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  1. Bonjour à tous Juste pour signaler que BP continue son travail sur xbox et plus particulièrement sur Visionnary Pour ceux qui ne sauraient pas ce que c'est, c'est tout simplement un frontend magnifique POur vous faire une idée Bonne attente
  2. Sortie de la version 3.2.1 que je viens d'uploader ici => Pour répondre à sico del frina tout dépend de ta xbox à savoir si c'est une version pucée ou sofmoddée Pour la version pucée : Vider la partition c: et upload xbmc dessus puis renommer le default.xbe en evoxdash.xbe
  3. Patboy

    Sortie De Virtual Jaguarx V0.9

    Suite à mon erreur voila enfin la version xbox que je viens d'uploader Je n'aurai pas le temps de le tester donc si certains se sentent motiver pour le faire qu'ils nous fassent un retour sur celui ci ça serait sympa @+
  4. Patboy

    Disque Dur Sata Avec Adaptateur

    Je te confirme qu'une puce n'est pas obligatoire pour mettre cet adaptateur mais ce la depend des modèles de xbox. J'ai ai moddé plusieurs softmoddée avec ces adaptateurs
  5. Patboy

    Disque Dur Sata Avec Adaptateur Les 2TO fonctionnent dessus, 3 à vérifier mais j'ai des doutes
  6. Bonjour The well known homebrew coder lantus, wish you an happy new year by releasing a first version his new emulator : 3dox. This is a 3DO emulator based on FreeDO/FourDO/3dox Xbox. You can read this if you want more information about this console. 3dox – Xbox 360 New Years Day Pre-Release – V0.03 ================================================= Introduction ============ 3dox – A 3DO emulator for your Xbox 360. Based on FreeDO/FourDO/3dox Xbox About a year ago i became interested in porting FreeDO (the 3DO emulator) to the Xbox 360. It turns out that incrediclint had an Xbox 1 port of FreeDO/FourDO port up and running called 3dox. His source code in turn became the core code that I then used for the majority of my work. incrediclint stopped working on his Xbox 1 port due to the fact that it would not run at a good framerate due to the limitations of Xbox 1 hardware. The Xbox 360 port initally did not fare much better. Initially it would not run. The FreeDO codebase is not Big Endian friendly. I quickly got it working on big endian and found out that emulation performance was terrible. Averaging 20-25fps. Generally speaking, the CEL engine code is the main cause for performance issues. I spent quite some time optimizing functions to be more PPC friendly it helped gain 10-15fps or so. At that point i tried some multi-threading but nothing seemed to help. So i abandoned the project and tossed it in the « not to release pile » due to the fact that the performance was still not great (35-40ps on average) Fast forward to December 2012 – I decided to take another look at the sourcecode and see if i can speed it up. Long story short, with a clear head and a fresh look at the code. The idea was to thread the DSP and CEL emulation. Some pain along the way but threading was implemented and working nicely- Now emulation is (generally) at 60fps. So welcome the new year with a new emulator for the Xbox 360. Remember this is a pre-release Features ======== - Fast 3DO emulation. - Full graphics/sound support - NVRam saving. - Pixel Shader support. - Big Endian friendly (PS3/Wii/Wii(U) port anyone?) - Source code released. Pre-Release Info/Issues ======================= - 1p controller support only at this time. - Sound has issues (scratchy/off pitch/generally pretty bad). - Random pauses and stutters occur. - Performance issues with some games. - Savestates are not implemented. - .ISO extension and .BIN extension are supported only - The launcher will load games only. There are currently no other options. - There are graphics issues. Wrong color palette at times. Theres still endian issues to address. - Game specific timing fixes are not implemented. - Pixel shaders are working but you cant select one. For now you need go into the shaders folder and rename/copy the shader you want to use and called it ‘default.fx’. I’ve included CRT, HQ4x shaders to use. Installation Notes ================== - Place 3DO bios file inside bios folder. File MUST be called bios.rom - Roms go in the Roms folder. Files must be .ISO or .BIN otherwise they wont work. - Run 3doLauncher to start. - Press ‘A’ to launch the rom. While in game – right thumbstick to quit back to launcher. Controller Mapping ================== Game Select Screen: A: Launches the game. In-Game: B = A A = B B = C Start = P Back = X Left Trigger = Left Button Right Trigger = Right Button DPad = DPad Right Thumb Stick Click = Exit to launcher Credits and Thanks ================== Freedo Team: Alexander Troosh, Maxim Grishin, Allen Wright, John Sammons, and Felix Lazarev @ FourDO Team : JohnnyDude – quite alot of 3dox is based off his code. incrediclint for his Xbox 1 3dox sourcecode. Artik @ Logic-Sunrise for supporting the 360 homebrew scene Razkar @ for supporting the 360 homebrew scene!
  7. Patboy

    Sortie De Coinops 5 ;)

    T'as trouvé ce fichier ou sans indiscretion ?
  8. Patboy

    Sortie De Coinops 5 ;)

    Sortie de Coinops 5 je pense que certains n'ont pas vu la news lol
  9. Patboy

    Sortie De Cpx3 V1.0a Boss Hack Edit

    "Cpx3 V1.0a Boss Hack Edit" c'est une version hackée qui débloque les boss dans le choix des personnages
  10. Salut une version hackée est sortie de CPX3 v1.0a ce weekend. Je ne peux pas la poster pour des questions légales.
  11. Ca date de 2011 mais le gars dit qu'il avance sur ce projet je vous laisse admirer le truc. Juste beautiful !!!! !
  13. Bonjour, Je vous informe qu'une nouvelle version de final Burn Legends est sortie (optomisée)
  14. Sortie de Virtual JaguarX v0.9 un emulateur Jaguar pour xbox !!!!! Non non la xbox n'est pas morte loin de là ! Je dirais même la meilleur plateforme pour l'emulation