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Oui deaphroat , j ai vu aussi qu un autre site avait newser alors qu'il n'ont pourtant jamais voulus lui faire le moindre de post sur son taf .Enfin le principal c est de voir que son travail et reconnue par les sites français important .

Pour la team skg, clair qu il faut éviter leur cfw .Leur derniers essais,c est finis avec des consoles bricker .

@ lexou06

Content de voir que tu as testé son cfw .Clair qu il y a du taf derrière et que c est n est pas juste un mfw de plus.

Tu en penses quoi , y a des choses qui t on surpris et des choses que tu a moins aimer ?

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Tout travail mérite le respect !!

Rappelez-vous que les 3 premières versions du CFW Rogero 4.21 avaient causé des bricks, alors qu'aujourd'hui c'est peut ses CFW 4.30 qui sont les plus utilisés sur la scène car très stealth et ne pausent pas de soucis pour les consoles downgradées !

Toutefois, pour moi avant Rogero , il ya a team rebug, leurs CFW c'est le top du top du top !!!

Bref, pour moi ça serait CFW 4.40 Rebug que j’attendrai

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Une autre avancée majeure !! ça sent la fin du Cobra mnt (indirectement)

après le début de la démocratisation du lancement des backups PS2 sur la PS3 (tous modèles confondus), la voici l'émulation PSX qui suit le chemin !!

Un développeur au nom qoobz lance une belle application PC nommée PS1toPS3 qui permet de créer un PKG installable de n'importe quelle image iso/bin de jeu PS one, ainsi il sera possible de le lancer sur son beau CFW PS3 !!


Que du bonheur !!


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Un autre outil releasé par ce meme développeur est EDAT Tool v3 !!

Il permet de décrypter les fichier EDAT des jeux PS1 et PSP !!! oui PSP !! ça sent qu'on pourra bientot créer des PKG PSP installables sur nos CFW et le dongle Cobra n'aura aucune exclusivité après !!!


This app decrypts PS1 and PSP edats, here is a quote:

Usage: edat3tool type, input edat, valid rapfile, output bin

type – type of edat to decrypt: -psx, -psp, , -klic, -npdrm1, -npdrm2, -npdrm3

input edat – path to edat to decrypt

rap file – path to valid rap file for edat

output bin – path to save decrypted data

For windows users -> uncomment line 33 and comment line 34 of EDAT.cs

For *NIX users -> uncomment line 34 and comment line 33 of EDAT.cs

Now with proper RAP/EDAT decryption biggrin.gif

The edat format MUST be ISO.BIN.EDAT

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encore et encore

Le premier backup manager PS3 spécifique aux jeux PS2 classics, malheureusement il faut les convertir au préalable !!

J'espère qu'on verra prochainement un backup manager qui fait tout du A au Z pour ces jeux PS2, qu'on n'aura à faire qu'à mettre nos images isos dedans hihihi hihihi

PS2 cllassics manager v1.0 beta par CAPTAIN CPS-X

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Une nouvelle version du PS2 classics GUI par Aldostools v1.61 est disponible

Pas mal de nouveautés au RDV

Changes in 1.6.1:

- Added shell integration to .BIN and .ISO file extensions

- New options to set default output mode and default path

- Auto creation of PS2ISO folders (output mode PS2ISO)

- Auto creation of Package files (output mode Package File)

- Auto-detected game title now can be selected/copied

Changes in 1.5.2:

- Graphical progress bar

- Display of ICON0 on top right corner

- Display of title id & game title when an iso or encrypted iso is selected

- Support to open/edit PARAM.SFO

- Patch the PARAM.SFO with title id & game title

- Uses the default Klicensee and Content ID from @CaptainCPS-X 's PS2 Classics Placeholder

- Includes the RAP for PS2 Classics Placeholder (also reActPSN in included in the rar)

- New ps2classic.exe from IngPereira & flat_z

- Rehash of saves

- New heuristics verification to know if hash table must be updated or appended to the save file

- The conversion now asks where to save the result file (ISO.BIN, ISO.BIN.ENC, CONFIG, CONFIG.DEC, SCEVMC0.VME, SCEVMC0.VMC)
- Many other improvements

Special thanks to flatz, Ing Pereira, ps3dev-net team and other anonymous talented devs ;)

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@ ludo1421

oui j'ai testé le cfw d'arachetous ,en 4.31 je precise ,pas mal complet ,j'ai bien aimé le spt-market l'idée de modder et de regrouper les differnets homebrews et autres .pkg bien pratique ,pour le reste c'est assez stable ( je ne test pas la sen en cfw pour moi c'est une connerie le online et les backups ,ce n'est que mon avis :whistling: ) les jeux passent sans soucis bien sure

