XBMC 22-08-2006 (T3CH)


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T3CH publie une nouvelle version de leur logiciel multimedia qui vous permettra de lire vos divx, DVD, mp3, images etc.. sur votre Xbox.

Cette compile T3CH est un package barebone (logiquement moins de problèmes pouvant provoquer un blocage). Les CVS de XBMC étant "figés" actuellement en prévision de la version 2.0, T3CH a décidé de procéder plus ou moins à une release par semaine.

Voici les changements depuis la version du 13 août :

Citation :

- 22-08-2006 added: songinfoduration tag to advancedsettings.xml. controls how long song info remains onscreen after song change in visualisation

valid range is 1 to 15, in seconds. example:

- 22-08-2006 added: SmartXX v3 and OPX full RGB PWM control (

BuildIn Command: XBMC.system.pwmcontrol(#rrggbb,#rrggbb,action,time)

e.g.: blink Blue

Thanks to
for sponsoring some SmartXX v3

- 22-08-2006 added: popup informations if xbox memory units are detected

- 22-08-2006 added: XBOX Autodetection now creates a Virtual ftp share on sucessfull detection

- 22-08-2006 removed: Settings, XBOX autodetection Createlink, no longer needed

- 22-08-2006 fixed: [ 1476262 ] System Info error while playing music

- 22-08-2006 added: Systeminfo: display Memunit information

- 22-08-2006 added: HDD S.M.A.R.T Requesting to InfoManager (atm. only HDD Temperature is Tested)

Request String: System.HDDsmart(17)

- 22-08-2006 added: B as Back in media windows (and elsewhere). Thanks to Markeen.

- 22-08-2006 changed: Stretch 14:9 zooms additionally so that black bars are eliminated.

- 22-08-2006 fixed: Random highlighted items when entering folders for the first time.

- 22-08-2006 changed: Slightly faster video database lookup of video settings.

- 22-08-2006 changed: Improved filtering of filenames prior to IMDb lookup, thanks to ezd

- 22-08-2006 changed: Better support for xbox memory units.

- 22-08-2006 fixed: "hide media extensions" works on virtual folders like playlists, archives, etc.

- 22-08-2006 updated: libsmbclient to 3.0.23b, fixes some signing issues and some bugs with landrives

- 21-08-2006 fixed: Window translator for loginscreen did not work, like when you did "site activatewindow(loginscreen)" (Thnx to Spiff).

- 21-08-2006 fixed: if video was zoomed in so that part of video was rendered above top of display, artifacts in the form of lines would appear using HQ Renderer.

- 20-08-2006 fixed: playlist support from the music library view

- 20-08-2006 fixed: 8-bit audio playback was distorted.

- 18-08-2006 fixed: flattening of dvd games.

- 17-08-2006 fixed: slow queuing by allowing python xbmc.PlayList(0)
.getduration() to load the tag if necessary. python guru's please test!

- 17-08-2006 fixed: mockup with dual ids in anything based on guidialogsettings.

- 16-08-2006 fixed: mockup with restart video in context menu.

- 15-08-2006 fixed: [ 1536827 ] Problem w/ keymap.xml

- 14-08-2006 fixed: xbe's with no title id said was added to the program db each time you listed the bookmark.

- 14-08-2006 changed: potentially fixed seeking in files larger than 2gb with dvdplayer.

- 14-08-2006 changed: logging off now leaves master mode.

- 14-08-2006 fixed: shoutcast sorting sometimes didn't allow user to change order and locked in reverse sorting

- 14-08-2006 changed: better repeat code for gamepad navigation. speed increases in 3 steps

- 14-08-2006 fixed: some issues with the login screen (weather not updating, conflict with autoexec.py, excessive wrong code messages).

- 14-08-2006 fixed: do not allow movie information lookup on a bookmark.

- 14-08-2006 added: allow user to skip still manually by pressing right or select

- 14-08-2006 fixed: dvdplayer would not take delay in video queue in in account when skipping stills ( short still might not even display )

download.gif XBMC 22-08-2006 (T3CH)

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.de

Lien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4823

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