Gecko Os (preview)


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Le projet étant abandonné, ce gentil bonhomme compte sortir une nouvelle release. A noter qu'il n'a pas pour objectif de le rendre opensource... pour l'instant.

As some of you may know, Nuke, the former creator of Gecko OS, USB Gecko, and SD Gecko, has stopped developement on the popular Gecko OS for reasons unmentioned here...

Brkirch has decided to take over the Gecko OS project, since Gecko 2.0 will never be released, and there are quite a few changes since the last build (1.07b). Since this is only a preview NO download link will be provided EVER from me. You'll have to wait from brkirch himself. I will not leak it.

Some changes in this version of Gecko OS include the following SO FAR:

- New Hooks have been added such as, GXFlush, GXDraw, OSSleepThread, and AXNExtFrame. (these should fix games that didn't work before)

- Rebooter now works on 3.3v2, 3.4, and 4.0 (just patch IOS 36 for safety)

- Rebooter now works with Preloader versions (before you would get code dump)

- New codetypes have been added that allow region free coding!

- Custom backgrounds are supported, just name it "background.png" in Root of SD card (PNG-24 only)

- Gecko OS now supports "gameconfig.txt" in root of SD card that allows various configurations to be manually added (booting from specific IOS and debugging functions)

- Game Patching via ".gpf" files (gecko patch file) that allows various things, like uploading textures to a game and long lists of codes.

- Bubble Support added

- Save Config added that allows you to constantly force Pal 60 if you please :D

Unfortunately, This will not be open source. Brkirch is against piracy and will not give out the source to anyone. That's part of the reason Nuke abandoned Gecko 2.0. Happy Easter :D.

Source + vidéo preview :

Bon ceci dit rien ne dit que c'est pas un fake du coup... A voir si la news est utile.

Modifié par Kevin8622
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Unfortunately, This will not be open source. Brkirch is against piracy and will not give out the source to anyone

comme s'il y avait des secrets de polichinelle dans ce truc :D

la plupart des fix mentionnés proviennent des loaders et autres cIOS. Ils sont contre le piratage quand ça les arrange, mais inclure des fix qui ont été clairement exploités et développés pour les loaders, c'est faire preuve d'une mauvaise foi certaine (voir d'une certaine mauvaise foi).

bref, rien de bien folichon. Sauf peut-être cet enième épisode de Dallas sauce wii.

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