Par rapport a l'intégration des ofw 4.31 et maintenant 4.40 c'est la suite logique des choses ,meme si a mes yeux peu d'interet ( pour les utilisateurs du SEN oui bien sure ) je dirais pour conclure progression de son cfw vers quelque chose de coherent et travaillé c'est encourageant ,ne pas tomber dans le concours "j'ai la plus grosse" c'est aussi important pour la suite :ok: a suivre ^^

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PS2 ISOtoXMB Conversion GUI v1.0 Beta by Spewfr

Following up on my PS2Classics Guide on Converting ISOs to XMB PS2 Games guide, today I (Spewfr) have released a PS2 ISO to XMB Conversion Command-Line GUI v1.0 Beta for PS3 users complete with source code.

I recently decided to start converting my PS2 ISO's for use with the PS3 system; here you have a Command-Line GUI that I think is simple to use.

NOTE THAT THIS TOOL uses the same RAP key for every game it processes (the same one that PS2Classics GUI uses, so credit to them for all of the hard work over at ps3dev-network)

If enough positive feedback is given to this project, I will continue to enable BIN formats and add other changes...

What this program will do:

Create a PKG and RAP for your ISO
Pros: Can launch the game from XMB at any point
No multi-man required
Cons: Requires disc space (but you can use a game data switcher)
Requires installation of multiple RAP's


1. Place your icons files inside of the Images folder
2. Run PS2iso2pkg.exe
3. Enter the PS2 Game ID
4. Enter the PS2 Game Title
5. Follow the On-Screen Instrucions
6. WAIT until all [9] processes have completed
7. COPY the "exdata" and "packages" folder to an external HDD
8. Install the PKG entitled with your Game ID
9. Install and run reActPSN (included in packages folder)
10 You're all good!

Source is included in src, Please leave a comment explaining any problems you face (I hope none )

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PS3 Homebrew Developer spewfr following his previous release of PS2 ISO to XMB Conversion GUI v1.0 that was just released yesterday. Has now released a new tool that is a Memory Card Converter for PS2 Classic's.

This command-line GUI will convert your old PS2 save games into a format that is now usable for the newly exploited PS2 Classic format on your PS3 system. Take a look at the Tutorial below that I'm sure will be a welcome addition to many. Yet again another example of Sony not doing what it should, and an example of the community correcting Sony short comings for the PS3.

Memory Card Converter v2.0 for PS2Classics PS3 Command-Line GUI

This new Command-Line GUI tools converts your old PS2 savegames to a readable format for the PS3 system.


Run your PS2Classic at least once.
Exit to the XMB, and go to "Save Data Utility (PS2)"
Copy your PS2Classic Game's Savedata to your external drive

Follow the steps below to Convert your old savegame files, and then overwrite this one.

1. Export your old PS2 saves from your PS2 Memory Stick to your computer, using either

A. Sony's memory Card Adapter (Requires PSV exporter)
B. uLaunchElf; Tutorial included below.

I recommend just copying your entire library of saves to an external drive

2. Run SaveBuild - *Note - you may have to open PS2save-builder manually with admin rights; it is located in "tools".
3. Click "Edit > Add File", and browse to the folder of your savegame. It will look something like "mc0:/BASLUS-21490"
4. Import every file from that directory into the tool. (i.e. BASLUS-21490/icon.sys , BASLUS-21490/config , etc)
5. Now edit the Root/ID field to match the name of the folder (i.e. Root/ID = BASLUS-21490)
6. Go to "File > Save as..." and select "Save as file type: X-port2 (*.xps)" and save the file as your Root/ID (i.e. BASLUS-21490.xps) The program will ask you to save the file inside of your savegame folder, save it somewhere like your desktop)
7. Run MyMC
8. When the program starts, it will ask you to open a .PS2 file; select "SCEVMC0.PS2" (I have included one with the tools.)


