

Messages recommandés

sur CD ou disque dur de memoire

tu le lance sur la xbox ( par cd ou disque dur ) et apres faut allez chercher un bios ( toujours sur dd ou disque dur )

pourkoi tu tiens absolument par ftp ? ta un lecteur DVD si pourri ?

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With Flash-X you can now select which bank you wish to flash

whether its 256k, 512k or 1MB. Gone are the days of a bad flash,

now you simply program 256k or 512k at a time.

Installers who like to hot swap and flash their X2's will be

pleased to hear that the machine does not reboot once you have

flashed - so you can simply flash / hotswap / flash / hotswap

much faster than when the xbox rebooted each time you flashed.

You can select bios's stored on C, D, E & F drives (sub dir \bios)

Compatible with Xecuter2.x Lite / Lite Plus, and Xecuter2.x PRO.

Of course you can also run this from CDR / CDRW / DVDR without

having a custom dash installed and still flash your bios with

no problems - again great for installers in a hurry.

Select which bank to flash to (1, 2, 3, 4, 1+2, 3+4, 1234)

Load bios from c: d: e: f: (sub dir \bios)

Fast program / verify routine

No reboot on programme (perfect for mass flashers)

Detect if mod is flash protected

Works on all models (v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

XECUTER2.x Lite and XECUTER2.x Pro Compatible

Modifié par Pink Floyd
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