Freehood 360


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Source Xbox Scene

une excellente nouvelle pour la scene jtag :

ce logiciel permet d'utiliser toutes les fonctions d'une console devkit sur une jtag .


***Features in RC1***


- Add/Edit/Removal of Devices in the Applcation.

- Ability to browse files on all devices in or on the xbox (Hdd1, HddX, Flash, Usb, Memcard ect)

- Look and feel of Xbox 360 Neighbourhood in the Xbox 360 SDK

- Download and Upload files directly to the Device.

- Supports Infinite amout of JTAG's (But who has more than 10 at the most... lol.)

- Support for Development Kits (Reviewer, Test, Stress Test, Demo ect)

- Exception catching, so it shouldn't be a bitch and through a emo fit if you do something stupid.

- Creation of Folders

- Creation of Text and INI files

- Many More...

A nous les joies du debug sur jtag !

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