9. Click "File > Import..." and select the .XPS you just created.
10. Run PS2toVME ; Make sure the new SCEVMC0.PS2 is in the same folder. (the .PS2 will be cleaned automatically every time PS2toVME closes)
11. Copy the New VME in the VME folder to your external drive (external drive:/PS3/EXPORT/PS2SD/PS2UXXXXX/SCEVMC0.VME)
12. On your PS3, plug in your external drive and go to the Game portion of the XMB, and select "Saved data Utility (PS2)"
13. Select your external drive and copy over the new savegame
14. You're good to go, load up your game

ulaunchElf Copy Savgame Guide

1. Load uLaunchELF on your PS2, browse to your USB flash (under mc0:/ or mc1:/ ).
2. Locate the folder that contains your savegame, then press R1 and select “Copy” to copy the entire folder (it should contain files like icon.sys , config , etc)
3. Browse to your external drive ( mass:/ )
4. press R1 again and select “mcPaste” to paste the entire folder onto your external drive (do NOT use “Paste”, while it works for most games, some games require mPaste)

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PS2 classics self (encryption for PS3)
Deank tient à sa promesse !! :ok:
Nouveaux outils permettant de faire la conversion ainsi que la signature des images iso de vos jeux PS2 directement sur la PS3 via MultiMAN, plus besoin de revenir au PC pour faire la conversion !!

It canbe used by any PS3 application to convert a regular disc PS2 ISO to ISO.BIN.ENC.

Can be used as easy as:

Code:char* launchargv[8];
memset(launchargv, 0, sizeof(launchargv));
launchargv[0] = (char*)malloc( 2); strcpy(launchargv[0], "e");
launchargv[1] = (char*)malloc( 4); strcpy(launchargv[1], "cex");
launchargv[2] = (char*)malloc(i3); strcpy(launchargv[2], klc_path );
launchargv[3] = (char*)malloc(i1); strcpy(launchargv[3], iso_path1);
launchargv[4] = (char*)malloc(i2); strcpy(launchargv[4], iso_path2);
launchargv[5] = (char*)malloc(12); strcpy(launchargv[5], "ISO.BIN.ENC");
launchargv[6] = (char*)malloc(37); strcpy(launchargv[6], "2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333");
launchargv[7] = NULL;

_Exitspawn(ps2classics, (char* const*)launchargv, NULL, NULL, 0, 1001, SYS_PROCESS_PRIMARY_STACK_SIZE_1M);
Where iso_path1 is the source iso, iso_path2 is the destination encrypted iso.bin.enc and klc_path is the path to the klicense.

just tested it (launching a regular ISO in mM, it spawns the
ps2classics.self and creates the encrypted ISO + a folder structure) -
everything seems ok. It needs a nice progress bar, improved I/O by using
async read/write and you're good to go. It doesn't support 4GB+ files,
but properly adds missing info for CD ISO files.

Basically with
mM you can dump your PS2 game disc, load it in the RETRO column, it will
convert it to ps2classic in a minute or two and you can load it with
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Here’s some nice info from zecoxao about running PSP Games/Homebrews (disguised as minis) on a PS3.

Cleaned up. OK, so here’s how it works:

On each mini, there are two files called ISO.BIN.EDAT and MINIS.EDAT.
There’s also another one(the game) called EBOOT.PBP

Decrypting ISO.BIN.EDAT will generate a binary that contains the following :….bin_structure

Decrypting MINIS.EDAT will generate a binary that contains almost the same, except that it is much smaller because it only contains a small header and the encrypted version key (i’m going to add the info to the wiki so don’t worry)

Now, there is a program, with included source code, based on libkirk, that does all the hard work for us and decrypts the EBOOT.PBP. just rename EBOOT.PBP to NP.PBP and it’ll decrypt the eboots contents for you

That program will also generate the header (in big endian) and the version key (exists per pbp)

Let’s take care of the MINIS.BIN first. it has a random 16 bytes of data. if we decrypt that data with this specific key using aes-cbc


62 5E 77 79 46 62 6A 37 33 6E 3A 5D 4A 6B 71 4B

we will get the version key. that takes care of MINIS.BIN and we can forge our own if we want with another eboot.

let’s go now to ISO.BIN

the header there is the same as the generated header from the decryptor, except byte swapped in some places (again, little endian in ISO.BIN and big endian in np_header.bin)

header taken care of, we go to the table (lots of ****ing hours on this one guys)

this is divided in 4 parts (cmac of block using another key, offset of block relative to np_header and size in bytes of encrypted and compressed data)

finding the block offset (tp[4] in code) and the block size (tp [5]) in the code was easy, as well as the padding bytes (tp [6] and [7]). the hard part was the cmac, which is now taken care of ( the link for the modified tool is here : , take notice only the first block cmac is generated)

you’ll notice that in that code, there is a key in npeg.c . that is the minis1 key .
now we have proper cmacs. Very nice :D

what’s missing now is to find an iso and make it an eboot, and use the information of the eboot and put it on ISO.BIN and MINIS.BIN, then repack the edats (using KDSBest’s tool) , create a pkg and test it

for packing isos into eboots the closest we have is fake_np (also in libkirk)

for those of you who want to test these kirk tools, check the link under the minis table information

And that’s it

I guess we just have to wait a bit for a “noob-friendly” version..

