Nouveau Multiman Lv2 Patch V3 Inside


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salut, juste pour signaler que la nouvelle mise a jour intégrant le patchV3 est sortie :)


voici le change log :

Version 01.13.02 is available now as UPDATE only.

* Fixed support for CFW 3.55 (KMW/WTG/WNK/GH) and latest PL3 (kmeaw)

* [Last Game] application fixed to support CFW 3.55 (separate download)

* New options in the ini (clear_activity_logs / load_custom_payload)

* Other important fixes

Download and install the update only if you have the base/full/mega already installed.

Also delete LAST GAME app from your XMB and reinstall it.


en clair, c'est un update, il faut que la version 13.0.1 soit installée :)

Modifié par sebxtreme
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