Wii Backup Manager 0.3.9 build 63


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Après de longs mois de léthargie, fig2k4 a décidé de reprendre le développement de son excellent logiciel permettant la manipulation des fichiers ISO à destination des loaders USB. Quelques jours après cette décision, voila déjà la seconde révision estampillée 0.3.9 build 63.

De nombreux bugs ont été corrigés, et les utilisateurs de wiiflow (version développeur) seront ravis d'apprendre que le souci de mise à jour du cache du loader qui reposait sur la date des fichiers ISO/WBFS, n'est plus un problème avec Wii Backup Manager (auparavant, l'ajout de jeux avec ce logiciel ne modifiait pas la date des fichiers et n'était donc pas détecté par wiiflow, qui ne mettait pas à jour le cache et n'affichait pas les jeux nouvellement installés).

Changelog :

Citation :

0.3.9 build 63

|-Fixed: Archive password dialog wasn't shown when adding a folder.

|-Added: SHA-1 hash integrity test. Any game can be checked for corruption using the internal Wii disc hashes. See Tools->SHA-1->Verify.. It's a lot slower than MD5 because 31 hashes need to be calculated for every Wii disc sector, but can tell if a game is corrupt without pre-calculating anything.

|-Fixed: When using some languages, the help menu was covered and the "New version" label wasn't anchored to the right side.

|-Changed: When sending feedback without attachments, ShellAPI is used instead of MAPI. If the MAPI method fails, you can now send a regular email via ShellAPI and manually attach any files if necessary.

|-Fixed: Attachment settings in the feedback form weren't saved.

|-Added: A link to the facebook page in the help menu.

0.3.9 build 62

|-Changed: Disabled all GameCube related code. It was unusable anyway.

|-Added: Check for updates. Automatic check on start up and menu item under the help menu.

|-Added: Export template "HTML table with covers" by Echizen.

|-Added: Option to disable notification sounds. Some people find the "ding" annoying. See Options->Settings->General->Misc..

|-Fixed: View->Tabs->Downloads option wasn't applied correctly after restart.

|-Fixed: System drive was visible in the format dialog.

|-Added: Archive password dialog. Entered passwords are stored only for the current session.

|-Fixed: After an archive was extracted, the usage size wasn't calculated, which caused the ISO to labelled as invalid.

|-Added: Error message when trying to transfer ISOs to anything other than NTFS, since it isn't possible.

|-Fixed: CISO was broken when removing partitions. eg. using game partition only.

|-Fixed: Disk cache thrashing that was caused by writing 1 Wii sector at a time, now using 1 WBFS sector again. The transfer speed should be more stable.

download.gif Wii Backup Manager 0.3.9 build 63

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://gbatemp.net/t188295-wii-backup-manager-for-windows

Lien vers article original : http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3083

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