Tversity Et 360


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visiblement, je suis un des seuls qui n'arrivent pas à ajouter ses dossiers dans la librairie de tversity.

J'ai suivi un tuto relativement clair. Tout se configure nickel jusqu'au moment ou je dois mettre mes dossiers contenant mes fichiers medias. Et là, message d'erreur.

Sur le site de tversity, ils disent ceci:

"I cannot add content located on network drives or I cannot play it on my target device and instead when I try to play something the device either gives an error message or just scrolls from one file to another without ever playing anything:

On Windows Vista, if file virtualization is turned off, you may need to change the value of the registry key HKLM->Software->TVersity->Media Server->HOME to the path of the user account assigned to the TVersity Media Service (for example: C:\users\thetversityuseraccount\Media Server).

Also, avoid using mapped network drives inside playlists since these become available only upon log in and therefore are not visible to services. Instead use a full path starting with two slash characters on Windows, followed by the name of the computer on which the media resides, followed by another slash character and then followed by the name of the shared folder (and optionally also a path under this folder), for example: \\computername\sharename\path\to\file."

Et c'est là ou le bas blesse: je comprends pas un mot!! (ou un mot ou deux, pas plus lol)

Quelqu'un pourrait il m'aider s'il vous plait?

Ma 360 est relié en réseau par wifi. Ma livebox à mon pc en ethernet.

Merci d'avance...

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  • 6 months later...

Im listenning to almost everything on my 360 using Tversity Media Server, id like to be able to watch live show or recorded competition of your website too.

You guys need to work on a RSS feed working on Tversity.

Sorry my bad english.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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