XBMC 04-06-2007 SVN rev9200 build - T3CH


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Nouvelle version de XBMC 2.0.1, lecteur multimédia pour Xbox qu'on ne présente plus.

Pour rappel, XBMC n'utilise plus le système CVS mais SVN pour la gestion des sources. De même, les versions T3CH intègrent désormais la version XBMC Win32 PC environment (fichier .exe) dont nous vous expliquions le fonctionnement sur cet article

Voici le changelog de cette version :

Citation :

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pikes Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN 0.97.5 [scripts: Apple Movie Trailers]

- BritneysPAIRS's ~110 choosen Milkdrop presets [visualisations: MD - BPs Selection]

- EnderW & Blittans XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMCScripts]

- Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMC Lyrics]

- Rockstar's Snake 1.0 SCRIPT [scripts: Snake]

- Asteron's Tetris 1.0 SCRIPT [scripts: Tetris]

- Nuka1195's T3CH Downloader SCRIPT [scripts: T3CH Downloader]

- Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/:*]

- added: busydialogdelay option in advancedsettings to set the delay in milliseconds before the busydialog pops up. 2000

- 2007-06-03 9200 Added : PM3 - Added scrollbar page control for list/thumbs to File Browser dialog for better mouse support

- 2007-06-03 9199 Changed : Full screen Video Info now displays Show Name, Episode and season number when playing a TV episode scanned to library

- 2007-06-03 9198 fixed: GetListItem removed: redundant ListItem methods in WindowXML since getListItem is fixed. removed: RefreshList from WindowXML, no need for it/wouldn't have worked anyway.

- 2007-06-03 9197 Fixed : PM3 Aspect ratio of Music Now Playing cover would change when entering video and album info windows

- 2007-06-02 9186 fixed: some streams wich just didn't return any data on read after connection would lockup xbmc (mplayer.dll) fixed: cache rewrite made some streams stall on buffering when stream ends (mplayer.dll)

- 2007-06-02 9182 added: "Date Added" sort order to smart playlists to get recently added songs. Can't be used to filter on as yet (next db update we'll add that)

- 2007-06-01 9177 fixed: Thumbnails didn't show for some playlists from music library.

- 2007-05-31 9169 updated: danish language (thanks to buchwaldsource) updated: italian language (thanks to kotix)

- 2007-05-31 9168 added: videoplayer.content visibility condition (less stupidity this time)

- 2007-05-31 9167 added: busydialogdelay option in advancedsettings to set the delay in milliseconds before the busydialog pops up.

- 2007-05-31 9166 added: videoplayer.content visibility condition

- 2007-05-31 9165 changed: more solid skip track in last.fm radio and show busydialog when skipping track in last.fm radio.

- 2007-05-31 9164 changed: longer delay before showing busydialog and don't show the busydialog if any modal dialog is on screen.

- 2007-05-31 9163 fixed: caching and network connecting would yet again take 100% cpu. (mplayer.dll)

- 2007-05-31 9161 fixed: Sort by File oddities with .zip or .rar files.

- 2007-05-31 9159 fixed: Some old (v2.2/2.3) embedded images weren't being read.

- 2007-05-31 9158 added: Ability for the "View As Icons" button to be a selectbutton or spincontrol.

- 2007-05-31 9157 fixed: Crash with select button if incorrectly used.

- 2007-05-31 9156 fixed: Slow queries of various album related things (album lookup from files/now playing, recently added album songs etc.)

- 2007-05-30 9152 fixed: mplayer progressbar would display on seek if non ttf subtitle where used (mplayer.dll) fixed: mplayer would take forever to start, and apear to lockup on seek (mplayer.dll)

- 2007-05-29 9140 fixed: Picture sharpness on return from vis/screensaver was wrong.

- 2007-05-29 9136 fixed: Funky mouse behaviour in context menu.

- 2007-05-29 9135 fixed: [ 1717773 ] Skin misbehaves in Settings.

- 2007-05-29 9134 fixed: [ 1717785 ] Hidden thumbnails not displayed over smb.

- 2007-05-29 9133 fixed: .cue sheet item changes weren't picked up by the path hashing.

- 2007-05-28 9132 fixed: [ 1726601 ] Saving of individual video settings.

- 2007-05-28 9131 fixed: Recently Added Albums wasn't functioning.

- 2007-05-28 9130 updated: asf demuxer to mplayerhq version. contains a new version of John's dvr-ms demuxer code. (mplayer.dll) fixed: mplayer would spew out more caching messages than normal since rewriting of cache aborting routine (mplayer.dll) fixed: noise filter would use wrong image size for direct rendering wich caused libavcodec to break because of the changed stride of the image. (mplayer.dll)

- 2007-05-28 9126 fixed: content-types like "video/x-ms-asf ; charset=ISO-8859-1tf8" where not considered of type "video/x-ms-asf"

- 2007-05-28 9125 fixed: curl could crash if a session was rerequested after it had only been used for stat

- 2007-05-28 9124 fixed: curl could crash if a session was rerequested after it had only been used for stat

- 2007-05-28 9123 fixed: playfile command from http api would parse playlists as .strm files even if they where something totally else

- 2007-05-28 9122 updated:
(Simple) language (thanks to pcman) updated:
(Traditional) language (thanks to omenpica)

- 2007-05-28 9121 changed: Cue sheet reading is a little more resilient to non-standard INDEX * entries.

- 2007-05-28 9120 fixed: getCachedThumbFile() to work with unicode strings courtesy of Nuka1195

download.gif XBMC 04-06-2007 SVN rev9200 build - T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.comLien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4979

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Je vois pas trop les différences par rapport à la version précédente.

Mais, pour ce qui veulent faire une mise à jour cette release fonctionne parfaitement.

Je nest pas encore eu de plantage au lancement d'un xbe, ni aucun probléme.

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Je vois pas trop les différences par rapport à la version précédente.

Mais, pour ce qui veulent faire une mise à jour cette release fonctionne parfaitement.

Je nest pas encore eu de plantage au lancement d'un xbe, ni aucun probléme.


Es ce que dans cette version le bug que tu avais relevé n'est plus present?

Avant d'upgrader autant être sur que la version n'a pas les mêmes bugs :D .


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