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Salut tout le monde.

Voila je me suis rendu sur xbox-saves et j'ai trouver un pack qui s appelle Ninja Gaiden Save Editor - NTSC US et je comprend pas la description Je sais pas a quoi ca sert concraitement.

Pouvez vous m'aider a comprendre svp!!

Ninja Gaiden Save Editor

program for pc that connects to xbox and allows u to edit the saves to get whatever u want

Ninja Gaiden Editor ( NGE )

What you need to make it work:

- A modded Xbox ( maybe a soft-mod is enougth )

- Evolution X Dashboard 3935

- TSR mode set to debug

- A PC to run NGE

Things to know :

- Unknown items are protected for your own good, you can

change this here : , but you shouldn't need to.

- There is NO control made on you choices, be carefull before


- You can save and load your memory dump to SAVE.TXT

- The log is written in log.txt, save when exiting NGE.

BIG THANKS go to the people at Maxconsole Forum,

especially c2j for finding all the addresses and values

Si quelqu 'un comprend qu il me tienne au courant merci

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