A Cet Idiot De Stachen


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Bon ecoute mon ptit gars t'es bien mignon mais ton site foireux tu peu

te le garder et eviter de faire de la pub okay?? ici on est sur un site qui cartonne et chez nous

on veu pas d'idiot qui parlent de copies illégales ou de soit disant légalité de site, legueux

ta rien piké du tout c toi qui vient ici faire de la pub !! et bien moi je dis que si ta pas

trouvé d'otre moyen que celui ci pour faire de la pub pour ton site alors tu mérite même

pas le titre de webmaster... je tien d'ailleur a soutenir legueux pour son site mortel et

j'espere ne pas etre le seul a vouloir défendre le site gx-mod.com!!! a tout

les fervents admirateurs de ce site, ne laissons pas cette ordure foutre le bordel (pardon je

m'emporte!!) sur notre site favori!! alors a toi stacken meme si tu

parle pas de hacking , moi j'en parle alors reste calme tout ira bien je défendrai


Le défenseur lol!! ph34r.gif



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On se calme neo_ ça sert à rien de s'enerver tongue.gif

Je pense que ce

Stachen ou je ne sais quoi à un problème de compréhension ou de vue mais je pense

qu'il va se calmer et au pire il nous fait bien rigoler.

Merci pour ta prise de

defense et ton soutient.

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Invité stachken

you gays just don't understand it.

the fact that so many people

are getting upset about my post is the fact that they realise that what has been done is


is it so difficult to make a webpage at your own.

if you can setup a board like

this i'm pritty shure you are smart enough to make a introducion page at your


and maybe it will not be that nice (in my personal opinion) as ours is but at least it will

be from your own and give your site a personal touch.

the fact that the link is removed is

hjust because not to many people would know the first page isn't original made by the

webmaster but just a copy.

All the flaming just proves that SOME people here

don't have the brains nor the descent to admit that what they did is wrong.

but i

guess thats quite normal for french people.

And yes i have to work with french people

every day and a lot of different ones so not allways the same and only 10% at max can

understand how life works and don't understand that the world is turning around there


Not all of them offcourse but at least here there are some relly fr..ch


o and to that person that would disable my account.

Be my guest.i just

make another one.and if you would use IP-block i just use a ip-tunnel so i can reregister a

million times .

so you don't have to do any effort because if i want i will be here

keeping nagging.

constructive greetings.

and NO i'm not going to

write this again in french because you all should learn THE world language

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you gays just don't

understand it.

the fact that so many people are getting upset about my post is the fact

that they realise that what has been done is wrong.

is it so difficult to make a webpage at

your own.

if you can setup a board like this i'm pritty shure you are smart enough to

make a introducion page at your own.

and maybe it will not be that nice (in my personal

opinion) as ours is but at least it will be from your own and give your site a personal


the fact that the link is removed is hjust because not to many people would know

the first page isn't original made by the webmaster but just a copy.

All the flaming

just proves that SOME people here don't have the brains nor the descent to admit that

what they did is wrong.

but i guess thats quite normal for french people.

And yes i have

to work with french people every day and a lot of different ones so not allways the same and

only 10% at max can understand how life works and don't understand that the world is

turning around there dick.

Not all of them offcourse but at least here there are some relly

fr..ch ones.

o and to that person that would disable my account.

Be my guest.i

just make another one.and if you would use IP-block i just use a ip-tunnel so i can reregister a

million times .

so you don't have to do any effort because if i want i will be here

keeping nagging.

constructive greetings.

and NO i'm not going to

write this again in french because you all should learn THE world


> you gays just don't understand it.

I'm not gay as you, first !


guess thats quite normal for french people.

Don't do generality, someone known

as A.Hitler thank the same Way; You're Wrong !

>and NO i'm not

going to write this again in french because you all should learn THE world


Stop Prozac, Valium or anything else ! Where have you seen that

English is THE world Language ? It proove once again your way to think ! You're

not the center of the world !

All that for just a nasty Web Page ! There are

thousand ans thousand web pages nowadays, so, some of them may lok a bit the same;

that's not a reason to hurt people.

Those 2 site don't talk about the same

subject: What's the problem ?

... Redfield1 ...

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you gays just don't

understand it.

the fact that so many people are getting upset about my post is the fact

that they realise that what has been done is wrong.

is it so difficult to make a webpage at

your own.

if you can setup a board like this i'm pritty shure you are smart enough to

make a introducion page at your own.

and maybe it will not be that nice (in my personal

opinion) as ours is but at least it will be from your own and give your site a personal


the fact that the link is removed is hjust because not to many people would know

the first page isn't original made by the webmaster but just a copy.

All the flaming

just proves that SOME people here don't have the brains nor the descent to admit that

what they did is wrong.

but i guess thats quite normal for french people.

And yes i have

to work with french people every day and a lot of different ones so not allways the same and

only 10% at max can understand how life works and don't understand that the world is

turning around there dick.

Not all of them offcourse but at least here there are some relly

fr..ch ones.

o and to that person that would disable my account.

Be my guest.i

just make another one.and if you would use IP-block i just use a ip-tunnel so i can reregister a

million times .

so you don't have to do any effort because if i want i will be here

keeping nagging.

constructive greetings.

and NO i'm not going to

write this again in french because you all should learn THE world


No comment, you're so really stupid guy.

I've built my webpage with

FREE skins and CMS. Do you understand FREE ?

And sorry but if my

website speak about Xbox it's normally that there is same logos/images on my website

and on another xbox's websites.

This is the last time i answer you because

you're not at the same brain development that french, go out of prehistoric age.

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Faut l'oublier ce gars il en vaut pas la peine il

essaye de fouttre le bordel et il y arrivera pas et ca il le voit et ca doit l'enerver un max


Sinon Neo_ je suis tout a

fait d'accord avec toi cool.gif

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C sur que ce mec c'est un espece de patriotiste de je ne sais

ou!!! lol

On s'en fou, moi je defendrai ce site parce kil ma permis de

reussir plein de modifs xbox et parce qu'il est tenu par des mec


Quant a stachken, je tien a lui dire que que je suis un brillant

élève d'anglais et que je comprend ( comme vous tous j'en suis sur!!) très

bien l'anglais donc plutot que de faire le malin j'aimerai bien qu'il ecrive en

francais pour kon se marre un coup!! parce que jusque la, legueux a raison il nous

fais bien rire!!

ps; pour finir je tien a dire que certes l'anglais est très

parlé dans le monde, mais si stachken avait un peu de culture il saurait que la langue la plus

parlée dans le monde est le mandarin!!! et oui!!lol



Le defenseur.... ph34r.gif

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Invité nemesis

est tu peut parler francais j ai deja du mal avec mais anglais moi sa me fait

(chi.....) pour une voix qu il y a un sit en francais bien fait et cool, respecter le travail te ceux

qui bosse dessus, vive gueux. Faut pas pousser on va pas laisser boof carrote nous faire

........... reste sur t on ile et au qu a ou le monde ne te plaie pas retourne dans ta grotte ou milite

pour une causse plus juste la protection, ex le monton, la vache, biggrin.gif ou du crabe a deux patte.


moi cest les

mostique du gabon laugh.gif

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