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  1. Hi Gael360, I've a question for you, is possible to make a new version of WxRipper that can unlock the TS-H943 connected to the PC and make a full backup included the SECURITY SECTORS (SS.bin) that only Dvdinfopro can extract now? Thanks in advance. :fouf: (PS sorry form my english) :fouf:
  2. 01matrix01

    Backup Complet D'un Jeu

    You are the best!!! I've tested it with my NFSMW PAL ITALIAN removing it from wxRipper.dp to test the "unknow game" and it works fine!!! Also wx360 with the command line options!!!
  3. 01matrix01

    Wx360 Version 1.4

    Gael360 wich film in DVD9 do you use to make your backups? Thanks.