Jtag Tool 1.62 - Coolshrimp


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Another Update!!

Those with V1.60 should get a prompt to update next time you start the program...



- Creating FreeBoot 0.32 Any Motherboard

- Get CPU Key Easily

- Works With USB or LPT

- Abillity To Remove FreeBOOT

- Generation FreeBoot in a click.

- Nice interface.

- Built In Help (Tutoral)

Whats New:

*More Bugs Fixed

*Should Fix Issues (Win 7)



Future Release:

*LPT Port Changer(Use PCI card LPT Ports)

*Convert XBReboot To Original Nand

*Bad Block Remaper

*Nand Compare

*No Command Prompt Popups..

Any Bugs Please Notify Me

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