Wiiflow 4.0.5


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FIX94, après avoir travaillé de manière assez soutenue sur le googlecode Beta de Wiiflow, met à disposition une nouvelle version considérée comme stable de ce fameux loader USB.

Les bugs les plus gênants ont logiquement été éradiqués. Celui-ci supporte la dernière version de HBC et devrait être bien plus stable avec les plugins, le mode Gamecube et certains périphériques de stockage USB récalcitrants.


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Here is 4.0.5, and again it focuses on bugfixing, the bugs introduced with 4.0.3 are just too critical and still not fully fixed, I hope this time we have found the most annoying ones
In short that revision fixes more memory leaks, hopefully fixes all the device mounting issues your guys had, also plugins should display correctly now, not with the half of it missing, booting gamecube games in neek hopefully works now, wiiflow should basically run in wiiu wii mode (you cannot boot wii or gamecube games yet, channels homebrew and plugins work), added support for the new homebrew channel 1.1.1 and newer, wiiflow will automatically reload the cache if a new version is found from now on to prevent bugs or missing games, the general boot method changed from everything wiiflow can boot, that is a bit cleaner, you shouldn't notice any noticable difference though, its more in the code, also I've added a battery bar so you can actually see the power level of your wiimotes, you can find it in the home menu, the debug messages should be cleaner and more detailed now, also the wifi gecko is improved, it should be at least as good as the sd gecko now, still it cannot print as much as the usb gecko.

Yea, that should be everything important for now, we will see us with the next release again, wiiflow is not dead just because of the wiiu, its wii mode can play wiiflow perfectly fine so I wont forget working on it if anybody thought that

download.gif Wiiflow 4.0.5

homesite.gif Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/wiiflow/

Lien vers article original : http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3154

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J'ai installé cette dernière version, mais Wiiflow plante au démarrage de l'appli à cause du thème que j'ai mis (WhiteWii_r585_and_up.zip). Du coup j'ai du modifier le fichier ini pour remettre le thème default.

Y aurait-il une solution pour profiter à nouveau du thème Whitewii ?


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