XBMC 17-12-2006 SVN rev7377 build - T3CH


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Nouvelle version de XBMC 2.0.1, lecteur multimédia pour Xbox qu'on ne présente plus.

Pour rappel, XBMC n'utilise plus le système CVS mais SVN pour la gestion des sources. De même, les versions T3CH intègrent désormais la version XBMC Win32 PC environment (fichier .exe) dont nous vous expliquions le fonctionnement sur cet article

Voici le changelog de cette version :

Citation :

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pikes AppleMovieTrailers (AMT) 0.93.5 (scripts: Apple Movie Trailers)

- BritneysPAIRS's ~110 choosen Milkdrop presets (visualisations: MD - BPs Selection)

- EnderW's XBMCScripts Installer 1.0 SCRIPT (scripts: XBMCScripts)

- Rockstar's Snake 1.0 SCRIPT (scripts: Snake)

- Codecs for mplayer (systemplayersmplayercodecs:*)

- 2006-12-17 7377 fixed: the last few seconds of a song wouldnt play

- 2006-12-17 7376 fixed: Added workaround for last row of pixels being cut off of TTF fonts.

- 2006-12-16 7375 fixed: CApplication::PlayMedia would not play internet streams that weren't playlists. (broke playback of such after recent playlist changes)

- 2006-12-16 7374 reverted accidental commit

- 2006-12-16 7373 reverted accidentical commit

- 2006-12-16 7372 fixed: "go to parent folder" sometimes didnt work correctly.

- 2006-12-16 7370 added: music db function to get primary album artists only

- 2006-12-16 7369 Changed : Updated PM3 media Thumb panels to the new panel code

- 2006-12-15 7368 changed: force calls to mplayer to align the stack to 16 byte boundary on function call. added: helper defines to make aligned function calls using dllloader GCC compiled dlls assumes stack is aligned on function entry, it will only ensure that the alignment is kept when going deeper, but this will be wrong if the caller is non gcc based. This misalignment will result in worse performance for mmx based rutines that uses variables on stack, and segfaults for sse based ones (no segfaults in current mplayer/libavcodec as I know of). Thus this change may increase performance for codecs wich are heavly mmx optimized.

- 2006-12-15 7367 Fixed : PM3 Skin Artist name getting cut off in Music Library list mode view

- 2006-12-15 7366 fixed: web stream pointing to a playlist that points to a playlist (nasa), would fail to play fixed: strm files where not possible to queue into current playlist fixed: webserver would crash xbmc if asked to add a specific url to playlist added: parsing of file based .asx and .ram playlist (web based worked partially before)

- 2006-12-15 7365 changed: when cdg is playing and music visualisation is none, the cdg background will be visible

- 2006-12-14 7364 Fixed : PM3 Video settings and Visualisation settings lists didn't wrap top to bottom Changed : PM3 re-enabled smooth scrolling in the Media list views

- 2006-12-14 7363 updated: swedish language (thanks to blittan) added: slovak language (thanks to 2ge) updated: maltese language (thanks to michelbugeja)

- 2006-12-13 7362 added: missing file formats for cube codec.

- 2006-12-13 7361 fixed: buffered file should not be in project

- 2006-12-13 7360 fixed: file reader didn't reset error state

- 2006-12-13 7359 updated: cube codec to v0.22. see

- 2006-12-13 7358 fixed: video library didn't update the number of objects label correct when switching watched mode.

- 2006-12-13 7357 fixed: video library didn't respect 'ignore the when sorting' setting.

- 2006-12-13 7356 fixed: scanning a rar or zip file on a password protected share would show the login details.

- 2006-12-13 7355 added: enabling stacking flattens CDx/ folders with one video file in it prior to stacking.

- 2006-12-13 7354 fixed: unnecessary inclusion of stdafx.h. broke compilation of e.g. the changelog tool, as it pulled in a lot of headers outside our libpath.

- 2006-12-13 7353 fixed: wraplist would crash on load.

- 2006-12-13 7352 fixed: Animations that have no time length could queue more than once

- 2006-12-12 7351 fixed: dvdplayer would most of the time not switch to the selected fullscreen resolution

- 2006-12-12 7350 fixed: Casting to CFileItem from CGUIListItem could crash (eg in Movie Information view) due to no type checking

- 2006-12-12 7349 removed: reference to the ScriptInfo header in MyGameSave window (wasn't needed)

- 2006-12-12 7348 Fixed : Hard coded title text in PM3 Game saves window

- 2006-12-12 7347 changed: the play part context menu item now uses the stacking dialog as it should.

- 2006-12-11 7346 changed: removed odd extra function SetGUIResolution and made sure SetVideoResolution handled everything it previously did

- 2006-12-11 7345 fixed: splash screen was dysfunctional.

- 2006-12-11 7344 fixed: (hopefully) [ 1612898 ] Bug in IP Settings

- 2006-12-11 7343 fixed: my last cue sheet change introduced some bugs.

- 2006-12-11 7342 changed: removed download gamesave feature, as the website went down.

- 2006-12-11 7341 fixed: Movement of backward compatible thumbpanels towards

download.gif XBMC 17-12-2006 SVN rev7377 build - T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.com

Lien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4900

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