XBMC 30-07-2007 SVN rev9771 build - T3CH


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Nouvelle version de XBMC 2.0.1, lecteur multimédia pour Xbox qu'on ne présente plus.

Pour rappel, XBMC n'utilise plus le système CVS mais SVN pour la gestion des sources. De même, les versions T3CH intègrent désormais la version XBMC Win32 PC environment (fichier .exe) dont nous vous expliquions le fonctionnement sur cet article.

Voici le changelog de cette version :

Citation :

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pike's Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN pre0.98.7 rev1201 [scripts: Apple Movie Trailers]

- BritneysPAIRS's ~110 choosen Milkdrop presets [visualisations: MD - BPs Selection]

- EnderW & Blittans XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMCScripts]

- Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5.4 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMC Lyrics]

- Asteron's Tetris 1.0 SCRIPT [scripts: Tetris]

- Nuka1195's T3CH Downloader SCRIPT [scripts: T3CH Downloader]

- Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/:*]

- PM3 Red Theme + PM3 Blue Theme by Jezz_X

- Added: Three great new screensavers thanks to Asteron.

- Changed : PM3 - Replaced the XBOX logo in the home screen with a version of the official XBMC logo. XBMC is no longer just a "Xbox" Application and the default skin needs to reflect this. Also as Team branding so people know they are running XBMC. Trust me it grows on you

- Removed: XPR font support

- Fixed/Changed : Removed the old XPR default font. It was broken since the introduction of 3D skin stuff. Replaced it with a free for non profit use font FrancophilSans by Manfred Klein Due to similarities to old xpr default

- 2007-07-30 9731 added: Three great new screensavers thanks to Asteron.

- 2007-07-30 9730 changed: Wrapped Network.*Adress mis-spelled infolabels with an #ifdef for easy removal in the future.

- 2007-07-29 9728 changed: added the correct spelling for Network.*Address infolabels (network.macaddress, network.subnetaddress, network.gatewayaddress, network.dns1address, network.dns2address, network.dhcpaddress) The old spelling still works.

- 2007-07-29 9725 updated: thetvdb.com scraper (slightly less abuse of server)

- 2007-07-29 9724 fixed: exception in video info scanner

- 2007-07-29 9723 updated: tv.com scraper (thanks to korin)

- 2007-07-29 9722 updated: finnish language (thanks to mikko) updated:
(Traditional) language (thanks to omenpica)

- 2007-07-27 9720 added: xbox autodetection is now XBMC_PC compatible fixed: autodetection Loops w/More than 2 systems on network fixed: [ 1758307 ] auto connect while transferring files xbox to xbox via ftp

- 2007-07-27 9718 Changed : PM3 - Replaced the XBOX logo in the home screen with a version of the official XBMC logo. XBMC is no longer just a "Xbox" Application and the default skin needs to reflect this. Also as Team branding so people know they are running XBMC. Trust me it grows on you

- 2007-07-27 9717 changed: Debuginfo display from Kb (Kilobit hehe) to KB (Kilobyte)

- 2007-07-27 9716 Changed : A little more font editing

- 2007-07-27 9715 Changed : Edited New TTF font a little to mono space the numbers to prevent jumping of debug info and better alignment of file sizes

- 2007-07-26 9713 fixed: match movie.movie[year]dvdrip-group type names, where the year part is not separated properly by anything.

- 2007-07-26 9711 fixed: CURL parser would rebuild musicsearch:// urls without urlencoding "hostname"

- 2007-07-26 9710 changed: single seasons shows now skips the season node in the video library

- 2007-07-25 9702 removed: XPR font support.

- 2007-07-25 9701 fixed: Some tween bugs when easing 'inout'.

- 2007-07-25 9700 fixed: ID3v1 spec genres inside MP4 files that were greater than 127 didn't work (eg Heavy Metal)

- 2007-07-25 9698 added:
tag to advancedsettings to specify the separator used for multiple artist and genres in various music tags.

- 2007-07-25 9697 fixed: Broken multiimage (again)

- 2007-07-25 9696 Fixed/Changed : Removed the old XPR default font. It was broken since the introduction of 3D skin stuff. Replaced it with a free for non profit use font FrancophilSans by Manfred Klein Due to similarities to old xpr default

- 2007-07-25 9695 fixed: Multiimage control didn't work with just a single image.

- 2007-07-25 9694 Added : A Modified version of 3D List Music view for better aspect ratio in 16x9 thanks to "watzen" from the XBMC forums (4x3 is unchanged)

- 2007-07-24 9692 changed: Made Pyro screensaver slightly more interesting.

- 2007-07-24 9690 fixed: subpaths of a tvshows content'd path wouldn't be set to contain a single tvshow folder in set content dialog

- 2007-07-24 9689 fixed: make sure we clear path hash if user selects scan for new content. avoid issues if a scan fails and hash is still updated

- 2007-07-24 9686 fixed: TTF rendering didn't modulate alpha correctly (meant faded out text rendered with no fading).

- 2007-07-24 9685 fixed: Make sure the world transform is set whenever we update the camera (eg after vis rendering).

- 2007-07-24 9684 changed: Depreciated
tag in spincontrols now defaults to yes (as it is always used in skins).

- 2007-07-24 9683 changed: Keyboard reading framerate decreased a bit for XBMC_PC.

- 2007-07-24 9682 fixed: System.Time(hh) wouldn't obey the regional format differences (24 hour vs 12 hour clocks)

- 2007-07-24 9681 changed: Move Up/Down now also applies to the first and last item in the favourites context menu.

- 2007-07-23 9676 added:
to multiimage control.

- 2007-07-23 9674 fixed: subtitle rendering broke rendering of freemem display. (texture stage setup changed)

- 2007-07-23 9673 updated: danish language (thanks to buchwaldsource)

- 2007-07-23 9672 Added : strings.xml
xbox media center
Changed : PM3 Removed 26 hard coded versions of the words "xbox media center" in the skin

- 2007-07-23 9671 fixed: Mouse cursor didn't respect control animations when determining hover and click focus.

- 2007-07-23 9670 Fixed : PM3 skin settings window is now very mouse friendly

- 2007-07-23 9669 fixed: Skin.String(setting,compare) wasn't working.

- 2007-07-23 9668 fixed: Controlgroups that were hidden still allowed their child controls to become focused via the mouse.

- 2007-07-22 9666 fixed: Added error checking to Add/RemoveTransform and removed unnecessary clearing of the transform stack in SetScalingResolution

- 2007-07-22 9665 cleanup: Removed unnecessary code duplication

- 2007-07-22 9664 fixed: Mouse didn't work for screen calibration.

download.gif XBMC 30-07-2007 SVN rev9771 build - T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.comLien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4997

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