Help Me Plz,progressive Scan On Dash2gam

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Hi at all,sorry if i write in english but i'm italian and don't know other language...

i try to write on english.. :(

I use MS dash,UnleashedX and Avalaunch dash whit progressive scan 720p whitout problem..

I have try to use Dash2gam,UserInterface and Neodashx but this 3 not work on progressive scan.. when i power the xbox the TV is BLACK...

Whit the original dashboard 3d of microsoft for resolve this problem i have use this metod:

At TV Black:

2 Time Down (setting) and press A

3 Time Down (video) and pressa A

1 Time down (480p) and press A

1 Time left (yes/no) and pressa A

After that i press

Left Triggher+Right Trigher + All analogic level UP and PRESS

And the dash Appears on Progressive scan...

Anyone know if ther'is a mode similar to enable the progressive scan on DAsh2Gam dashboard ?

in whichever case if you dont respond me i want write to you compliment becous de dash2gam :wub: (i have see whit rgb) is the plus beautiful dash for the xobox and after dash2gam my favorite is unleashedx

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