Problème De Configuration

Messages recommandés

Bonjour à tous!

Voilà,j'ai fait plein de recherches sur les tutoriaux

pour connecter sa XBox Online avec XBMC

et de ce fait profiter des stream,jaquettes etc...


XLink Kai ne fonctionne plus (il fut un temps il fonctionnait!)

Les Scripts etc...n'ont jamais fonctionnés,

seule la météo 'fonctionne'.

Voilà mon XBMC.xml:


<!-- When using XBMC as dashboard, define home directory here !-->

<!-- and move the XBMC xbe plus this xml config file to C:\ !-->

<!-- Example: <home>E:\Apps\XBMC\</home> !-->


<!-- Set the logging level: !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 0 = DEBUG !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 1 = INFO !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 2 = NOTICE !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 3 = WARNING !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 4 = ERROR !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 5 = SEVERE !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 6 = FATAL !-->

<!-- LOG LEVEL 7 = NONE !-->

<!-- The higher loglevel number set, the less logging you will get. !-->

<!-- Default is NOTICE which logs everything except DEBUG and INFO. !-->

<!-- Loglevel DEBUG also enables mplayer debug. !-->


<!-- Set the path where the log file should be created. !-->

<!-- If no path is set the Default Q:\ path will be used. !-->

<!-- Example: <logpath>E:\TDATA\0face008\</logpath> !-->





<!-- Set to 0 to allow infinite password retries in XBMC. Setting a positive !-->

<!-- number N will deny access to any locked bookmark if N consecutive bad !-->

<!-- passwords are sent for any locked bookmark. !-->


<!-- Set to 1 to allow XBMC Master Lock to shut off the XBOX if the user !-->

<!-- enters too many bad Master Lock password retries. Set to 0 to disable. !-->


<!-- Set to 1 to prompt user for mastercode when doing add/edit/delete on all !-->

<!-- shares using the context menu, or 0 to only prompt on locked shares. !-->

<!-- Useful to prevent unwanted changes/viewing of shares and user/pass info. !-->


<!-- Set to 1 to prompt user for the mastercode when XBMC starts! !-->

<!-- If the user enter a invalid mastercode XBMC will shut down. !-->


<!-- Set to 1 to prompt user for the mastercode when FilemanagerWindow will be opened !-->


<!-- Set to 1 to prompt user for the mastercode when SettingsWindow will be opened !-->


<!-- Set to 1-15 to prompt user for mastercode when HomeMediaWindow will be opened !-->

<!-- 1=Music 6=Music Pictures 11=Music Video Pictures !-->

<!-- 2=Video 7=Music Programs 12=Programs Video Music !-->

<!-- 3=Pictures 8=Video Pictures 13=Programs Pictures Music !-->

<!-- 4=Programs 9=Video Programs 14=Music Pictures Video !-->

<!-- 5=Music Video 10=Pictures Programs 15=Music Video Pictures Program !-->


<!-- Set mastermode as follows: !-->

<!-- 0 = Masterlock always unlocked. This is the default if not specified. !-->

<!-- 1 = Numeric lock. Can be typed via on screen numpad or remote control. !-->

<!-- 2 = Gamepad lock. Enter by pushing XBOX controller button sequence. !-->

<!-- 3 = Full-text lock. Enter with on screen keyboard or USB keyboard. !-->

<!-- Bookmark lock settings are only valid if the mastermode is > 0. !-->


<!-- Set mastercode: where mastermode is set to value: !-->

<!-- 1: Enter numeric password only. Do not use spaces or other characters. !-->

<!-- 2: Enter gamepad button sequence using the following letter codes: !-->

<!-- A B X Y = Same as buttons on gamepad !-->

<!-- U D L R = D-pad Up, Down, Left, Right !-->

<!-- W K ( ) = White, Black, Left Trigger, Right Trigger !-->

<!-- 3: Enter HTML-escaped alphanumeric password. Make sure all characters !-->

<!-- are available on your language's on screen keyboard/USB keyboard. !-->



<!-- DO NOT TOUCH THESE SETTINGS!, (unless you know what you're doing) !-->

<!-- This setting can be changed from the Settings GUI! !-->

<!-- workgroup : workgroup which XBMC uses to login to a server. !-->

<!-- smbip: defines the ip adress from the share source [normly PC ip] !-->

<!-- smbsharename: defines the default share name! !-->

<!-- defaultusername: the username and password that !-->

<!-- defaultpassword: will be used if none is specified in bookmark, useful for !-->

<!-- samba browsing. Falls back to guest access if not set. !-->

<!-- winsserver: if you run one you can set the ip here (if you don't know !-->

<!-- what a winsserver is the leave it as it is). !-->

<!-- debuglevel: only set this if you have problems using samba (0 - 10) !-->

<!-- setting it too high will slow it down a lot. !-->




<smbsharename>(SMB) Network</smbsharename>






<!-- This is the IP address to CDDB music lookup database !-->

<!-- Please visit the page below for a list of mirrors !-->

<!-- !-->


<!-- determines which drives to use. Only change this for LBA48 support !-->

<!-- Should autodetect on most bioses by default. If your XBMC crashes after mapping F: !-->

