[théorie] Divx Sur Console Bannie.


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biaz de xbhBBS a donné son idée pour permettre la lecture de DivX sur xbox bannie.

En voici l'extrait :

I've got an idea on how to get DIVX working on banned consoles. It goes like this:

1. You take an unbanned console with a fresh harddisk (clean, formatted).

2. You extract the keyvault from the unbanned xbox.

3. You download the newest kernel update + DIVX codec.

4. You connect the harddisk to your computer and does a 1:1 backup of the harddisk to your computer.

Now everything is obtained to do the transfer.

5. You take a banned console and connects its harddisk to your computer.

6. You do a 1:1 restore to the harddisk, with the before-made backup. (Now they are identical)

7. You insert the previously extracted keyvault to the banned console.

8. Turn on the xbox, try to play a DIVX file and it should work!

9. (IMPORTANT) Never connect that xbox to the internet again!

*Under the assumption that the DIVX codec + licence is linked to some information in the keyvault (eg. serial number), this should work.

La méthode est quasiment la même que le pour débannissement et est tout à fait possible.

Personnelement, je suis persuadé que ça fonctionne mais tant que personne ne l'a testé, on ne peut donner l'info en tant que [théorie].

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