Vast : Une Carte Mémoire Pas Comme Les Autres


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120 million PS2/PStwo consoles prepare to become modded via the use of a plug ‘n play advanced custom memory card! A new product is preparing to be launched within the next two weeks which gives PS2/PSTwo owners all the functions of an advanced PS2 mod chip but directly from an advanced memory card. That means no masses of wires to be soldered, no voiding of the warranty, just a simple insertion of a special memory card known as ‘Vast’ which will fully unlock ANY PS2 console just as would a hard wired mod chip would do so. The product essentially exploits a flaw in the PS2 memory card system and uses MagicGate technology which means that the totally innovative design will be 100% secure. When inserted, the following operating system will boot giving any PS2/Two access to a wealth of features. For the time being, enjoy the following screenshots of the OS, we are expecting our insider to leak more information and media to us exclusively at MaxConsole as the launch draws ever closer.

Traduction : en gros, VAST est une carte mémoire avec OS embarqué qui a les mêmes fonctions qu'une puce. Mais par définition : pas de fil à souder pas de perte de garantie... Fonctionne sur toutes les versions de PS2 et PStwo. Sortie prévue pour dans 2 semaines. Une sacrée innovation, en somme.

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Screenshoots de l'OS :

en petit : ps2vastospsfi9.jpg

en grand :

Prix : ??

Distributeurs : ??

Modifié par zouzzz
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VAST est une carte mère avec OS
mémoire plutot non?

ça à l'air tres sympathique, dommage de ne l'avoir que maintenant

euh oui, pardon, j'édite. :)

Oui, dommage mais bon, mieux vaut tard que jamais (c'est ce que je me dis aussi pour les homebrews sur 360)

Modifié par zouzzz
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On en sait un peu plus sur cette Vast grace à un membre de la Team Infectus :

The VAST is an exploit that can load a special ELF file on the original MEMORYCARD SONY.

The team that produce VAST will programm each SONY MEMORYCARD with an encrypted version of VAST ELF FILE...

Every ELF is encrypted for each memorycard and cannot be used on another one.

To do this encryption they use MAGIC GATE IC. Every original memorycard have a different ID inside that is used to ENCRYPT the file (this is a reason because ORIGINAL MEMORYCARDS are necessary to do this, the FAKE memorycards have inside the same ID and so they cannot be used).

INFECTUS TEAM, ZEN TEAM, MATRIX INFINITY TEAM, CRYSTAL CHIP TEAM all confirmed that is possible to hack this memorycard with the analyze of MEMORYCARD BUS using the informations avaiable arround the MAGIC GATE SYSTEM.


I really hope that this will not happen, but of course in this situation WHO buy modify memorycards have the risk to lose all the money invested if really the ELF will be free...

So what is better now is to see what happen, buy few qts. and wait.

Of course, another bad info is that SONY sure will go with all the POWER again who start an official sell of this product, because this ELF file use a LOT of PATEND CODES and is 100% ILLEGAL...

Like distributors of MODCHIPS for these reasons we HOPE that this team don't continue the distribution... because is only the DEAD of PS2 MODCHIP market without GAIN for no one...


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Et on arrete plus, une faille est trouvée, tout le monde s'y jete :

First ever pictures of a NEW device which will mod any PS2/Two via the use of a memory card ONLY! A short while ago, we broke the news that a new product was to be released for the PS2/PSTwo which essentially gives all the functionality of a mod chip but from a uniquely designed memory card. However, it would seem as if VAST will not be the only product with such capabilities! Today we have received an e-mail from a team which claims they have been working on their own PS2/PStwo mod chip memory card device for TWO YEARS, and with the announcement of VAST, the time had come to officially announce their offering. The new product is a 100% MagicGate compatible 32MB PS2 memory card which works on all un-modded PS2/Two systems in the same fashion a memory card does. Using the supplied software, it will be possible to upload and download files via a USB Connection which is built into the 32MB memory of the memory card product. We are yet to witness the hardware design of the VAST, but we must say the hardware design of its rival sure looks very advanced. Again, upon insertion of the pictured memory card, the PS2/Two will become fully unlocked allowing you to enhance your gaming experience with unlocked saved, additional operating systems, emulators, media and other related homebrew goodness. We were also told that full specifications and a website will be unveiled relatively soon.

En petit : memomodts9.jpg


En grand : memomodke9.jpg

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ça serai vraiment pas mal...

en gros ça serai un exploit de la carte memoire...

mais j'ai pas bien compris le systeme (j'ai pas tout capté)

et sa permettrai de faire tout ce que le puce fait alors...

meme du code non signer


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ça serai vraiment pas mal...

en gros ça serai un exploit de la carte memoire...

mais j'ai pas bien compris le systeme (j'ai pas tout capté)

et sa permettrai de faire tout ce que le puce fait alors...

meme du code non signer


T'as en gros tout pigé. C'est fini les puces et bonjour les garanties préservées.

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  • 5 weeks later...

est-ce que quelqu'un a des nouvelles de cette trouvail?

Zouzzz avait dit prévue pour dans 2 semaines mais j'en ai plus entendu parlé depuis...


Ca sent le fake et je suis tombé dedans.


T'en fais pas, t'es pas le seul à t'être fait avoir, j'avais vu la news sur Eurasia aussi... Dommage, ça avait l'air pas mal en tout cas... Au moins ce qui dans un sens soulage, c'est que nos bons vieux modchips ne sont pas encore à la ramasse :P :P :P


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