<!-- according to xbmc.log, then disable auto-detection of F and G and set them manually !-->




<!-- Only set to yes if replaced Xbox DVD-ROM drive with a PC DVD-ROM drive !-->


<!-- Should a CD with ISO/UDF filesystem be treated as ISO (yes) or UDF (no) when autodetecting !-->


<!-- Which dashboard to launch when exiting XBMC !-->

<!-- Ex: "<dashboard>C:\xboxdash.xbe</dashboard>" !-->


<!-- Fill in path+filename of external DVD player !-->

<!-- if empty, XBMC will play any DVD's by itself !-->

<!-- Ex: "<dvdplayer>C:\xboxdash.xbe</dvdplayer>" !-->


<!-- Fill in pathfilename of external CD audio-player !-->

<!-- if empty, XBMC will play any AudioCD's by itself. !-->

<!-- Only applicable if CDDA=Yes in Autorun settings. !-->


<!-- Alternate subtitle directory. If subtitle can't be found !-->

<!-- in same directory as the movie XBMC will look here next: !-->

<!-- Adding subtitles with the name "subtitle.[langext].[subextension]" !-->

<!-- will automatically make them be added for all movies as !-->

<!-- alternate subtitles !-->


<!-- Directory to cache files in. Used with e.g. compressed rar files !-->


<!-- Directory to look for trainers in !-->


<!-- Directory to put playlists in !-->


<!-- Translation table for subtitle and audio names. !-->







<!-- startup windows !-->

<!-- 0 = XBMC Title Screen !-->

<!-- 1 = My Programs !-->

<!-- 2 = My Pictures !-->

<!-- 3 = My Files !-->

<!-- 4 = Settings !-->

<!-- 5 = My Music !-->

<!-- 6 = My Videos !-->

<!-- 2700 = Xlink Kai !-->


<!-- Display files with these extensions under pictures, music and videos !-->




<!-- RSS feeds. To have multiple feeds, just add a feed to the set. You can also have multiple sets. !-->

<!-- To use different sets in your skin, each must be called from skin with a unique id. !-->


<set id="1">

<feed updateinterval="30"></feed>



<!-- Regular expressions for use in video stacking !-->

<!-- These MUST have a (...) surrounding the volume label portion. eg ([0-9]*) to choose the number !-->

<!-- found in the string. Any text for matching is compared case-insensitive. !-->

<!-- Anything matched will be removed from titlename. !-->

<!-- If more than one (...) section is used, first one will be prefix, second one volume label, !-->

<!-- any third one (doesn't have to exist) will be suffix. Use this too keep extensions after match. !-->


<regexp>[ _\.-]+cd[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)</regexp>

<regexp>[ _\.-]+dvd[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)</regexp>

<regexp>[ _\.-]+part[ _\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)</regexp>

<regexp>()[ _\.-]+([0-9]*[abcd]+)(\....)$</regexp>

<regexp>()[\^ _\.-]+([0-9]+)(\....)$</regexp>




<!-- Uncomment for path substitutions; currently only use by playlist loader. !-->

<!-- Like the video stacking regexps, these are processed in order, so be sure to put the !-->

<!-- most specific substitutions at the top. !-->

<!-- <pathsubstitution> !-->

<!-- <substitute> !-->

<!-- <from>G:\dvds\</from> !-->

<!-- <to>smb://somecomputer/g-share/dvds/</to> !-->

<!-- </substitute> !-->

<!-- <substitute> !-->

<!-- <from>G:\</from> !-->

<!-- <to>smb://somecomputer/g-share</to> !-->

<!-- </substitute> !-->

<!-- </pathsubstitution> !-->

<!-- Path where XBMC should store its thumbnails !-->


<!-- Path where XBMC should store its shortcuts !-->


<!-- Path where xbmc should store the music albums cache !-->


<!-- Path where SHOUTcast rips/recordings should be stored !-->


<!-- Path where XBMC screenshots should be stored !-->


<!-- Path where XBMC's CDDA Rips should be stored !-->

<!-- Note! This must point to an existing folder. !-->


<!-- Move and repeat delays for Xbox controller and DVD-remote (values are shown in milliseconds) !-->

<!-- Deadzone for controller is a value between 0 and 1 (0 being no deadzone, 1 being all deadzone) !-->











<!-- IR-Remote debug info. Displays the DVD-remote code with each button press. !-->

<!-- Useful to see if XBMC reads extra buttons on your own universal IR remote. !-->

<!-- These remote codes can be placed in keymap.xml to give more button options !-->


<!-- This allows you to overwrite/specify icons shown for specific file types !-->




<!-- All bookmarks can be LOCKED by adding lockmode/lockcode values as follows: !-->

