To Stachen & His Monkey


Messages recommandés

Stop spamming my forum ok.

If you're so stupid to understand

that i never see your website before you come here, look this links where you will see the

original theme of my site (i've justed change the color and position) :


General :

Flash Header


Name theme for my site is EADJ

for Xoops

Flash Header come from

href='' target='_blank'>HQ_Flash

theme for Xoops

I hope this time that your 2 neurons will transmit information to your

brain. blink.gifdry.gif

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Ils ont vraiment rien à faire ceux là. c po possible ça mad.gif

Laisser ce forum trankil.


n'est pas polluer par plein de message redondant -> alors laissez nous en paix

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