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PS2 Classics GUI 2.0 is available

The new version now allows to create the PKG with custom images and text.
Drag & drop the images (jpg, bmp, gif, tif or even a PARAM.SFO) or paste an image from the clipboard or select the images using the open dialog, and the program will create the images with the proper dimensions when the "Make PKG" button is pressed.

Changes in 2.0:
- New tab for creation of PS2 packages with custom icons and background.
(drag & drop or open any image and the program will create the images in the proper size)
Changes in 1.7:
- Solves some issues with the file associations.
- Verifies if the file system accepts the file size (>4GB) and if there is enough free space.
- Improved the LIMG segment detection/patching before the encryption.
- Added option to auto rename the PKG to title name + [title id], instead of the content id as name.

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Cool, il ne restait que ça, l'émulation PSP pour tous le monde sur CFW !!! le top du top

merci deaphroat pour le relais de l'information

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CFW VENIX 4.40 Silver

Built using original firmware through 4:40 MiraLaTijela
CFW created using the basic MLT 4:40 through MiraLatijela
Compatible with 4:40 games without fix
QA flag running just use the command.
Compatible with downgrade.
New Custom Theme
New Coldboot customized with new logo Venix
Role functioning BDEMU
New Menu Manager Venix
Exchange of HD without problem.
Can be installed by XMB normally.
New HSV allowing access to PSN.
Animation in the implementation of PS1 games.
Misuse of license, now your console will not matter if the content has been paid or not.
Download multiMAN, No other Homebrews Manager at Venix
Youtube Channels, FaceBook

And many other improvements, here's a short video showing what awaits you.


Fixed some BUG
New HSV allowing access to PSN without ReactPSN.
Animation in the implementation of PS1 games.
Misuse of license, now your console will not matter if the content has been paid or not.
Download multiMAN, No other Homebrews Manager at Venix

PS3 DLC's supposedly would requiring reactPSN and RIF file installed without needing reactPSN and RIF file.

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PS3HaX member szczuru has posted a nice little video showing PSP Games running on the PS3, without the diseased reDRM device called Cobra:

I want to post a quote, from libretro Twitter as i think they are fitting in this situation, hope you dont mind .

Note to any prospective devs – console hacking scenes are predominantly multi-level marketing scams run by vapid wannabe ‘entrepreneurs’.

‘Buy a Cobra now, buy a True Blue a year later, buy an ODDE device a year after that’ – all by a guy who knows ‘XOR’.

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PS Multi Tools v10 Released

Today, developer SvenGDK has updated his neat Windows app called PS Multi Tools to version 10 which adds the PS1 to PS3 converter and much more improvements…


Changelog v10:

NEW Nature UI (Improvements, more effects, …)
Added PS1 to PS3 converter
Added PS2 Classics
Updated old tools/homebrews
Added new tools/homebrews


All versions below v10 will not more work because of the new PS Live Menu
package_finalize.exe will hit your antivirus with a false positive, this does NOT mean that PS Multi Tools has a virus.


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Une nouvelle version du CFW DEX 4.21 PS3ITA v2.2 est disponible, compatible avec les consoles debug et les consoles converties

The changes introduced in 4.21 CFW PS3ITA DEX v2.2 are:

1. Spoof firmware 4.40.
2. IDPS All Change region 4.21 is now integrated in the fw and runs
automatically during boot the console, there is no need to start it
manually after every boot. To log on to the PSN simply log in as you
were on an ordinary OFW.
3. Sys_init_osd.self New, allows the start of our core (ps3itald.self)
during boot the console. IMPORTANT: all credits for this go to
sys_init_osd Miralatijera we just added a little bit (to make it boot
faster) and brought patches to the nost cfw, ps3itald.self instead is a
creation of our team. The core ps3itald.self is easily customizable
thanks to PKG ps3ita loader.
4. Fixed bug that did not allow the boot cd / dvd original PS2 PS3 backwards compatible.
5. Vsh Patch magazines, ReactPsn now works perfectly.
6. 0x80022D74 0x80022D11 Fix for errors relating to the trophies, in
some cases after a downgrade by service mode was returned one of these
errors and was forced to leave the game.

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