<!-- Set lockmode to: !-->

<!-- 0 = Bookmark not locked. This is the default value if not specified. !-->

<!-- 1 = Numeric lock. Can be typed via on screen numpad or remote control. !-->

<!-- 2 = Gamepad lock. Enter by pushing XBOX controller button sequence. !-->

<!-- 3 = Full-text lock. Enter with on screen keyboard or USB keyboard. !-->

<!-- lockcode: where lockmode is set to value: !-->

<!-- 1: Enter numeric password only. Do not use spaces or other characters. !-->

<!-- 2: Enter gamepad button sequence using the following letter codes: !-->

<!-- A B X Y = Same as buttons on gamepad !-->

<!-- U D L R = D-pad Up, Down, Left, Right !-->

<!-- W K ( ) = White, Black, Left Trigger, Right Trigger !-->

<!-- 3: Enter HTML-escaped alphanumeric password. Make sure all characters !-->

<!-- are available on your language's on screen keyboard/USB keyboard. !-->

<!-- Example: !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>SMB</name> !-->

<!-- <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/movies/</path> !-->

<!-- <lockmode>1</lockmode> !-->

<!-- <lockcode>12345678</lockcode> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->

<!-- My Programs bookmark !-->

<!-- The depth allows you to specify how deep to look for XBE when flattening is on, !-->

<!-- for example, with Depth of 1: !-->

<!-- F:\Games\ !-->

<!-- game1 !-->

<!-- game2 !-->

<!-- game3 !-->

<!-- If your depth is 2, it will look even further for the XBE !-->

<!-- F:\Emulators\ !-->

<!-- Nintendo\ !-->

<!-- game1 !-->

<!-- game2 !-->

<!-- Arcade\ !-->

<!-- game1 !-->

<!-- game2 !-->

<!-- You can have multiple paths per bookmark (only for myprograms). Use a comma-separated list for paths. !-->

<!-- Ex: <path>E:\Games\,F:\Games\</path> !-->

<!-- <path> can also take direct links to XBE !-->

<!-- Ex: <path>E:\Apps\,C:\xbmc.xbe</path> !-->

<!-- All bookmarks can have a custom thumbnail icon. !-->

<!-- Image must be located locally on the xbox !-->

<!-- Example: !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>SMB</name> !-->

<!-- <path>smb://DOMAIN;username:pwd@MyWindowsServer/movies/</path> !-->

<!-- <thumbnail>E:\Apps\XBMC\media\movies.png</thumbnail> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->



















<name>Lecteur DVD</name>





<!-- My Videos shares !-->


<default />


<name>Lecteur E</name>




<name>Lecteur F</name>




<name>Lecteur DVD</name>



<!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !-->

<!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !-->

<!-- for my video !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>ISO</name> !-->

<!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>UDF</name> !-->

<!-- <path>UDF:</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->


<name>XNS Network Share</name>




<name>XBMSP Network Share</name>




<name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name>




<name>SMB Network Share</name>

<!-- You can use one of these following formats: !-->

<!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !-->

<!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !-->

<!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !-->

<!-- smb://ip/ !-->




<name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name>








<name>(SMB) Network</name>




<!-- My Music shares !-->


<default />


<name>Lecteur E</name>




<name>Lecteur F</name>




<name>Lecteur DVD</name>



<!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF CDDA share !-->

<!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !-->

<!-- for my music !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>ISO</name> !-->

<!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>UDF</name> !-->

<!-- <path>UDF:</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>CDDA</name> !-->

<!-- <path>cdda://</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->


<name>XNS Network Share</name>




<name>XBMSP Network Share</name>




<name>XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)</name>




<name>SMB Network Share</name>

<!-- You can use one of these following formats: !-->

<!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !-->

<!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !-->

<!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !-->

<!-- smb://ip/ !-->




<name>WORKGROUP (SMB) Network</name>




<name>MS Soundtracks</name>




<name>iTunes Network Share (DAAP)</name>

<!-- only use an IP address here !-->




<name>SHOUTcast Top 500</name>




<name>Shoutcast Rips</name>




<name>(SMB) Network</name>




<!-- My Pictures shares !-->


<default />


<name>Lecteur E</name>




<name>Lecteur F</name>




<name>Lecteur DVD</name>



<!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !-->

<!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !-->

<!-- for my pictures !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>ISO</name> !-->

<!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>UDF</name> !-->

<!-- <path>UDF:</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->


<!-- File-manager shares !-->



<name>Lecteur C</name>




<name>Lecteur E</name>




<name>Lecteur F</name>




<name>Lecteur DVD</name>



<!-- Expert setting: Uncomment for seperate ISO and UDF share !-->

<!-- Comment out the bookmark named DVD to disable DVD autodetect !-->

<!-- for my files !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>ISO</name> !-->

<!-- <path>iso9660://</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->

<!-- <bookmark> !-->

<!-- <name>UDF</name> !-->

<!-- <path>UDF:</path> !-->

<!-- </bookmark> !-->




<description>My Programs</description>






<description>My Files</description>






<description>My Pictures</description>






<description>My Music</description>






<description>My Videos</description>




















Merci à ceux qui voudront bien m'aider.

PS:Ma connection 9Online est bien partagée avec la carte réseau utilisée par la XBox.

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