jour les scripts genre Launch ,j'ai jamais

touché aux codec(faut dire que XBMC pimped fait 160 mo : blindé) et j'ai pas eu de probleme.

Serieux vous telechargé toute les semaines la nouvelle release?

A quoi ca sert?

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moi, je la chnge environs tous les moi, mais je conserve toujours l'ancienne version avant, de changé, parce qu'une fois je suis tombé sur une version qui faissait tout le temps vibré la manette et c'était assez enervant.


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moi, je la chnge environs tous les moi, mais je conserve toujours l'ancienne version avant, de changé, parce qu'une fois je suis tombé sur une version qui faissait tout le temps vibré la manette et c'était assez enervant.


lol c'est une option ça! tu le deactive pi c'est tout ^_^

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oui, mais comme j'avais pas trouvé l'option et pourtant j'avais cherché pendant au moins 1h, j'avais préféré reinstalé l'anciene version c'étais plus simple.


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