Probleme Ps2 Avec Infinity


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Bonjour. j'ai une ps2 3900 avec une puce infinity firmware 1.5. J'ai mes jeux qui calent souvent en pleine partie ect en loading alors qu'avant j'ai jamais eu ce problème. Aussi des cinematiques qui sautent.Est que ca serait pas la lentille qui deviendrait veille?

Merci d'avance

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ça te fait sur tous les jeux? dvd originaux et back up?Ps1 et Ps2?

tu changé de média ,récemment?tu graves en combien?

si sur originaux aussi , vérifie tes coils de ta lentille ensutie donne nous les valeurs en ohm

pour verifier ton bobinage

Taking the Measurements

There are 3 locations that can be used to measure the resistance of the coils. Although this is usually only required or performed when the laser or BA / LA chip is already damaged - I have included it anyway so that people can fault find their dead stations.

One of the locations is on the edge of two surface mount capacitors on the PS2 main board near the BA / LA controller chip. I wont discuss that location as it is measuring the coil resistance in circuit, which can provide false readings if say the controller chip is itself damaged.

What you are looking for:

1) Approximately 4.5 ohms across coil 1 & 2 = Good laser coils - check pots or clean.

2) Less than 1 ohm across coil 1 & 2 = Very Bad laser coils

3) Approximately 4.5 ohms across coil 1 & less than 1 ohm on coil 2 = Bad laser

4) Approximately 4.5 ohms across coil 2 & less than 1 ohm on coil 1 = Bad laser

Location (1) - requires the complete removal of the lens from the PS2. Also requires the removal of the plastic shroud covering the lens

Location (2) - Preferred location! - Requires only access to the rear of the lens. 400B laser shown,

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