Moonshell 2.07


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Moonlight remet le couvert avec une nouvelle version de son fameux lecteur multimédia sur Nintendo DS. Le changelog étant une fois de plus absent, le concours pour trouver les changements est ouvert...


download.gif Moonshell 2.07

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  • 2 weeks later...

En fait il y A un journal de révision, en plein sur le site cité en lien.

I'm sorry. My activity has stopped almost. I am alive. I apologize because I do not receive mail. The primrose path. Wry smile.

Temporary update information. This is a translation not accurate. I apologize because communication is difficult.

update point for Version 2.07 stable

The simple setup tool was appended. Of course, MoonShell can be renewed even in a simple folder copy.

About for system.

When you invalidate "Start MoonShell from Recent Files" option. It doesn't record in the application history.

The checksum calculation mistake of a short file name was corrected. For instance, the bug that failed in the identification of the file name because of 'S3400074.JPG' etc. was corrected.

The volume was able to manage individually in music or movie.

About for HomeBrew.

For HomeBrew uses special DLDI. The DLDI patch is applied to ARM7 too.

When HomeBrew was started from MoonShell with iQue, the bug that the touch panel doesn't work correctly was corrected.

When consumer NDSROM file is executed, the error message is displayed. It doesn't stop.

The bug that was not able to start "GBALdr" was corrected.

A huge NDSROM file from 3072KByte to less than 4032KByte can be started. The NDSROM file of less than 3MByte does "Direct start" though it passes a minimum NDS loader.

About for File list.

EnabledScreenSaver was added to the [FileList] section of moonshl2.ini. ON/OFF of the screen saver is switched.

ArtWorkBGColor was added to the [M4APlugin] section of moonshl2.ini. The background color of the M4A artwork is specified.

ShowCoverImage was added to the [FileList] section of moonshl2.ini. ON/OFF of the "jacket.bmp and mp3 artwork and M4A artwork" is switched.

In the moonshl2 folder, the bug that had forgotten to prohibit the deletion of file of START button long push was corrected.

About for Text editor.

The bug that did not open the text editor was corrected when there was a bookmark file.

The automatic judgment accuracy of the text encode has improved.

When L+X/Y is pushed, the backlight brightness is changed.

SoundEffectVolume was added to the [system] section of textedit.ini. The volume of the sound effect is specified.

About for other.

In movie watching. "The audio frequently becomes interrupted" bug was corrected.

On text reader. The automatic judgment accuracy of the text encode has improved.

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Merci à toi pour les news.

Question journaux de révisions bien obscurs, la palme revient quand même aux màj de linkers je pense. Directement traduit par Google, le "remplacement mou" pour "soft-reset", c'était superbe!

Bonne continuation.

Modifié par lincruste
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