Pso 3 Compatible Stream Avec Bba


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est ce que pso 3 europeen est compatible avec le stream via le bba

si oui comment on le configure ect merci d'avance reppa ^^!

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Donc pour pso 3 normalement pour qu'il marche avec psoload faut faire ca

Pso DNS guide by DesktopMan

Pso main 60hz USA server: (port 9100)

Pso main 60hz PAL server: (port 9200)

Pso main 50hz PAL server: (port 9201)

Hanewin dns server:

Download and install the dns server.

Open the main window, be sure the statusbar says "Ready on on Port 53".

For USA pso:

Otions->local domain, input as local domain, and add a valid e-mail address.

Options->Add entry, input and your pc's ip at the right.

For PAL pso (60hz):

Otions->local domain, input as local domain, and add a valid e-mail address.

Options->Add entry, input pso-gc1.pso and your pc's ip at the right.

Press ok.

Now, on your cube, change the dns server adress to your local pc's ip.

You are ready to go.

To test if the dns server is running (after the above is done):

Change your network settings and add your local ip as primary dns server.

Open a command window (start->run->cmd on 2k/xp, start->run->command on 98/me)

write ping, or ping if you are running pal

If you get a reply from your local ip the server is working.

If you want to continue using your pc as dns server, use Options->External Name server to add your isp's dns server.

When this is done, any domain not on your local dns will be forwarded to your isp's dns, and everything will work as it should.

La nouvelle version sera surement plus simple a utiliser

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