Kof 2003 Truc Interessant


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# M1:

If you split the 512 KB M1 file (CRC: 0E86AF8F) into 4 pieces (128 KB), the second, third and fourth parts are the same thing (CRC: CDD67D4D). The difference between the first and the other parts is not too big too (1941 bytes), what means that there's a lot of redundant data, and probably using only one part is enough. Download the test file (bottom of page) to see by yourself.

# P' ROMS:

There's someting very interesting with the P' roms. When I donwloaded the game (the same day it was released), I wanted to play it with anything else, I hate MAME (30 fps/buggy). So, I opened it with a HEX editor and searched this: 45 4e 2d 4f 45 47 (EN-OEG, typically in the header). It was found at the offset 00200100, and the offset 00200108 contains 71, the cartrigde ID. Eureka!

So, if you chop them into 8 pieces (1 MB), the last two pieces of the P2 are the same thing (using the BAT attached, P2_3.bin and P2_4.bin). And they have a typical P1 header. If you run the game with Nebula only with this piece, it will partially work (the BIOS only, and some "parts").

miko from Romshare created an interesting theory that the rom is "cooked": the roms were chopped and joined in a different order. It may be 1 MB pieces, or smaller. This was supposely to protect the game and make it run only with that MAME. Anyway, we can try to join the roms all again. Unfortunately, may computer takes 17 minutes to load the game, so this would be a big loss of time.

Using the BAT bellow, you can try. The P2_4 and P2_3 are the same thing, so discard one of them, and use the other to be the head. There are 6 pieces left. Try one by one, eg.: P2_4 + P1_1, if doesn't works, try P2_4 + P1_2, and so on. Join them using this DOS, command:

eg.: copy /b "p2_4.bin" + "p1_1.bin" "test.rom"

Zip this test.rom into a ZIP name "kof2003t.zip" and place it in Kof2003's directory. Use this DAT to load the game:


System: Neo

RomName: kof2003t

Game: The King of Fighters 2003 (Test) Parent: kof2003


test.rom,0,[insert size],0,0




















CartridgeID: 271

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0


Size is in Hexa, so 1 MB is 100000, 2 MB 200000, and so on. If you succeed with 2 parts, join another, until you rebuild the complete ROM. Good luck!

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suite le dat

This is a DAT file to play the game with Nebula/Kawaks (with Loader). With the current set, the game won't work, so use this to check CRC's and so on. You may use this as base to test a new P1, too.


System: Neo

RomName: kof2003

Game: The King of Fighters 2003























CartridgeID: 271

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0


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pour finir

The P1 CRC was changed from 92ed6ee3 to 19d02540 and, the P2 CRC from 5d3d8bb3 to 8242dfda. But what the heck this does? The answer is nothing.

P1 Changes:

0022D300: FF TO 4A

0022D301: FF TO 69

0022D302: FF TO 6D

0022D303: FF TO 6D

0022D304: FF TO 79

0022D305: FF TO 69

P2 Changes:

00377000: 00 TO 4A

00377001: 00 TO 69

00377002: 00 TO 6D

00377003: 00 TO 6D

00377004: 00 TO 79

00377005: 00 TO 69

The sequence 4a 69 6d 6d 79 69, in ASCII is: "Jimmyi"! This lammer patched his name in the junk data and called it "Perfect". It's sad know that people trust and download this... So, if you downloaded this, simply delete it. Next time I will make a patch to add this sequence: 70 6f 69 72 6f 74 (poirot, when in ASCII), and call it "Kof2004 Perfect". =D

si ca peut aider ;)

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merci de ta reponse j en attendait pas - de toi

cela dit le mec a lair de dire qu on peut lancer kof2003 sur winkawas via une manip sous dos non??

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ca ne marche que partiellement , il obtient des bribes de codes, a mon avis, ca resemble plus au coup de bol qu au decryptage :) .

ce qui serait interessant, ce serait de savoir comment mame decrypte la P1 et s il ne serait pas possible de sauver cette P1 decompresse (par un programme compile a partir des sources de mame ou autre), mais j y connais pas assez la dedans, faudrait demander a yoshihiro :D .

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