XBMC 01-07-2007 SVN rev9489 build - T3CH


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Nouvelle version de XBMC 2.0.1, lecteur multimédia pour Xbox qu'on ne présente plus.

Pour rappel, XBMC n'utilise plus le système CVS mais SVN pour la gestion des sources. De même, les versions T3CH intègrent désormais la version XBMC Win32 PC environment (fichier .exe) dont nous vous expliquions le fonctionnement sur cet article

Voici le changelog de cette version :

Citation :

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pikes Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN 0.97.5 [scripts: Apple Movie Trailers]

- BritneysPAIRS's ~110 choosen Milkdrop presets [visualisations: MD - BPs Selection]

- EnderW & Blittans XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMCScripts]

- Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMC Lyrics]

- Rockstar's Snake 1.0 SCRIPT [scripts: Snake]

- Asteron's Tetris 1.0 SCRIPT [scripts: Tetris]

- Nuka1195's T3CH Downloader SCRIPT [scripts: T3CH Downloader]

- Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/:*]

- PM3 Red Theme + PM3 Blue Theme by Jezz_X

- 2007-06-30 9489 fixed: dvdplayer would play to fast if user paused playback, then resumed a while later in streams with no audio stream

- 2007-06-30 9488 fixed: dvdplayer would only allow user to select up to the 8th subtitle

- 2007-06-30 9486 added: rtsp support in libavformat for dvdplayer, untested as I haven't found any rtsp stream of supported type (mp3, h264, aac), wmv streams from windows media player is not supported at the moment

- 2007-06-30 9484 fixed: Launching xbe wasn't shown on the LCD

- 2007-06-30 9483 added: Python methods xbmc.makeLegalFilename() and xbmc.translatePath()

- 2007-06-29 9479 fixed: minor typo in source code

- 2007-06-29 9478 fixed: intermittent crash on httpapi exit (restart, shutdown etc) commands

- 2007-06-29 9477 fixed: intermittent crash on httpapi exit (restart, shutdown etc) commands fixed: WebServer no longer has to be running for httpapi commands to be callable from Python

- 2007-06-29 9475 fixed: Crash on exit (and possibly on load) if lcd is enabled.

- 2007-06-29 9474 fixed: Missing files from projects

- 2007-06-29 9472 Fixed : Small animation Glitch in skin settings

- 2007-06-28 9471 changed: reset timeout after having looked for stream info in dvdplayer

- 2007-06-28 9470 added: make lavf in dvdplayer timeout if it's connections take more than 10 seconds (only applies to internal protocols)

- 2007-06-28 9468 added: allow dvdplayer to use ffmpegs built-in stream handlers for rtp/rtsp/sdp/udp streams. it's abit unreliable at the moment on xbox atleast as it might lockup xbmc if there is nothing to stream. (this requires recompiled ffmpeg dll's, with network and protocols enabled).

- 2007-06-28 9461 fixed: WindowXML double free'ing of controls + occasional crash on exit of a script that closed via a click message.

- 2007-06-28 9460 fixed: Top 100 Album songs could show blank info for each song returned.

- 2007-06-27 9459 fixed: Reimplemented GetSpace() in the win32 directsound renderer.

- 2007-06-27 9456 fixed: Case issues when launching xbes or scripts + other built ins.

- 2007-06-27 9452 updated: German language file by sCAPe (Based on english strings version 9391)

- 2007-06-27 9451 updated: danish language (thanks to buchwaldsource)

- 2007-06-27 9450 fixed: clash between yes/no and cache dialogs.

- 2007-06-27 9446 fixed: DVDPlayer audio playback now works under win32.

- 2007-06-27 9443 fixed: Incorrect calculation of borders on GUIImages.

- 2007-06-26 9440 fixed: ListItem.ActualIcon didn't work inside lists/panels etc.

- 2007-06-26 9435 fixed: if you browsed for subtitles and chose a rarred sub file, it wouldn't find the idx outside the archive.

- 2007-06-26 9434 updated:
(simple) language (thanks to pcman)

- 2007-06-26 9432 Fixed : PM3 "Big list" view in music library didn't wrap top to bottom

- 2007-06-26 9431 Fixed : PM3 scrollbar arrows were still visible when scrollbar was disabled in skin settings

- 2007-06-25 9430 fixed: DirectInput keyboard implementation wasn't correct for 0-9 keys.

- 2007-06-25 9429 changed: Alternative fix for the multipath double slash at end of the last path issue.

- 2007-06-25 9428 added:
section to LCD.xml to configure display while launching a game. Use system.xbelaunch for the info label for the name of the xbe.

- 2007-06-25 9425 changed: iso/img files are now excluded from stacking

download.gif XBMC 01-07-2007 SVN rev9489 build - T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.comLien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4988

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Simpa, je vais me mettre à jour, ça fait un moment ^^:)

Cette version est pas mal dutout..pas mal de bugs corrigés..et pas de plantage pour l'instant... ( en comparaison avec la version d'il y az un mois ;) )

Merci la team XBMC (entre autres) continuez à nous enrichir cette XBOX pour qu'elle ne tombe pas aux oubliettes!, A vrai dire avec la 360 et le ring of death on est bien parti pour l'instant :lol:

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