XBMC 11-12-2005 (T3CH)


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Nouvelle version de XBMC, issue des CVS et compilée par T3CH.

Cette compile T3CH est un package barebone (logiquement moins de problèmes pouvant provoquer un blocage). Vous trouverez ci-dessous le changelog depuis la dernière version du 5 décembre :

Citation :

- 11-12-2005 changed: Moved the buttonscroller button list into the skin. See online manual for more information. It still reads from XboxMediaCenter.xml if skin version is less than 1.8.

- 11-12-2005 added: Initial support for skin version 2.0 and backwards compatibility to v1.3 skins (skinners please see graphical design forum for information).

- 11-12-2005 fixed: Workaround for a buffer overrun in DVDDemuxSPU.

- 11-12-2005 added: Sliding and delayed visiblitity effects for GUI controls + dialogs. See the online manual for more information.

- 11-12-2005 added: Support for more URL combinations in nfo files.

- 11-12-2005 fixed: [ 1094942 ] No Movie Bookmarks when started from Filemgr

- 11-12-2005 fixed: Ignore The when Sorting had no effect in My Videos.

- 11-12-2005 fixed: Directory names don't end in a space when truncating in the FTP server.

- 11-12-2005 fixed: Thumbs now appear immediately for files in the current directory from where a Movie "Query Info for All Files" is initiated

- 11-12-2005 added: Context Menu: Make the share Default [GeminiServer] In all share sections, with context menu, you can set the selected share as default! !-

For more information see: http://manual.xboxmediacenter.de/wakka.php...kMarksxml&v=kz4

- 11-12-2005 fixed: SmartXX V3 detection returned the wrong ID! [GeminiServer]

- 11-12-2005 added: Skin controlled switchable condition/buttons: [GeminiServer] The skinner can show and hide a Visual with own predefined button! 5 conditions are availibe! The conditions are [true] by default!

For Example: set a Weather Icon and controll [show/hide] it with a button in submenu!

Get the state: use skin.ShowVisualx [x=a,b,c,d,e] e.g.: skin.ShowVisuala

Change the state: use XBMC.skinshowvisual(x) [x=a,b,c,d,e] e.g.: XBMC.skinshowvisual(a)

- 11-12-2005 added: HTTPAPI SeekPercentageRelative command and additional GetCurrentlyPlaying info

- 11-12-2005 fixed: CFileXBMSP::Stat(), set errno correctly (fixes dvdfolders).

- 10-12-2005 fixed: Clicking on "All Albums" items in Top 100, Recently Played and Recently Added Albums (Note: Queueing is still broken. It gets *ALL* songs from the database.)

- 10-12-2005 fixed/changed: analog buttons can't turn off screensaver. plasma owners with flaky controllers (hi poing!) rejoice.

- 10-12-2005 fixed: browse for subtitles (forgot some code)

- 10-12-2005 fixed: Top 100 items in Music Library

- 10-12-2005 fixed: IMDB "Movie Lookup" on folders

- 09-12-2005 fixed: rarmanager errors preventing cvs from compiling (just commented out the offending lines)

- 09-12-2005 fixed: ReplayGain wasn't correctly using the settings in the GUI.

- 09-12-2005 fixed: My music incorrect playlist item selected when rar or zip files were in the folder.

- 09-12-2005 fixed: Infinite loop in DeleteBookmark() if the bookmark had an invalid path.

- 09-12-2005 fixed: Spin control in settings followed weird focusing patterns when moving to it from the left or right.

- 08-12-2005 added: SystemInfo: Total System Uptime, will show how long XBMC was used since first start! [GeminiServer] Note: on IGR reset the Total Uptime can not be stored! Switch off XBMC via Menu!

- 08-12-2005 added: SmartXX V3 Modchip Detection [GeminiServer]

- 08-12-2005 fixed: previos changed settings was not saved if a restart follow to network Assignment change [GeminiServer]

- 07-12-2005 fixed: rar directory masking.

- 07-12-2005 fixed: IMDB thumbs for movies in the root of a multipath bookmark in My Videos (i hope?)

- 06-12-2005 fixed: My Music Library access to Playlists and Top 100 Songs

- 06-12-2005 changed: error messages related to nfo file reading for imdb url's

- 06-12-2005 added: force index rebuilding to video osd.

- 06-12-2005 fixed: [ 1372341 ] Using 'none' in PM3 freezes xbox after apx. half hour in non-English locales. Requires changing the vis off none, then back onto it to stop the freezing.

- 06-12-2005 fixed: [ 1324302 ] XBMC hangs when skipping to next video in My Videos playlist.

- 06-12-2005 fixed: Bug in GUIFont::GetTextExtent() which could cause filenames with characters that were not present in the font to crash.

- 05-12-2005 fixed: playlists button in My Music Files

- 05-12-2005 added: frame dropping in video decoder when using ffmpeg in dvdplayer

download.gif XBMC 11-12-2005 (T3CH)

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.de

Lien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4496

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