Pspcaliber Partial Load V0.02a


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Du nouveau, du coté de PSP Caliber :D

Well, weve modified our original partial load EBOOT so now you can have it in any folder as long as it is in PSP/GAME. Also, it is a hello world app coded from scratch, so there is less code to mess with! You can find it Here Here Here and Here Thanks to EriCKY for the mirrors!



Source: Pspmod

Autre source: PSP hacks

Au revoir. :)

Modifié par N@S
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Bien, le weve a modifié notre charge partielle originale EBOOT tellement maintenant que vous pouvez l'avoir dans n'importe quelle chemise aussi longtemps qu'elle est dans PSP/game.  En outre, c'est bonjour un monde APP codé à partir de zéro, tellement là est moins de code à salir avec!  Vous pouvez le trouver ici ici ici et ici grâce à EriCKY des miroirs!

Traduction google :D

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Right, PSPCaliber have been working on 2.0 homebrew for a few days now, and we have managed to so far, get further than WAB! All is explained about this in the file_id.diz!

This file will not let you run homebrew, but, our newest member: Unreal, who is a very talented coder, is pretty confident he will sort out the shutdown problem by the end of the week! That is not a promise, its a target! Seeing as you all were pestering for a release date from WAB, that is our TARGET not our release date, we will do our best to acheive it! Also, WAB never released HOW they achieved what they supposedly achieved, we have, in the file_id.diz

Now, most of all, try and work on this, we dont care who gets it working first, as long as they get it working!

Any questions, #PSPCaliber on the old taken over WAB server

Later People!

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po dautre test en 2.00 ca devrai marcher dapres le site


nop ça ne marche pas !!!

Djultimate a dit:

This file will not let you run homebrew, but, our newest member: Unreal, who is a very talented coder, is pretty confident he will sort out the shutdown problem by the end of the week! That is not a promise, its a target!


Ce fichier ne vous permet pas de lancer des homebrew, mais, notre nouveau membre: Unreal, qui est un très talentueux codeur, est vraiment confiant il pense sortir du problème du shutdown avant la fin de la semaine! Ce n'est pas une promesse, c'est une prévision

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