Possibilité D'entrer Un Code Action Replay Avec Le Hdadvance?

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Bonsoir a tous,

je voulais juste savoir si il existait un soft qui pourrait etre stocké sur le hdadvance et qui permettrait d'entrer des codes AR, et d'ensuite lancer ses backup.

Merci d'avance!

Modifié par JediK
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Tjrs personne?

technique possible, pas possible.....??

C'est possible mais ça m'a l'air compliqué , le mieux reste de l'utiliser avec ton jeu original pour debloquer ta partie , puis de sauvergarder pour reprendre le jeu sur le hdd. Moi je fait comme ça.

Mais si tu est vraiment motivé j'ai trouvé ce tuto en englais:

You'll need.

1. ISOBuster (to extract the game and armax files into your PC and also

to generate file list.)

2. CDGenPS2 ver 3

3. Hex Editor (any hex editor will do,I'm using UltraEdit32)

4. WinHIIP ver1.6.6 or latest.

*If Ultra Edit 32 crashes, use the other hex editor

-Step 1.

Put your game disc into your PC's DVDRom drive and run ISOBuster then extract all files into one directory e.g C:\MGS3.

This will take a while. After all the game files have been extracted, create a directory list file for the game (right click on the small red ISO icon select Directory tree and file information then select List tree-info (in text file) then select LBA,relative path), put it in the same directory as the game files.The filename will be Filelist.txt. You can close ISOBuster.

-Step 2.

Extract ARMax / Evo files same like Step 1. You can omit the file DUMMY.ZIP,BIG.DAT and BIG2.DAT if you want, as these files are only dummy files. You don't need to create the directory file list for ARMax.

-Step 3.

Go to your game directory and rename the file SYSTEM.CNF to SYSTE1.CNF. Edit your game directory file list (i.e the Filelist.txt) and change the SYSTEM.CNF entry to SYSTE1.CNF and save the file.

-Step 4.

Go to your ARMax directory where you've extracted all the files. Open the SLUS_200.90 file with your hex editor. Try to search the SYSTEM.CNF entry.There will be three entries of this. Change it to SYSTE1.CNF (you have to do it 3 times). Make sure to save it. Now you have an edited SLUS_200.90 file (this file is the executable file for ARMax/Evo).

-Step 5.

Open up CDGenPS2 and select Import Tree File,ISOBuster from the Advanced menu. Select the game file list (i.e Filelist.txt) from the game folder. Choose Use LBA (the first option). It will put all the game files accordingly to the original LBA.

Then Open up Windows Explorer and go to your ARMax directory.Select all the files and drag into CDGenPS2. Now all your game files and ARMax files are ready. Click the IMG icon to create an image file. Give it a name. The image file can be in ISO or Bin format. Normally I use BIN/CUE.The process of rebuilding the image will take sometime, so be patient.

-Step 6.

After the new image file has been created open up WinHIIP (make sure your PS2 HDD is already in your PC). Select your PS2 hdd. Choose Add Image(s) and click on your newly created game image. Make sure to put SLUS_200.90 as the boot file and DVD not CD in the option and click on Start button. After the new image game file has been transferred, put your PS2 Hdd back into your PS2 and boot up your PS2 using the HDL/HDA disc. ARMAX will load. Choose the cheat code for that game and press START to launch the game.

REMEMBER: AR Max is still very slow even on HDLoader. Be patient, it will load eventually. There is a pause during boot where it is blank for 15-20 seconds, and after you choose the codes and launch the game it may take 10 seconds. But it works, I tested it myself with Tekken 5.


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