Downgrade De Kernel Sans Oter La R6t3


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openxdkman nous a fait un petit tuto en anglais bien sympatoche.

Il nous explique comment downgrader son kernel 5759 vers le kernel 4532 sans oter la résistance R6T3.

Voilà, le tuto :

- You will need a way to flash the nand for the downgrading phase

(but you don't need it for first phases)

- You CAN keep resistor R6T3 in place!!! It's my case!

(That's why this tutorial for newbies is useful!)

1) Upgrade to 4532 and obtain :

- fuses.txt (from that you get cpu key. hint: concatenate line 3 & 5)

- 1bl.bin (from that you get 1bl key. hint: check gueux site french forum)

- nand.bin (well, not so important now)

- fw_4532_for_infectus.bin

See other tutorial in this forum :

While obtaining this last dump, write down if any bad sector appears (0x350 status for each 1st sector of blocks. A block is 32 consecutive sectors. There are 32768 sectors of 512+16 bytes in a 16Mb firmware)

Disclaimer : Because many tools not yet know how to handle bad sectors, I can't give any warranty, yet, to people who have bad sectors.

If you have infectus installed you can dump firmware. It should be strictly identical to fw_4532_for_infectus.bin (nice way to verify that Infectus works).

2) Play Blue Dragon (if it's the edition on shelves in August, it will upgrade console to 5759, spring update) or any game not upgrading beyond 5759.

3) Use robinsod's flash dump tool 0.81 to edit lock down value

(this phase is necessary if you have R6T3 in place)

Create a copy of fw_4532_for_infectus.bin, rename it : fw_4532_ldv2.bin

Edit this new copy with flash dump tool 0.81 (you can get it from xbins)

Hit "Keys" button to fill in cpu and 1bl key.

This tool crashes at first try. Just insist. Erase CxKeys.txt if it's there.

Normally, patch 0 is 4532 with LDV 1

Hit "Patch" button.

Change Patch 0 LDV value from 1 to 2

Hit "Ok"

4) Dump the 5759 firmware (now you need a way to dump by hardware)

Example of in-case Infectus installation :

5) Flash your firmware in order to boot again 4532

(if you have R6T3 in place, you must use the edited ldv=2 image)

Note: Infectus "Erase" command displayed "Problem on erasing" at the end of the erase operation. But the "Check blank" did confirm "Flash blank OK". And the flashing worked perfectly. So I guess it's not a serious glitch.

(Erasing firmware before writing it IS NECESSARY otherwise data is wrong).

6) Flash your firmware in order to boot again 5759

I suggest to flash instead of upgrading again from 4532 to 5759.

Dunno if upgrader code could do something fishy in case it detects that efuses it should blow up are already blown up... No need to take any risk. You have the dump, you can flash it.

Conclusion :

Hurray! We got great games this summer AND we still have homebrew!

HUGE thanks to robinsod!

If someone upgrading its firmware while booting Halo 3 can tell us the new firmware version, that will help up to avoid catastrophes. I really fear Halo 3 will come soon with some bad surprises for homebrewers...

Warning: don't do that with firmware > 5759, M$ may still have ways to brick our consoles, especially if you haven't removed R6T3 (but I still think it's better to not remove it, until we know more about future updates).

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fausse joie

il faut tjs avoir un kernel exploitable 4532 et récupérer les données clé avant...


Ah bah oui toujours mais c'est une très bonne nouvelle quand même pour certains ^^.

Toujours est-il que la scène est bien active, elle rame un peu mais la barque avance quand même.

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  • 2 months later...

merci pour ce tuto, mais je préfère voir une résistance hoter que de cramer un efuse... je me trompe peut être <_< et j'aimerai votre avis ???

Meme si pour l'instant c'est pas le problème, trop peu de gens ont une console avec le bon kernel.

Sinon autre chose, je sais qu'il faut supprimer des fichiers dans la nand pour downgrad en 1888. Mais lesquels ? (je pass sur xboxhack, j'ai pas trouver ici)



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