Firmware 2.0 Eboot Loader V0.8 For Psp


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Salut :)

je viens juste pour vous apprendre que la nouvelle version du Firmware 2.0 Eboot Loader est sortit ! mais aparament toujours pas de fastloader, UMD emulator ou de Dev Hook crying

Firmware 2.0 Eboot Loader v0.8 for PSP


Fanjita has updated his very popular and easy to use program which allows homebrew to run on your PSP with firmware version 2.0. If you do not want to downgrade every time to run homebrew then this is the way to go. Please note that not all homebrew will run using this program, but the list grows with every release. The many changes in this release include:

v0.8 : Usability, compatibility

- Added capability to reboot the PSP without holding the power button.

During any EBOOT, just hold Left Trigger, Right Trigger and START

buttons for 1 second to exit the loader and reboot back to the PSP


- Separated menu binary from loader binary, to allow custom menu creation.

Included custom menu by Calum.

- Added kernel-mode override facility - allows the loader to attempt

to load apps marked as kernel-mode, that don't really require

kernel access. This doesn't enable a huge number of apps, but it

does enable a few - e.g. ScummVM 0.5, PSPChess, Nethack. Expect more

progress in the future.

- Relax requirement to resolve all NIDs. Now you can choose to ignore

failed NIDs in the hope that they aren't required.

- Improved USER_LUA stability (by incorporating the 0.7 USER_LUA patch)

- Added PowerTick() call to prevent display dimming during play

- Skip calling .init code by default

- Allow easier co-existence of multiple loader versions.

- Improve memory and thread manager semaphoring.

- Added all remaining VSH-mode NIDs, thanks to Vampyre's work.

- Moved working EBOOT list to new web-page.

- Filled in some missing opcodes from the disassembler

- Added syscall dereferencing to disassembler

- Added hook to sceKernelCreateThread, to improve thread monitoring

- Reduced screen spam during loading, by moving it to debug-only build

- Attempt to load more of the ELF sections into RAM if appropriate

- Retired hokey malloc implementation during file load, use proper

memory blocks now.

Lien de telechargement : Firmware 2.0 Eboot Loader v8.0 for PSP

à bientôt :oki:



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Peut être le début d'une bonne nouvelle..................... :fou:

j'ai pa top compris ski a marké...



en attendant des news officiel sur le site de fanjita, ne foutez pas cette homebrew sur PSP, c'est p'tet un nouveau VIRUS PSP!!

faites gaf!

Modifié par Dawn-Of-Secret
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Quelqun la tester ? comment sa marche sur 2.00?

Merci. jarrive pas a le lancer

Slt :) ben moi je l'ai testé il fonctionne tres bien (pour ceux qui ont des problemes faut utiliser le patch du fichier l_08.bin, il est présent sur le site de l'auteur du loader ;)) Sinon ben il n'y a pas beaucoup d'homebrew qui fonctionne pour le moment, vs pouvez consulter la liste sur le site de l'auteur). Pour le lancer il faut aller dans le menu photo de la psp et choisir eboot loader 08 normalement

Modifié par thug972
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