C4eva Parle Du Firmware De La Ps3


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Salut a tous je sais pas si sa deja ét. poster mais je l'envoi quand meme:

c4eva en n'a parler hier sur le chat FW EFNET :

<******> how's the ps3 blue-ray firmware comming along?

[2010-11-10 04:17] <c4eva> ******:will look at that when finished here, got sidetracked!

[2010-11-10 04:48] <********> c4eva, any info in you collaboration with demonhades on ps3 fw

[2010-11-10 04:48] <c4eva> ps3 fw comes next after all this!

[2010-11-10 04:49] <******> will the ps3 fw do the exact same thing as the xbox fw? right now there is already homebrew out to run games off hard drive

[2010-11-10 04:51] <c4eva> ****:yes you cant play on psn with jailbreak :)


source:fw efnet

Modifié par hyndrid
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