Cheat Halo 2


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salut tout le monde

voila g une question a vous^poser car avec un pote g fait un pari qui est de trouver les cheat de halo 2 d'invinsibiliter.

si vous les aves merci bien de me les donnes

sa me permettre de gagner 30€ et non de les perdre

encore merci a++ :ok:

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yop, ton post est déplacé dans la section jeux, tu auras peut etre un peu plus de chance de gagner ton pari...


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Je les ai pris sur un site en anglais, et je n'ai pas le courage de les traduires...

J'espère que tu va gagner ton pari...


Banshee Tip

On the banshee part of The Great Journey when Johnson blows the door open with the scarab, land the banshee (were the door used to be) and tear the banshee's wings or whatever off. Go in and fly to the door get out to get the door open then fly in quickly then kill off the brutes and fly to the cut scene and when your face to face with tarteris run to the banshee get in and kick tarteris's a...


Skull Power

This cheat works beter in legendary , what you have to do is play the level when you first drive the banshee with the alien. Next, what you got to do is ignore helping the phantom and go down and circle around where you will see some grunts dancing around a skull, kill all the grunts and pick up the skull with X and you will see the true power.


Hint - When Taking Ghost Vechicle

When taking a ghost vechicle instead of pressing x try getting on the back and keep pressing B if you do this right youwill beat the driver to death.


Grab flag through wall

When your playing CTF you can grab the flag through the walls on colossus and beaver creek. For beaver creek all you have to do is have one of your friends go through your bases portal. and then have all the rest of the team go on an assualt and grab the flag and throw it against the wall. Your other teamate should be able to grab it through the wall as long as he stays inside the portale after he transport. Then just exit and enter the portal and you'll be right back at your base. (easy score). Now for colosuss this is alot easier all you have to do is go under the platform from where the flag is (try not to be seen) and just get directly under the flag, jump and crouch in the air and hold x the whole time you should grab the flag right through the floor. This is good for a surprise grab.


Flying Tank

Ok first make a game type, with tanks as main heavy vehicle, and make sure to put on overshields. Then play the game on zanzibar. Get in the tank and drive it to the other side of the big fan/wheel, drive into the part where the wheel passes, and wait for it to carry you up, once it starts carrying you, drive forward, once you come in contact with the bridge thing, the wheel will cause you to flip and go soaring and flipping all across the map, you can get on top of either of the basses this way, but if you bouce around enough you will end up blowing up your tank. But its always fun to fly around and crush things.


hint - multiplayer level 2

On multiplayer level 2, after you get out of the cave go to the first area with enemies, but leave your warthog just before you get there. Fight off the enemies, and when the pelican comes to pick you up you get another warthog. Simply drive back the way you came, and now you have two warthogs, one for each person. You can do this again when you get to the next area to get three warthogs, but it would be a hassle going back to fetch one.


hint - stun elite

When facing an Elite, if you get close enough, dodge on his side, then hit him. He will be stunned for less than a second, so you move to his back and give another hit. It's a quick way to get past elites, it requires some practice though.


Zanzibar - Subliminal Message

In the multiplayer map "Zanzibar" go to the control panel to open the gate. After opening the gate,look at the text on the computer screen with your binoculars.


Glitch In Campaign Mode (Halo 2)

In any level where you must play as an Elite, drain the power supply on your plasma saber.Put it away and get out another weapon.Use your camoflauge,and then get out the drained plasma sword.It will appear to have full power.


Hint- Fighting the shielded ship

When your fighting your way out of the quarantine labs, and you hav just fallen down a piston hole to emerge in an outdoor platform, kill all of the flood in the area. You will be left fighting multiple sentinels and a huge shielded ship. Hide behind a wall, then use your camoflage to sneak around the other side and fire at the ship while it is bombing your old hiding place. Sentinel beams and battle rifles are particularly effective when getting under the shields of the ships


New multiplayer map

In the last level, play in co-op mode with a profile who has done the game and a new profile. When you have the banshee, the player with the new profile must make 2 barrel rolls (one on each side) and an backflip. Finish the mission, the new profile will now have a new multiplayer map: Foundation.


Hint - watch the battle

On the nearly last level when you are the spartan you will come across using your light all the time and there is one bit on that level where basically if you wanna fight you will die, so when the lift stops quickly kill the grunt and you will see a big mucsle thing on the wall jump on it and get up to the top. Then all you will have to do is sit, relax and enjoy the battle between the flood and the covenent.


Hint - Blind Mode

At the beginning of the level "Outskirts" (the first level on earth), when you pass the first door, there is a light in front of you, jump on it, then, on your left, you can jump and crouch in the air (if you don't crouch, you won't jump high enough). On the left again, there is an alley, there are grenades and a skull. You can pick up the skull by holding X. This will engage the blind mode, it makes your HUD totally disappear.


Hint:Get on top

On the level Zanzibar, to get on top of the van, go inside it and let it take you up on your left, there will be a ledge (the ledge that you let down for the sword) jump on it then look behind you and you got it, just jump.

The ledge for the sword must not be down it has to still be up.


Hint:Stun hunters

To easily beat hunters (you have to have plasma grenades or it might not work) all you have to do is stick a plasma grenade anywhere on their body. When it explodes they will stand up, which is when you attack (this is good for when you can't get behind them).


Hint: Infinite camouflage

When you play as an alien press pause and press on d-pad back back down back+B and you will get infinite camouflage to turn off the comouflage press white again when you play as the spartan press the same buttons and you will get infinite ammo this will be a temporary cheat


Bon, j'en ai mis quelques un... pour les autres, va sur :

PS : Dsl pour le long post...

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Bon aller je te les donnes mes vas pas t'amuser a aller pourire le live

Sur l'ecran ou tu choisie ton profile, apuies sur la touche blanc et reste apuié.

Choisie ton profile avec start, ensuite fait droite, gauche droite gauche haut bas, bas haut, X, X, Y, Y, X,, Y, X. et tu lache le blanc (il faut vraiment aller vite)

Et tu passe en mode debug (ce que utilise les dev pour trouver les bug) normalement un menu apprait, et la tu peut choisir, muntion inifinie, invisibiliter, super saut, je sais pas trops les autre, certaines on l'aire de servire a rien.

Par contre ca marche pas sur les news map.

Et quesque on dit

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telecharge ça Halo2 shit code

ensuite telecharge ça EvolutionX 3935

ensuite tu decompresse le premier fichier evt_hlo_plus13_public

il y auras un fichier nfo + un fichier .etm......Ensuite tu decompresse le fichier evolutionx build 3935 il y auras plusieurs fichier tu prendras ceux-la

repertoire skin

repertoire trainers

fichier evox.ini

fichier evoxdash.xbe

ou tu met le dash en principale ou en application

ensuite tu met ton .etm de halo shit que tu avais decompresser dans le repertoire trainers puis tu balance le tous dans un repertoire appeler evox par exemple a ta xbox si tu le met en appli puis tu lance le dash evox ...

ensuite tu va dans systeme et puis trainers tu en auras 5 ou 6 tu choisi halo2 puis tu presse le bouton A ensuite un menu apparais tu selectionne yes pour l'activation et pour le reste a toi de voir lit le fichier nfo pour les correspondance tu a 13 shit dont ce que tu veux invincibilité et invisible et le huge c'est que ton perso et 2x plus grand...

pour plus de shit par rapport au jeux que tu possede evolutionx Trainers

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