XBMC 09-07-2006 (T3CH)


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T3CH publie une nouvelle version de leur logiciel multimedia qui vous permettra de lire vos divx, DVD, mp3, images etc.. sur votre Xbox.

Cette compile T3CH est un package barebone (logiquement moins de problèmes pouvant provoquer un blocage). Les CVS de XBMC étant "figés" actuellement en prévision de la version 2.0, T3CH a décidé de procéder à plus d'une release par semaine.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le changelog depuis la dernière version du 3 juillet:

Citation :

- 09-07-2006 added: Colorkey to the new setImage Python method.

- 09-07-2006 fixed: [ 1519501 ] ListControl spincontrol down stays focused/pressed

- 09-07-2006 fixed: [ 1519504 ] Last.fm radio no default thumb displayed

- 08-07-2006 fixed: nav sounds completely disappear after fast scrolling

- 08-07-2006 added: ControlImage now have function setImage(filename)

- 08-07-2006 added: Dialog().numeric to Python. Prompt the user for a number, date,time, ip via the Keypad (DialogNumeric)

- 07-07-2006 fixed: skin zoom should respect aspect ratio, zoom level is set on the horizontal direction

- 07-07-2006 fixed: files within rar/zips in rar/zips (double archived) would not play

- 07-07-2006 changed: rewrote how rar/zip's urls are handled, less workarounds needed. (expect glitches)

- 07-07-2006 fixed: [ 1518898 ] Trying to delete *.m3u file, deletes my music instead...

- 07-07-2006 updated: German language file

- 07-07-2006 updated: Turkish language file (Thnx to necipfazil)

- 07-07-2006 updated: Polish language file (Thnx to smuto and the Polish Community Forum)

- 07-07-2006 updated: Dutch language file (Thnx to nightspirit)

- 07-07-2006 updated:
(Traditional) language file (Thnx to omenpica)

- 07-07-2006 changed: cleanup of guiaudiomanager

- 07-06-2006 fixed: delete and rename in my videos were broken.

- 07-06-2006 changed: visualisations now load settings from userdata/visualisations. cleaned up saville and boxalizer.

- 07-07-2006 fixed: random lockups due to thread issues with settings bool cache (once more wink.gif)

- 06-07-2006 fixed: HttpApi SendKey should now process "keyboard" codes again

- 06-07-2006 fixed: HttpApi should process commands slightly quicker

- 06-07-2006 fixed: Progress dialog in Python wouldn't display the third line of text.

- 06-07-2006 fixed: bug when canceling input of gamepad lock code.

- 06-07-2006 changed: removed o: mapping. t: is now mapped to the user data folder. if you run from a dvd it will be set to the savegame folder and the userdata folder will be cached on first run.

- 06-07-2006 fixed: pressing play dvd and autorun would attempt to start mplayer on some dvd's

- 06-07-2006 fixed: random lockups due to thread issues with settings bool cache.

- 06-07-2006 fixed: Some skin settings weren't loaded correctly once a blank setting was encountered.

- 06-07-2006 changed: combined gui and video calibration,

added: new gui setting skin zoom and new skin.xml setting, to allow for overscan adjustment of skin.

removed: osd location adjustment, now only follows what's been set in skin

- 05-07-2006 changed: directory labels in file manager now show 'root' instead of being blank in the root listing.

- 05-07-2006 fixed: !Skin.String(name) conditional wasn't functioning (the ! was ignored)

- 05-07-2006 fixed: Initial control visibility and dialog control visibility were cached incorrectly.

- 04-07-2006 changed: Skin reload no longer stops the currently playing media.

- 04-07-2006 fixed: 'add source button' didn't appear on empty bookmark listing in my programs.

- 04-07-2006 added: Support for UPnP Media Servers auto-discovery. No need to specify IP address of host in sources.xml. No need to use the SsdpProxy program anymore.

- 04-07-2006 changed: Network Setup now uses UPnP auto-discovery.

- 04-07-2006 changed: Speed improvements on all skin setting retrieval. Removed not completely working Skin.CompareString() and replaced with Skin.String(name,value) to do comparisons. Also extended Skin.SetBool(name,value) to take true or false as a parameter.

- 03-07-2006 fixed: Video & Picture titles for UPnP is now displaying actual text

- 03-07-2006 fixed: Compiler settings for debug lipPlatinumd was wrong causing crashes in debug build with debug libs

- 03-07-2006 fixed: some quicktime external dll's where broken since 26-06-2006

- 03-07-2006 changed: made loadlibrary return base address of dll instead of pointer to xbmc dllloader structure.

- 03-07-2006 added: some more emulation needed for the coreavc codec (still not entirely there)

- 03-07-2006 fixed: during movie calibration, on a pal system, there would be one additional mode available identical to other (pal16:9 if widescreen is supported pal4:3 if not)

- 03-07-2006 added: Additional filenames to try when searching for music thumbs - declared in AdvancedSettings.xml

download.gif XBMC 09-07-2006 (T3CH)

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.de

Lien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4778

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Hello !

C'est normal que je viens d'installer cette nouvelle version et que quand je veux mater mes images ou musiques ou vidéos, il n'y a plus les répertoires E, F ou G .

Bref mes disques durs n'apparaissent pas dans le menu mais sont présent dans l'explorer !

J'y comprends rien, je vais réinstaller une ancienne version alors !


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oui c'est normal.

les fichiers ne sont plus les meme avec la nouvelle version:

exemple le dossier Photos s'apelle maintenant Pictures, ou le dossier Musique s'appelle Music

plus besoin de rechercher sur E ou F car tout a ete placer dans un seul et meme dossier donc si tu a des videos sur E et F en meme temp, il te faut nommer les 2 dossiers de la meme facon afin de les voir sur xbmc par la suite (heuuu je pense pas que ce soit clair la looool)

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