Fsd 2.0, Sortie Imminente!


Messages recommandés

La première version (Alpha) de Freestyle Dash 2.0 devrait sortir d'ici peu de temps! En effet, sur le Log de la TeamFSD, on peut apercevoir que HellDoc à rédigé un fichier NFO, un Installation.txt ainsi qu'un dossier d'installation (Package)

Rev / Chgset / Date / Author / Log Message

@965 [965] 84 minutes HellDoc Complete Package

Il ne reste donc plus qu'a attendre patiemment (chose que nous faisons depuis des mois!) et saliver encore plus jusqu'à sa sortie!

Source: Log TeamFsd

Modifié par x-Ant029
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[HS] Ma console m'a lâché aujourd'hui: carte graphique HS! Youpii! Nan je suis deg... <_< [/HS]

Edit: Désolé du double post, j'aurais du éditer mais sur le coup je n'y ai pas pensé... (Un peu idiot, certes ^^)

Modifié par x-Ant029
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Putain il est sortie !!!


Extract FSD2 Alpha.zip and send content to your Xbox 360. Launch Default.xex using your preferred method.

Do not run this from CD/DVD as it may sometime require write access to game:\

On first run, it will ask to save data to USB or HDD, choose the appropriate.

You then need to set your games path and marketplace locale. FTP to your Xbox (ip is displayed in dash, just press the back button on your controller to have the status panel popup, username and password are xbox).

In the drive you select on first run, there will be an fsd2data folder. Transfer fsd2config.xml from it.

Enter your locale in between <locale></locale>. This should be one of those : en-US,ja-JP,de-DE,fr-FR,es-ES,it-IT,ko-KR,zh-TW,pt-BR,zh-CN,pl-PL,ru-RU. Others locales may work. Tested locales were en-US,en-CA,fr-CA.

In between the paths tag, add your paths in this format:


FSD2 will try to auto detect the type of content but you can force it as explained in the xml comments.

<path retail='EMULATOR' devkit='EMULATOR'>usb0:\emulators</path> will force everything in there to be listed in emulators.

Once you are done with the xml, transfer it back to your Xbox and restart fsd (this can be done by send REBOOT ftp command, or going in Utilities, Settings ->Reload Skin)

If you've done everything right, content scanning is underway. You can see if it’s scanning in the status bar.

Download may take a while, Alpha build is downloading pretty much everything it can even if it’s not using it (it will be used in later version): Preview video and Screenshots.

Auto update was disabled for alpha. Enable it if you want to be one of the first to get next version! By enabling it, you also agree to be counted in the FSD2 users list. No personal / specific info is stored in this list (we only store the MD5 of your Xbox MAC address). In the alpha period, we may send some test updates to validate the updater is working great with bigger user base. Enable it by going in Utilities, Settings and check Update Notification on startup and Enable Alpha/Beta updates.

Hidden features:

While a game is selected in a games list, you can hit lb+rb to rename it.

FTP to Nand is working.

Report bugs at http://bugs.teamfsd.com

Have fun!

Modifié par bouboul13
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