Hdd Driver ! Invalide Size !


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Je viens de planté ma xbox (qui fonctionnait jusque la sous evox grace à la methode hot swap hdd driver phoenix bios loader).

J'ai voulu metre xbmc comme dash d'origine et j'ai mal renomé mon evoxdash.xbe

donc quand ca boot ya le logo de phoenix et plus rien :(

Je met donc un jeux pour delocker mon DD et comme je sais le faire hot swap et hdd driver mais la apres avoir detecté mon dd xbox hdd driver me met un truc genre "invalide sise " et j'ai beau cliqué sur ok rien a faire pareil avec d'autre logiciels ca detecte le disque et puis sa plante.

Si quelqu'un peut m'aider malgrés mes recherches sur les forums pas de solutions.

Modifié par gaelt
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OUF Pour ceux qui on le meme probleme g trouvé la parade et g restoré mon disque:

Désolé c en anglais mais ca marche:

Hello guys, I've read the entire topic and have been following it since it started. I was hopeing I could offer you guys some help. I had previously used the font exploit to run Evox on my xbox K: 4977 D: 4920 NTSC, but like everyone else would get tired of the nagging clock loop. I then decided to give the UDE a shot. Well needless to say it didn't work for me the first time and thus I had to figure out how to get my HDD unlocked and recognized by my pc so I could restore my original xbox HDD via my .bin file I created when I first got my xbox a long time ago using HD Driver. Long story short........

1. The manner I use to unlock my hdd (works for me) unplug the dvd drive IDE cable and leave the xbox hdd IDE and power connector..

2. Turn the xbox on and after the flubber animation you should get a #11 error code I did, this in turn unlocked my xbox HDD

3. I then disconnected the xbox's HDD IDE and connected it to my pc and let it boot (I had previously hit pause at the pc's BIOS screen so the pc was already on) then hit enter so XP would load

4. When trying to use HD Driver I would get the enless error and the program would then close. So here is what I did:

a. I opened HD Driver and it told me XBox HDD found (If I would have hit OK, I would have gotten the error messase) SO, Don't hit OK!!! I just went to the restore option and restored my hdd using HD driver. Note: Again when it told me a xbox hd was found I did not hit ok I just went to the option to restore my HD

b. After it was done, I closed the program by clicking the "X" box in the top right. Then I get a windows message that there was an error in HD Driver and I choose not to send an error report.

c. Now I can open HD Driver or FatXplorer and the HD is loaded without a problem ( I do however get 1 invalid filesize error in HD driver)

5. For some reason if I would try to use HD driver to add files to the HD it would crash when I would click any directory, so I would use FatXplorer to add files to the HD, now this was just me being anel about using this program but I would keep the window where the fatxplorer .exe was executed open while I would use this program. I could add files and delete files and add directories without a problem it was however a bit slow and seem as if it was frozen but just let the program be and it should respond again.

Note: I did notice when I would try to add files to Data directory it would crash and when I would try to open the program again I would be back to where I started with the program just opening and closing and HD driver giving me the enless error, to add files to the xbox hdd I would then just use xboxhdm which requires creating a bootbable cd and then loading xlinux on the computer and using the command xbrowser which will let you access the xbox hd and create, rename, delete directories and do the same with files.

If you guys would like to see what my directories look like to see what files I have on my xbox hd I would be more then happy to post it since this is something that would have really helped me when I was trying to do the UDE.

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