[ 4.14.04 ] Multiman 04.14.xx Update Package


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je vois pas de quoi tu parles ,tu as suivi un tuto ?

Non j'ai installé multiman 4.14 base et full ensuite j'ai fait la mise à jour ensuite j'ai mis à la racine le fichier report_data.txt à la racine de ma clef usb puis j'ai était dans install pakage et la rien.

Dans le bas de install pakage j'ai select pour instl multiman steal et start pour mise a jour.

Voilà j'en suis là.

Je voudrais savoir que faire car j'ai lu sur le fofo juste au dessus qu'avec multiman stealh black ops 2 fonctionné en ligne

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Bon ca vient pas de ca mais ca sert a rien d'installer la base puis la full, la full contient la base + les covers...

Tu as installer le patch par instal package? normalement c'est tout ce qu'il y a faire...

J'ai pas vu de pacth dans le dossier juste deux fichier en txt!!!

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quand je mais le fichier report_data.txt à la racine de ma clef usb puis que je fais start dans install pakage çà me marque


Your installation of multiman is incomplete!

Please install Base or Full version or you may experience graphics display problème!"

Ensuite je suis obligé de faire la croix pour ok et la sa plante.

J'ai désintallé multiman et j'ai recommencé installation de la full puis udapte puis j'ai réessayé et pareil..

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Just a side note...

While improving the /net_host features to connect to a PC or/and other PS3 systems, I made a step further and added 'remote control' which allows you to interact with another PS3 running mM via remote screen. Remote screen can be full-screen or 'minimized' like in the screenshot (the minimized window is updated in real time) smile.png

It means that you connect to a friend's PS3 and help him if you're more experienced with mM or just have fun controlling your other PS3s in the house. Both sides must run compatible multiMAN versions (04.15.00 or later).



p.s. All /net_host communications are enhanced and fast - it is now possible to browse a remote PC with over 2000 ROMs/pictures/videos from the game modes (or mmOS) in a flash. Loading retro ROM covers is now greatly improved and loading remote folders is done in one pass like in early mM versions so browsing is seamless over network (to a PS3 or a PC). So many things in 04.15.00 to follow...

Deank sur ps3crunch.net


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J attend par contre la version du cfw de arachtous qui vas nous permettre de ne plus avoir besoin de mutliman ou autre manager

voila une petite video du cfw encore en cours de dev


Modifié par ludo1421
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release date ? :P

Aujourd'hui ca te va? ^^

Bon je le trouve sur ps3scenefiles, mais pas encore par deank ca m'etonne...

This is only an UPDATE version (you need 04.14.00/04.15.00 BASE or FULL installed).

* Updated PC application "ps3netsrv" to support fast folder-data retrieval

* Greatly improved loading of remote /net_host folders (up to 4096 entries in mmOS and 2048 in other modes)

* Greatly improved loading of remote Retro ROMs folders with covers

* Added support to access remote PS3 system in mmOS or in game modes via /net_host

- You can access all data of a remote PS3 to view/play photo/music/video files, transfer files/folders (and load ISO games/movies PS3/PSX/DVD/BD if used with Cobra CFW)

* Added option in "Settings" - "Connect to Another PS3" - it allows full remote control (screen/pad) of another PS3 running multiMAN 04.15.00 and later

* Added option in "Settings" - "Remote Access Permissions" (Disable/Files/Screen/Full) to restrict remote connnections to your PS3

* Added support for mmRAS - PC application by Aldo (aldostools) which allows remote access to your PS3 (screen/pad) while running multiMAN

* Screenshot feature in multiMAN (START+R2) will now save screens as JPEG.

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The key features of this release:

* The improved PC ps3netsrv application allows much faster access speeds when retrieving data from folders in mmOS or when browsing photo/music/video/ROMs from remote /net_host. You can now browse a remote folder with roms+covers and it takes a fraction of the time it took before.

* The Remote Access feature allows you to connect to another PS3 anywhere in the world (be it in the other room or across the country) and copy files/folders, play Retro ROMs, view photos and play music and video files (after caching)

* The Remote Access Control (PS3) feature allows you to connect to another PS3 running multiMAN and view its screen and control it with your pad. It allows you to minimize the current session and work with your own PS3 (to transfer files to the remote PS3 for example) and then return to the other PS3.

* The Remote Access Control (PC) feature via aldostools mmRAS client allows you to connect to your PS3 (or any other PS3 around the world running multiMAN) from your PC. You can change the encoding quality of the picture, take screenshots in JPG (PrintScreen button) and control the PS3 with your keyboard and mouse. Click the [?] button for more information of the keyboard mappings.

* The option in "Settings" (Remote Access Permissions) allows you to configure the access to your PS3. You can completely "Disable" it, you can allow remote connections only to access your "Files", you can restrict it only to remote control "Screen" or allow "Full" access for files and screen control.

* The Remote Access Control provides 960x540 resolution (it doesn't depend on the remote PS3 resolution). The best results/quality and fastest response is achieved when server PS3 is running in 1920x1080.

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* To be able to use these features you have to configure your remote peers in "Settings" -> "Network Servers".

* Any configured /net_host can be used for file access (PC and PS3) and for remote control (PS3)

* If you are connecting to a PC you must have ps3netsrv application running on the PC side

* If you wish to restrict access to your PS3 - change the setting in "Remote Access Permissions"

* If you wish to connect to another PS3 configured as /net_host - use the "Connect to Another PS3" function in "Settings"

While connected to another PS3 you can 'minimize' the connection and work with your own PS3 and then resume the remote control. You will see the live minimized remote screen in the lower corner. To switch between local/remote control use [sTART]+[sQUARE]. To terminate a connection to a remote PS3 use [sTART]+[CIRCLE]. All other buttons you press will be sent to the remote PS3.

MANY thanks to aldostools for creating the PC application to connect to a remote-control-enabled PS3.

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