DMenu 0.6


Messages recommandés

Voici la toute nouvelle version de DMenu ( v0.6)

Elle apporte de nombreuses améliorations tant sur le plan graphique que technique.

A noter en particulier la sauvegarde automatique d'état du Dmenu, la correction de nombreux bugs et une stabilité améliorée.

Coté graphique, les icones non selectionnées s'affichent par transparence ( plus ou moins en fonction de la distance), les themes sont selectionnables non plus par fichiers, mais par vignettes.

Retrouvez toutes les autres mises à jour et corrections ci-dessous :

Citation :

Hey everyone,

Dmenu has reached that point again where another release is ready for the public.

In this the release a lot of work has happened internally to make the code base more stable, and to prepare it for upcoming changes.

And as opposed to the last release, this release should not require any changes on the user's part, apart from dropping in the new files.

So without further ado, the changelist:

- Various bug fixes

- Added ability to use global resources in themes.

If you prefix a path in a theme with 'global:' it will pick up

the file from the "resources" directory. This allows for the sharing of

fonts, sounds, images, etc. Hopefully this will reduce the overall

disk footprint of the menu. Not sure, but the menu may also run

better if multiple code points are using the same resource on disk

instead of copies of the same resource. An example from default/theme.cfg:

Font = "global:FreeSans.ttf"

- Ensuring the menu will work when filesystem is read only.

Performance will degrade in some cases, but the menu should function

in the same way it has before. Just maybe a little bit slower.

- Memory Leak resolved in colorpicker

- Show/Take snapshot of menu on exit/load.

This allows for the menu to show something while it is setting up.

- Theme Selection now uses the image selection tool.

The theme selector will look for a 'theme.png' in the root of all valid

theme folders (themes where theme.cfg exists). If a theme preview

is not found, it will use the 'notfound.png' in the resources folder.

- UI enhancements to the main menu

We now apply alpha blending to the menu items based on their distance

from the active item. If the submenu is open, then another layer

of blending is applied to the horizontal menu, as well as the

submenu's parent. The goal with this was to help indicate which

parts of the menu are active, and which aren't.

- Set foundation for UI animations

- Replaced sound OSD format of icon and percantage to just an icon.

The icon now shows the level of sound visually in lieu of a


- UI will now autodim after a period of N seconds.

The default for N is 5, but is configurable in the dmenu.ini file under

they key DimmerDelay. The value for DimmerDelay is an integer which represents

seconds. If DimmerDelay is set to 0, then the dimming will not occur.

- Enabled themes to define padding between icon and text, when the text is right

of the icon.

This does not apply to the horizontal items, but the vertical menu items. The

key to set in the theme.cfg is ItemTextPadLeft and the value is an integer which

represents the left padding of the text, in pixels.

So please feel free to download and enjoy. You can get download the files from
To install just upack the archive at the root of your SD card (where the local/dmenu folder starts).


The dmenu team

download.gif DMenu 0.6

homesite.gif  Site officiel :

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Pour les utilisateurs de Dingux Integrale !

-1) Remplacez normalement les fichiers de votre carte mémoire par ceux de DMenu 0.6

-2) Puis décompressez l'archive dans le réperoire LOCAL de votre carte mémoire de façon à passer Dingux Intégrale à niveau ;)

Download Patch Dingux Intégrale DM06

Merci à toi

Mais le pack en lui même (pas la maj que tu proposes ici), n'est plus dispo au téléchargement... peux-tu y remédier ?


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