Flash Bios Ghost 2 Suite...[resolu]


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bonjour a tous j'ai un autre probleme!

je vien de reusire a installer ma puce et quand je veux flasher la puce, apres les 5 resets j'arrive a ce message: "updating softawre...done switch off power to complete update" que dois je faire ensuite?

merci de m'aider encore!

Modifié par etr
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voila ma petit recherche



The mode select is pretty similar to M2 - by tapping RESET button on ps2 a number of times after power up. The modes are as follows:

(from STANDBY, when the LED on reset button is RED)

1. Default mode - with autodetect and all features on. This is the only mode users probably will ever need except recovery mode which has to be entered at least once to program eeprom.

2. Ghost mode - the same as above (1) but switches chip off when the game is loaded. This is to be compatible with some utilities such as RegionX, players etc. When you load for example RegionX disk and you're asked to insert movie disk to play, the chip is already off at that time and when you put the disk the machine will not detect it as ps2disk - the mod chip is off (in sleep state). It will be activated every time you press the RESET button, but only to load the game, then it goes to sleep again. This mode is enabled in sw so we can reprogram it to anything else later on if needed.

3. Chip off - switches mod chip off completely, ps2 behaves as it has not been modified.

4. Flash upgrade - the same as (1) but enables write to EEPROM - in all previous modes any write/erase/modify operations are not possible because EEPROM is hardware write protected. We use it during development to reprogram EEPROM via network adaptor or USB.

5. Recovery mode - used to program EEPROM for the first time (blank EEPROM), to reprogram it if corrupted etc. This mode doesn't apply a single patch to cdvd nor bios bus, that's why it is possible to reprogram EEPROM when it's not usable. User doesn't need to do anything - just enter recovery the mode, put the recovery CD and wait for the recovery process to complete. Please note - as there are NO PATCHES applied to ps2 in recovery mode we have to use 2 version of recovery disk - one for Jap region, and one for PAL region. This is because Japanese and PAL ps2 check for "Licensed by.." string when load PSX disk (and in this case the recovery disk as a PSX disk for ps2). American machines don't do this check by some reason so you can use either Jap or PAL recovery CD. It doesn't matter which one to use as there's no differences in EEPROM file. So customers will need to download ISO image of recovery disk for either JAP or PAL region, Americans can use either of them.

It might look complicated, but it's not :). As we stated above the only mode you need is (1) - just power up your machine normally by pressing RESET or EJECT. PS2 will remain in ANY of those modes until you go back to STANDBY or switch off the power. The modes can be changed ONLY from STANDBY - afterwards you can tap and press whatever you like, as many times as you like and it will not change the mode.

From STANDBY, when you press RESET the machine is switched on and you have 2 seconds to tap RESET again after the BLUE LED turns on. When you tap RESET again the BLUE LED goes off and when it turns on again you've got 2 seconds to tap RESET if needed, etc…

Mode Number of Reset Taps 

Default Mode  1

Ghost Mode    2

Chip Off            3

Flash Upgrade    4

Recovery Mode  5

EXAMPLE1: to switch CHIP OFF you need to:

From STANDBY >> RESET (wait for blue led on), RESET (wait for blue led on), RESET (in 2 sec you're in the mode)

EXAMPLE2: to enter RECOVERY mode:

From STANDBY >> RESET (wait for blue led on), RESET (..), RESET (..), RESET (..), RESET (in 2 sec you're in the mode)

For v12 (scph70k) : You can use the Green Led as Timing Indication since there is no Blue Led anymore on this sytem.

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merci de l'info, juste par hazard personne la en francais car moi et l'anglais ca fais cent!

la qualité des dvd a une influance sur la lectur car la jutilise des dvd traxdata et il me dit d'inserer un disque playstation?! ou ca vien de mon montage? merci encore!!!

Modifié par etr
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la qualité des dvd a une influance sur la lectur car la jutilise des dvd traxdata et il me dit d'inserer un disque playstation?! ou ca vien de mon montage? merci encore!!!

On ne le répéteras jamais assez...le systéme de lecture ps2/two est fragile...

Prendre des médias de qualité s'est s'assurer de ne pas griller trop vite sa lentille...

Pour meiux comprendre , le travail que nécessite la lecture...

Une image du test effectué par des passionnés trés doués.



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si j'ai bien comprie si on utilise des dvd de mauvaise qualité la pstwo nous dira d'insérer un disque ps2 et on peux grillé sa lentille?

merci d'illustrer c'est toujours plus simple et merci a vous tous de votre passience car j'en posse des questios et par moment elles peuvent etre bete! encore merci!

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