d2x cIOS V8 beta (R42)


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Nouvelle version beta du fameux cIOS d2x, développé par davebaol à partir du dernier cIOS waninkoko. Le changelog est assez conséquent et corrige un bon nombre de bugs. On notera aussi le support de la taille de secteur virtuelle qui permet de passer outre la limitation des 500 jeux sur les partitions de type WBFS (pour les loaders qui ne supportent pas la fonction Fraglist)

L'installation nécessite de décompresser les fichiers du d2x V8 beta R42 dans le même répertoire que le d2x cIOS Installer 3.1.

S'agissant d'une beta, celle-ci peut se révéler bugguée ou moins stable, à installer et utiliser en toute connaissance de cause.



- Updated ciosmaps.xml to support new bases 60/70/80 through d2x-cios-installer.

- Updated d2x-beta.bat to support new bases 60/70/80 through ModMii.

- Added a patch to ciosmaps.xml to enable USB Gecko output as soon as the kernel

starts. This feature is really useful in development when everything is fucked

up. Note that the patch is normally commented out. Also, it's currently not

supported by ModMii. You have to use the d2x-cios-installer.


- Added support for virtual sector size on WBFS drives to bypass the 500 game

limit (thanks fig2k4). The optimal sector size is 4KB, that allows up to 4084

games. Note that this feature is useful only for the loaders that don't use the

fraglist for WBFS partitions, for example NeoGamma, WiiFlow and CFG.

- Added generic support for IOS patches.

- Added some debug and string utilities.

- Code optimization and minor changes.


- IOS patches are now applied through the cios library.

- Added some debug info.


- Minor changes.


- IOS patches are now applied through the cios library.

- Increased 'exe' region size a bit.

- Enabled AHBPROT during the init phase.

- Minor changes.


- Implemented relative path support for nand emulation, see below.

- Added a ioctl command to set the emu nand folder for relative paths.


- FAT files are now opened through relative path to fix issue 16 . Now Disney

Universe and all the games using long paths work properly in nand emulation.

- IOS patches are now applied through the cios library.

- Minor changes and code clean up.


- USB Gecko functions completely rewritten. Now it's really plug&play and the

cios works even when debug mode is enabled and USB Gecko is connected only to

the Wii (tnx to mini source).

- Added missing signature patch to bases 36/37/38/53/55/56/57/58/61/70/80.

- Added missing decrypt patch to bases 37/53/55/56/57/58/61/80.

- Fixed wrong modules area size.

- IOS patches are now applied through the cios library.

- Increased 'exe' region size a bit.

- Removed AHBPROT syscall invocation since it can only be called from ES.

- Minor changes and code clean up.


- Minor changes.


- Minor changes.

download.gif d2x cIOS V8 beta (R42)

download.gif d2x cIOS Installer 3.1 Fr (Unofficial)

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/d2x-cios/

Lien vers article original : http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3106

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