Fsd 2.0 Pour Bientôt !


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Bonjour à tous,

Voici l'article posté ce matin sur le blog de Helldoc !

I'm still alive!

So sorry for lack of recent updates... As with every other members of team fsd, we've been busy as hell with our day life...

FSD 2.0 project is still alive even thought its been a while since it has not been updated. I'm currently starting cleanup work to get a fonctionnal version out.

I think this lack of updates was also due to some lack of communication between the team... Some weeks ago we were really near of an alpha release, like 2-3 days. Only some minor gui works was left to be done. Then we all started doing some need things we thought well be usefull and the whole thing started crumbling and seems like nobody wanted to take the time to fix it.

In the next few days, i'll try to get a clean, fully working build that you all can use.

This build will probably have every extra features off or non-fully fonctionnal but it will list games in a neat way and run them properly.



Source : http://helldoc.blogspot.com/

Modifié par Yveri
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Merci pour l'info, je déplace section news.

En résumé, pour les anglophobes, la projet est toujours en vie malgré le manque de temps de l'équipe pour des raisons privées.

L'absence de communication au sein de la team a retardé la sortie d'une version alpha normalement prévue il y a quelques semaines. Du coup certains développeurs ont commencé à développer de nouvelles choses qu'ils pensaient utiles. Malheureusement cela a généré pas mal de bugs et il semble que personne ne veut prendre le temps de les corriger.

HellDoc indique qu'il va tenter de nettoyer tout cela dans les prochains jours et proposer une version utilisable par tous. Cela signifie que de nombreuses fonctionnalités qui devaient être ajoutées seront désactivées mais il sera possible de lister les jeux et les lancer correctement.

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Encore une news sur le blog de HellDoc.

Today's build

*I'm trying to get back to daily update about whats going on... i'll do my best so you guys know what to expect for next public build.

Its been a while since I last compiled FSD 2 and dont know every details about whats has changed and what are the plans on some module.

As the first loading screen is gone (it load straight to dash while loading stuff in background), if you opened the game list you would get an incomplete list. Without our debugger tool, there was no way to tell if content parsing is done, so I added a note in the status bar to say that content parsing is underway.

Also added ftp status to the status bar, it currently just tell if theres an ftp connection open. Speed would be nice, but should be done after alpha release.

At each restart of FSD I had some tab appering as blue without a logo, I dont know whats is the current tab manager/editor status, i thought it was already worked fine... Need to talk to MaesterRowen about this, might be just a minor bug. Disabled it for now.

*Update : this is a random bug, i'll fix it later today.

Seems like the gamelist doesnt reflect the selected game info anymore. I know there was some work done to split our game list module (ScnQuickGameView, which is responsible for displaying anything related to game : the dvd tab is an scnquickgameview, the favorite tab are scnquickgameview, and the gamelist is an scnquickgameview... It was just a mode setting in the skin xml that defined how it displayed games.)

The gamelist code now seems to all be in CGamesList with the OnNotifySelChanged code commented out...

If theres too much work left to get this working properly, i'll roll back scnquickgameview to a previous version.

*Update : Changing selected games with banner + screenshot + game icon + background was too slow. Code was disabled until preloading is completed.

Also, read some comments on forums and here some answers :

Media Player :

I dont know the current status, will have a look at it later. But this is not an mplayer port!! Its mostly a xmedia GUI. Therefore, dont expect mkv playing and samba support!

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